Critical Thinking Assignment (105 points)
1. Please take the following emotional intelligence test
Mindtools is a great leadership site that you may enjoy and find very informative about many topics.
2. After reviewing your personal results, discuss how the findings will impact your personal leadership or team member relationships.
Personal Total = 69 on mindtools based on the above website, please check
3. Please research a minimum of 5 academic articles on emotional intelligence, using citations to support your statements.
Great! You're an emotionally intelligent person. You have great relationships, and you probably find that people approach you for advice.
However, when so many people admire your people skills, it's easy to lose sight of your own needs. Read our tips below to find out how you can continue to build your EI.
Researchers have found that emotionally intelligent people often have great leadership potential. Realize this potential by seeking opportunities to improve even further.
Your well-written report should meet the following requirements:
· Be five pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
· Formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.
· For this assignment, the headings "What I Discovered" and "My Personal Leadership Style" can be written in the first person, but only in this case!
· Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of 5 scholarly articles that are new within 5 years period. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external.
· Use headings of your choosing to organize the content in your work.
· Introduction
· What is Emotional Intelligence
· What I Discovered
· My Personal Leadership Style
· Conclusion
· References
You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading.
Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence
Psychologist Daniel Goleman identified five elements that make up emotional intelligence. These are:
1. Self-awareness.
2. Self-regulation.
3. Motivation.
4. Empathy.
5. Social skills.
Let’s look at how you can develop good skills in each area.
(Questions 1, 8, 11)
Your score is 15 out of 15
In his 1996 book " Emotional Intelligence: Why it can Matter More Than IQ ," Goleman explained that people with high self-awareness are "aware of their moods as they are having them."
To increase self-awareness , learn about mindfulness . This involves focusing on the present moment – including how you're feeling. And keep a journal in which you write about and analyze the emotional situations you experience from day to day.
You also need to understand your strengths and weaknesses to build self-awareness. Do a personal SWOT analysis , and ask for feedback from your boss, friends, and trusted colleagues to find out how you can improve further.
(Questions 2, 4, 7)
Your score is 11 out of 15
Self-regulation is about staying in control. To develop your skills in this area, learn how to manage your emotions effectively.
If you often get angry , note what triggers this feeling, and think about why this happens. Use techniques such as deep breathing to calm yourself down, and give yourself time to pause before you respond to emails or requests, so that you don't say something that you'll later regret. (See our article on anger management to learn more about this.)
You may also be affected by other negative feelings and emotions, such as anxiety and stress . So, do what you can to manage these feelings effectively.
Accountability is another important element of self-regulation. Take responsibility for your actions and behaviors, and make sure that these align with your values .
(Questions 6, 10, 12)
Your score is 15 out of 15
Self-motivation is strongly affected by your emotions. When you're distracted by your emotions, you may find it hard to see tasks through.
Boost your motivation levels by developing self-discipline , and by looking for and celebrating small wins – simple jobs that, when you've completed them, give you a sense of achievement.
Also, set yourself longer-term goals . When you decide what you want to achieve, you'll focus on what really matters to you. This can be highly motivating, especially when you connect personal goals with career-related ones.
If you're still struggling to get motivated in your current role, take some time to rediscover your purpose .
(Questions 3, 13, 15)
Your score is 14 out of 15
Empathy is the ability to recognize other people's emotions and understand their perspectives. Goleman calls this aspect of EI "the fundamental people skill."
To develop empathy , start by simply thinking about other people's viewpoints. Imagine how they may be feeling, and use active listening skills to understand them fully when they express their emotions to you.
Try not to interrupt or talk about your own feelings during the conversation. Look at their body language , too: it can tell you a lot about their emotions. If you watch and listen to others, you'll quickly become attuned to how they feel. (The Perceptual Positions technique can give you a particularly sharp insight into what other people may be thinking and feeling.)
If you're a leader, read our article "What's Empathy Got to do With it?" for tips on using empathy in leadership.
Social Skills
(Questions 5, 9, 14)
Your score is 14 out of 15
Even if you're not a natural "people person," it is possible to develop better social skills.
Start by taking our quiz to see which communication skills you need to improve on. Then, find out how you can develop trust and rapport with people – this is an essential part of building good working relationships .
Don't shy away from negative situations, either. Learn how to deal with conflict and other difficult situations effectively.
If you're uncomfortable with social situations, work on building self-confidence . Start slowly, but then look for opportunities to practice your skills with bigger groups. For example, you could offer to attend conferences on behalf of your team.
Key Points
Developing high emotional intelligence (or EI) is incredibly important for a successful career. When we have high levels of emotional intelligence, we're able to build strong working relationships and manage difficult situations more effectively.
Influential psychologist Daniel Goleman developed a framework of five elements that define emotional intelligence:
1. Self-awareness.
2. Self-regulation.
3. Motivation.
4. Empathy.
5. Social skills.
Even if you already have many of the elements of emotional intelligence, it's important to look for opportunities to build it further. This will increase your leadership potential, and improve the quality of your relationships.
For more detail, see our full emotional intelligence article and video and take a look at our infographic.