EXSUM Rubric
Write an Executive Summary. Your task is to participate in lessons within the MLC, complete your required readings, and then analyze a required case study with a directed focus using one component of the NCO common core. You will then summarize the case study. Your EXSUM will focus on the historical case study but will be supported by other research you conduct to support your findings. Cite at least two references. The goal of the EXSUM is to give you a tool to use throughout your career when summarizing events. The case studies will allow you to see how the actors represented or embodied these current competencies. Late submission subtract 10 points per day. Use the Anaconda Example doc as your template.
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Does NotMeet Standard Meets The Standard
Exceeds Standard
Far Exceeds Standard
NCO Common Core Competency
3 Points Did not identify or explain the NCO Common Core Competency with enough detail to convince the reader that the writer performed adequate research.
11.6 Points The NCO Common Core Competency identified is accurate but at times unclear; key components are present but not fully rounded out with detail and facts. The supporting documentation is basic, and supporting information has minimal detail.
13.3 Points The NCO Common Core Competency is identified and explained appropriately and the writer added additional information related to the required component to support NCO Common Core Competency.
16.6 Points The NCO Common Core Competency is clearly identified and succinctly explained. The writer provided supporting information on the NCO Common Core Competency providing a clear and complete description.
Accuracy 3 Points There were no references made from the case study/vignette or the references made contained fallacies or were out of context.
11.6 Points Chose appropriate references from the case study/vignette to support the topic.
13.3 Points Used references from the case study/vignette in a way that supported the topic for maximum impact on the relevant topic.
16.6 Points Chose references from the case study/vignette significantly impacting the topic. Expertly tied the topic to references chosen.
Rubric Detail
5/15/2020 MLC Portal FY20 2/3
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Does NotMeet Standard Meets The Standard
Exceeds Standard
Far Exceeds Standard
Syntax and Mechanics
3 Points There are five to six grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors that make the paper unreadable or hard to follow.
11.6 Points Sentences and paragraphs are adequate in style and structure. There are three to four grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Less than five passive voice sentences excluding directly quoted material.
13.3 Points Sentences and paragraphs are well written. There are one or two grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Less than three passive voice sentences, excluding directly quoted material.
16.6 Points Sentences and paragraphs are clear, concise, well written and free of passive voice excluding directly quoted material. Facilitates a logical flow of thoughts and ideas.
Organization 3 Points Written work does not progress logically and ideas are not fully developed. Transitions between paragraphs and ideas are often missing or incomplete. Lack of cohesion within paragraphs makes it difficult to follow the paper's flow.
11.6 Points Written work, per assignment directions, progresses logically and ideas formed. Transitions between paragraphs and ideas are sufficient.
13.3 Points Written work, per assignment directions, progresses logically and ideas are complete. Transitions between paragraphs and ideas are smooth. Paragraphs are developed. Reader can follow the paper’s flow.
16.6 Points Written work, per assignment directions, progresses logically and ideas are well developed and cohesive. There is a clear beginning, middle, and end. Paragraphs are well developed; transitions are seamless. Easy to follow.
5/15/2020 MLC Portal FY20 3/3
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Does NotMeet Standard Meets The Standard
Exceeds Standard
Far Exceeds Standard
Research 3 Points Sources outside of the case study/vignette are not relevant or credible.
11.6 Points Source is credible and relevant from outside of the case study/vignette. Used relevant quotes to support work.
13.3 Points Sources are scholarly, credible and relevant from outside of the case study/vignette. Used more than one source.
16.6 Points Sources are scholarly, credible and relevant from outside of the case study/vignette. Used three or more sources. Sources ranged in diverse material such as scholarly journals relevant professional manuals, white papers, and published research from leading authorities.
Directly Quoted Material
3 Points 25% or more directly quoted material.
11.6 Points 16-24% directly quoted material.
13.3 Points 10-15% directly quoted material.
16.6 Points 09% or less directly quoted material.
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