Group 2 Presentation
The data is sourced from [transparency international]( cpi/overview). It consists of useful information about Corruption perceptions index (cpi) ranks countries/territories in terms of the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians. More info is found here. ( cpi2014/in_detail).
Presentation A. Statistical Analysis
1. Using the variable Country create a new categorical variable with no-more than five groups called “Region”(e.g., North America, Europe, etc.). This is your first independent variable.
2. Using the variable Year create a new categorical variable with no-more than three groups called “Time Period”(e.g., 1996-2006, 2007-2016). This is your second independent variable.
3. Create two research question and two testable hypotheses. Use the if-then- else hypothesis approach. One hypotheses is for region and one hypotheses is for time period.
4. Calculate univariate statistics for each variable. 5. Calculate appropriate bivariate statistics. 6. Generate an appropriate figure(s) — eg., bar chart of box-and-whisker plot. 7. Using ANOVA, and test your hypotheses.
B. Presentation 1. Describe your study’s significance—what is the problem. Make certain to
cite the literature. 2. Present your research question and three hypotheses. 3. Discuss the dataset including how the data is collected and how your data
was measured. 4. Present your univariate statistics for each variable. 5. Present your bivariate statistics 6. Present your study results. Is there a difference between the groups for your
study variables? I. Use APA format — failure to follow APA format will result in a
lower grade. II. Follow APA guidelines for rounding. III. Other than figures/graphs, do not copy and past JMP output.
Coping and pasting JMP output will result in a lower grade. 7. Compare and contrast your hypotheses with the literature you cited in your
introduction. 8. Summarize your results, what are your conclusions and recommendations? 9. Describe how can you take your research further?