Router Configuration
Laboratory Project I
Cisco IOS Basics
This laboratory project introduces students to basic settings on a Cisco router. Students are to work
individually, each managing a PC or laptop. Use slides or textbook reference if necessary.
Please, follow the objectives in the order listed. Submit the completed report to the instructor for credit.
Remember that each report must be original work.
Part I: Getting Started
Objective I: Create Networking Academy account
Skip this objective if you already have a Cisco Networking Academy account.
1) Boot a computer that connects to the Internet
2) Open a Web browser and access
3) Click the Courses menu and select Packet Tracer
4) Scroll to the How to download Packet Tracer section and click Enroll to download Packet Tracer, and then click Sign up today!
5) Complete the registration and click Submit
6) Access the email account used for registration, then open the Cisco Academy account activation message and click the link inside
7) Complete the account creation in the new window and click Register
8) Log in to test the account created Notify the instructor of a problem.
Objective II: Implement Cisco Packet Tracer
Skip this objective if you have Packet Tracer installed.
1) Click the Resources menu at the Cisco Academy website and select Download Packet Tracer
2) Download the correct Packet Tracer version and install it
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Objective III: Start Packet Tracer project
1) Click Start and select Cisco Packet Tracer in the corresponding program group
2) Use your Cisco Networking Academy account information to log in
New (blank) project should open.
3) Click the File menu, then click Save
4) Use the left pane to select a disk folder, then enter Lab1 into the File name textbox
5) Click Save to save the project
Objective IV: Implement router simulation
1) In the Packet Tracer window, press Ctrl+Alt+R to select the Network Devices/Routers group at the window bottom left
2) In the router selection ribbon, click the 1941 icon, then click white space above to drop the router
The router has all Cisco factory default settings.
3) Click the router icon to open configuration window
4) Click the Config tab, then enter RouterA into the Display Name textbox
5) Click the CLI tab to access the console
Part II: Learning IOS Modes Objective I: Review initial modes
1) In the console window, notice the Would you like to enter basic management setup? prompt Think of its purpose.
2) Answer no to the prompt, then press Enter to access the command prompt
What IOS mode’s command prompt is accessible first upon boot?
Answer questions in the laboratory report.
Objective II: Navigate initial modes
Enter a sequence of commands (“script”) that accomplishes this on the router:
Enters the privileged EXEC mode
Forces the Setup mode
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Answer no to the prompt to return to the enable mode.
Returns to the user EXEC mode
Write the script and answer question in the laboratory report.
Objective III: Navigate other modes
Enter script that accomplishes the following:
Enters the privileged EXEC mode
Enters the global mode
Enters interface GigabitEthernet0/0 configuration mode
Enters the console line 0 configuration mode
Enters the virtual terminal line 4 configuration mode
Enters all virtual terminal lines configuration mode Use 0 as the initial line number and use ? to learn the terminal line number.
Returns to the global mode
Returns to the privileged EXEC mode
Write the script and answer question in the laboratory report.
Part III: Gathering Information
Objective I: View system data
Enter a command that shows system information. Answer questions below.
What is the IOS version?
What is the system’s uptime?
What system image file is loaded?
How many Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are detected?
What is flash memory capacity?
What is the factory default configuration register’s value?
Write the command and answer questions in the laboratory report.
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Objective II: Collect interface names
Display the running configuration to view interface names.
Write the command and interface names into the laboratory report.
Objective III: Collect flash memory info
Enter a command that shows information about the router’s flash memory. Notice the system image file
reported above. Note space amounts available and total.
Write the command and answer question in the laboratory report.
Part IV: Configuring Essentials
Objective I: Define hostname
Enter a router command that sets hostname RouterA. Write the command into the laboratory report.
Objective II: Set clock & time zone
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Sets the time zone to Central
Sets the clock to current time
Verifies the settings
Notice that the time shift doesn’t work properly in Packet Tracer. Ignore it and write the script into the
laboratory report.
Objective III: Manage command history
This objective may not work in Packet Tracer, partially or entirely. Nevertheless, make sure to write
the commands and answer question in the laboratory report.
Enter script that accomplishes the following:
Displays the command history
Disables the command history feature
Re-enables the command history feature
Displays the command history
Was the command buffer cleared as result of disabling the feature?
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Clears the command buffer
Restores the default command history buffer size
Displays the command history
Changes the command buffer size to 30
Write the script and answer question in the laboratory report.
Objective IV (optional): Manage banner
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Configures a message-of-the-day banner on the router
Saves configuration using the copy run start command
Reloads the device to verify the banner
Removes the banner from the router
Part V: Manage Passwords
Objective I: Learn defaults
Enter a command that shows running configuration. Is a password set by default?
Write the command and answer question in the laboratory report.
Objective II: Protect enable mode
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Defines the enable password password
Defines the enable secret password cisco
Returns to the enable mode
Returns to the user mode
Attempts re-entering the enable mode using password, then using cisco
Which password allowed access to the enable mode?
Write the script and answer question in the laboratory report.
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Objective III: Protect Telnet/SSH access
Enter script that accomplishes the following:
Enters all VTY lines configuration mode
Defines password password
Tells IOS to use the locally defined password
Write the script into the laboratory report.
Objective IV: Protect console access
Enter script that accomplishes the following:
Enters the console line configuration mode
Define password password
Tells IOS to use the locally defined password
Write the script into the laboratory report.
Objective V: Learn password encryption defaults
Enter a command that shows running configuration. Review the command’s output carefully. What
password(s) is scrambled by default? What encryption or hashing algorithm is used?
Write the command and answer questions in the laboratory report.
Objective VI: Learn password save defaults
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Shows the startup configuration file
Review the command’s output to determine if passwords get saved automatically.
Saves configuration changes made into the startup file
Shows the startup configuration file again to verify that passwords are now saved
Write the script and answer question in the laboratory report.
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Objective VII: Enable encryption of passwords
Enter script that accomplishes the following:
Enables encryption of clear text passwords
Shows the running configuration to confirm encryption
Write the script into the laboratory report.
Objective VIII: Remove some passwords
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Removes the enable password
Removes the console line password
Removes the instruction to use locally defined password on console line
Shows running configuration to confirm password removal
Write the script into the laboratory report.
Objective IX: Save changes
Use a command to save the configuration changes to the startup file.
Part VI: Managing Configuration Register Objective I: Study value 0x2100
ROMMON is used for special administrative tasks, such as password recovery. Its commands are
different from IOS ones. ROMMON can be entered at boot time by pressing Ctrl+Brk during first 10 seconds or by setting the configuration register to a value and rebooting the router.
Enter an IOS script that accomplishes this on the router:
Sets the configuration register’s value to 0x2100
Saves changes to the startup configuration file
Reboots the router
Note the ROMMON command prompt. Enter ? and press Enter to view the commands available.
Write the script and answer questions in the laboratory report.
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Objective II: Study value 0x2142
Password recovery requires booting the router with the startup configuration skipped. In such case,
Cisco default (“blank”) configuration is loaded instead.
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Uses a ROMMON command to set the configuration register’s value to 0x2142
Uses a ROMMON command to restart the device
Upon boot, avoid using the copy run start command for saving the configuration.
Answer no to the system configuration dialog prompt.
Note the router’s hostname.
Shows the running configuration
Is a password present in the configuration?
Write the script and answer questions in the laboratory report.
Objective III: Restore normal value
Enter script that accomplishes this on the router:
Loads the startup configuration
Sets the configuration register’s value to 0x2102
Saves changes to the startup configuration file
Restarts the router
The router should now pick up the saved configuration during boot. Verify presence of custom settings
and passwords in the running configuration.
Make sure to save the project when closing Packet Tracer.