Assignment Instructions:
Describe how Uber’s business model works and the role technology has played in its success.
What are the arguments for banning these types of businesses? What are the arguments for defending them?
Have you ever thought about the data you leave behind for marketers to collect? Marketers are always looking for digital footprints, which are traceable sources of online activities. Visit and review the various resources available. Select one of the tutorials and present what you learned from the video
After reviewing the tutorials on, do you plan to alter your online habits? Are you concerned about your digital footprint and the data trail you leave behind, and do you plan to actively manage them? Why or why not?
Writing Requirements
APA format
3–4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
Use the APA template located in the Course Information folder to complete the assignment.Running head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS) Title of Paper Francisco J. Inestroza University of the Potomac MRKT110 Principles of Marketing Date Joseph Boayue 1 SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS) 2 Abstract [According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), “An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly and, like a title, it enables persons interested in the document to retrieve it from abstracting and indexing databases” (2010, p. 25). The first line of the abstract is not indented. An abstract may range from 150 to 250 words (APA, 2010). Because an abstract is not always required for student papers, adhere to your instructor’s requirements. SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS) [Title of Paper Goes Here (same as main title not bolded)] [The introduction of the paper goes here. Do not use the heading of Introduction] Heading for Section 1 of Your Paper (Must be bold!) [Cover the first main topic of you paper in this section.] Heading for Section 2 of Your Paper (Must be bold!) [Cover the second main topic of your paper in this section.] Heading for Section 3 of Your Paper (Must be bold!) [Cover the third main topic of your paper in this section.] Conclusion [This is the where the conclusion of your paper goes. Every paper needs a strong conclusion section of between one and four paragraphs] • Please note that the whole paper is double spaced, do not skip any extra lines • All paraphrased direct quote sentences must be cited with the author’s last name and year of publication, if it is a direct quote then the source page number is included in the citation. 3 SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS) 4 References Hanging indent for all references. To keep this format, simply place the cursor at the front of this line and paste or type your reference material. Then press enter. Remember to organize your references alphabetically. Remember to delete this line of text and any other template text before submitting your paper. Grading Criteria: • This assignment will be graded using the UOTP Writing Rubric displayed below Assignment Submissions Instructions: 1. Prepare you assignment offline in a word processing software such as Microsoft Office 2. To submit your document, scroll to the bottom of the page, below any rubric if applicable and click the Add Submission button 3. Drag and drop you paper to the File Submissions area, or browse for you file by clicking the Add.. icon 4. Check the box next to the original work acknowledgement statement 5. Click the Save changes button to submit Note: You may edit your submission up until the assignment is graded by your instructor or if requested by your instructor. To edit your submission, scroll to the bottom of the page, below any rubric if applicable and click the Edit Submissions button, and follow steps 3-5 above. Submission status This is attempt 1 ( 3 attempts allowed ). No attempt Not graded PURPOSE & AUDIENCE 25% Addresses purpose effectively, uses assignment to explore topic’s intrinsic interest, shows full understanding of issues, engages audience, establishes credibility, uses headings, format and citation in APA style (where relevant) effectively 25points ORGANIZATION 25% Focuses consistently on clearly expresses central idea, uses paragraph structure and transition guide Adheres to purpose, Fulfills assignment, shows adequate understanding of key issues, style is appropriate to intended audience, presentation is readable, format is correct. 21points Waivers in purpose, incompletely addresses assigned topics or directions, shows more need to examine issues, style varies, and visual presentation is ragged. 19points Central idea is clear, paragraph structure is adequate, some problems with consistency, logic or transitions Purpose unclear, failure to address topic or directions, weak group of issues, inappropriate style, careless or messy visual presentation 15points Loose focus on central idea, contains some repetition and digression, structure needs work 19points Purpose unclear, does not address topic or directions, does not address issues, inappropriate style, careless or messy visual presentation 0points Does not focus on central idea, contains many repetitions and digression,