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Human resource management an experiential approach 6th edition ebook

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Fundamentals of Human Resource

Sixth Edition

Noe | Hollenbeck | Gerhart | Wright


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fundamentals of Human Resource Management

fundamentals of Human Resource Management


Raymond A. Noe The Ohio State University

John R. Hollenbeck Michigan State University

Barry Gerhart University of Wisconsin–Madison

Patrick M. Wright University of South Carolina



Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2014, 2011, and 2009. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Noe, Raymond A. Fundamentals of human resource management / Raymond A. Noe, John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Patrick M. Wright.—Sixth edition. pages cm ISBN 978-0-07-771836-7 (alk. paper) 1. Personnel management. I. Title. HF5549.F86 2016 658.3--dc23 2014041580

The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw- Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.

In tribute to the lives of Raymond and Mildred Noe —R.A.N.

To my parents, Harold and Elizabeth, my wife, Patty, and my children, Jennifer, Marie, Timothy, and Jeffrey —J.R.H.

To my parents, Robert and Shirley, my wife, Heather, and my children, Chris and Annie —B.G.

To my parents, Patricia and Paul, my wife, Mary, and my sons, Michael and Matthew —P.M.W.


John R. Hollenbeck holds the positions of University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and Eli Broad Professor of Man- agement at the Eli Broad Graduate School of Busi- ness Administration. Dr. Hollenbeck received his PhD in Management from New York University in 1984. He served as the acting editor at Organiza- tional Behavior and Human Decision Processes in 1995, the associate editor of Decision Sciences from 1999 to 2004, and the editor of Personnel Psychology from 1996 to 2002. He has published over 90 articles and book chapters on the topics of team decision making and work motivation. According to the Institute for Scientific Information, this body of work has been cited over 3,000 times by other researchers. Dr. Hollenbeck has been awarded fellowship status in both the Academy of Management and the Ameri- can Psychological Association, and was recognized with the Career Achievement Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management (2011) and the Early Career Award by the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1992). At Michigan State, Dr. Hollenbeck has won several teaching awards including the Michigan State Distinguished Faculty Award, the Michigan State Teacher-Scholar Award, and the Broad MBA Most Outstanding Faculty Member.

Raymond A. Noe is the Robert and Anne Hoyt Designated Professor of Management at The Ohio State University. He was previously a profes- sor in the Department of Management at Michigan State University and the Industrial Relations Center of the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He received his BS in psychology from The Ohio State University and his MA and PhD in psychology from Michigan State University. Professor Noe conducts research and teaches undergraduate as well as MBA and PhD students in human resource management, managerial skills, quantitative methods, human resource information systems, training, employee development, and orga- nizational behavior. He has published articles in the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Manage- ment Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Personnel Psychology. Professor Noe is currently on the editorial boards of several journals including Personnel Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. Professor Noe has received awards for his teaching and research excel- lence, including the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contribution from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychol- ogy. He is also a fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

About the Authors

About the Authors ix

Barry Gerhart is Professor of Management and Human Resources and the Bruce R. Ellig Distinguished Chair in Pay and Organizational Effectiveness, School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has also served as depart- ment chair or area coordinator at Cornell, Vander- bilt, and Wisconsin. His research interests include compensation, human resource strategy, interna- tional human resources, and employee retention. Professor Gerhart received his BS in psychol- ogy from Bowling Green State Univer sity and his PhD in industrial relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research has been pub- lished in a variety of outlets, includ ing the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Jour- nal, Annual Review of Psy chology, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Man agement and Organization Review, and Personnel Psychology. He has co-authored two books in the area of compensation. He serves on the edi torial boards of journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Industrial and Labor Rela- tions Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Jour nal of World Business, Management & Organization Review, and Personnel Psychology. Professor Ger hart is a past recipient of the Heneman Career Achievement Award, the Scholarly Achieve ment Award, and of the International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award, all from the Human Resources Divi sion, Academy of Management. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the Amer- ican Psychological Association, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Patrick M. Wright is the Thomas C. Vandiver Bicentennial Chair in the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Prior to joining USC, he served on the faculties at Cornell University, Texas A&M University, and the Univer- sity of Notre Dame.

Professor Wright teaches, conducts research, and consults in the area of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), particularly focusing on how firms use people as a source of competitive advantage and the changing nature of the Chief HR Officer role. For the past eight years he has been studying the CHRO role through a series of confidential interviews, public podcasts, small dis- cussion groups, and conducting the HR@Moore Survey of Chief HR Officers. In addition, he is the faculty leader for the Cornell ILR Executive Edu- cation/NAHR program, “The Chief HR Officer: Strategies for Success,” aimed at developing poten- tial succes sors to the CHRO role. He served as the lead edi tor on the recently released book, The Chief HR Officer: Defining the New Role of Human Resource Leaders, published by John Wiley and Sons.

He has published more than 60 research arti cles in journals as well as more than 20 chapters in books and edited volumes. He is the Incoming Editor at the Journal of Management. He has co edited a special issue of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management titled “Strategic Human Resource Management in the 21st Cen tury” and guest edited a special issue of Human Resource Management Review titled “Research in Strategic HRM for the 21st Century.”

He has conducted programs and consulted for a number of large organizations, including Comcast, Royal Dutch Shell, Kennametal, Astra-Zeneca, BT, and BP. He currently serves as a mem ber on the Board of Directors for the National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR). He is a former board member of HRPS, SHRM Foun dation, and World at Work (formerly American Compensation Asso- ciation). In 2011, 2012, and 2013 he was named by HRM Magazine as one of the 20 “Most Influential Thought Leaders in HR.”


Managing human resources is a critical component of any company’s overall mis- sion to provide value to customers, shareholders, employees, and the community in which it does business. Value includes profits as well as employee growth and satisfac- tion, creation of new jobs, contributions to community programs, and protection of the environment. All aspects of human resource management, including acquiring, preparing, developing, and compensating employees, can help companies meet their daily challenges, create value, and provide competitive advantages in the global mar- ketplace. In addition, effective human resource management requires an awareness of broader contextual issues affecting business, such as the economy, legislation, and globalization.

Both the media and academic research show that effective HRM practices result in greater value for shareholders and employees. For example, the human resource practices at companies such as Google, SAS, The Boston Consulting Group, Edward Jones, and Quicken Loans helped them earn recognition on Fortune magazine’s recent list of “The Top 100 Companies to Work For.” This publicity creates a posi- tive vibe for these companies, helping them attract talented new employees, motivate and retain current employees, and make their products and services more desirable to consumers.

Our Approach: Engage, Focus, and Apply Following graduation, most students will find themselves working in businesses or not-for-profit organizations. Regardless of position or career aspirations, their role in directly managing other employees or understanding human resource management practices is critical for ensuring both company and personal success. As a result, Fun- damentals of Human Resource Management, Sixth Edition, focuses on human resource issues and how HR is used at work. Fundamentals is applicable to both HR majors and students from other majors or colleges who are taking an HR course as an elective or a requirement.

Our approach to teaching human resource management involves engaging students in learning through the use of real-world examples and best practices; focusing them on important HR issues and concepts; and applying what they have learned through chapter features and end-of-chapter exercises and cases. Students not only learn about best practices but are actively engaged through the use of cases and decision making. As a result, students will be able to take what they have learned in the course and apply it to solving HRM problems they will encounter on the job.

As described in the guided tour of the book that follows, each chapter includes sev- eral different pedagogical features. “Best Practices” provides examples of companies whose HR activities work well. “HR Oops!” highlights HRM issues that have been handled poorly. “Did You Know?” offers interesting statistics about chapter topics and


Preface xi

how they play out in real-world companies. “HRM Social” demonstrates how social media and the Internet can be useful in managing HR activities in any organization. “Thinking Ethically” confronts students with issues that occur in managing human resources. For this new edition, we have added questions to each of the features to assist students with critical thinking and to spark classroom discussions.

Fundamentals also assists students with learning “How to” perform HR activities, such as writing effective HR policies, being strategic about equal employment opportu- nities, and making the most of HR analytics. These are all work situations students are likely to encounter as part of their professional careers. The end-of-chapter cases focus on corporate sustainability (“Taking Responsibility”), managing the workforce (“Man- aging Talent”), and HR activities in small organizations (“HR in Small Business”).

Organization of the Sixth Edition Based on user and reviewer feedback, we have made several changes to the chapter organization for the Sixth Edition. The chapter on developing human resources now concludes Part 2, and the chapter on creating and maintaining high-performance organizations has been moved up to open Part 3. We believe these changes will help strengthen the discussion of key concepts.

Part 1 (Chapters 1–4) discusses the environmental forces that companies face in trying to manage human resources effectively. These forces include economic, tech- nological, and social trends; employment laws; and work design. Employers typically have more control over work design than trends and equal employment laws, but all of these factors influence how companies attract, retain, and motivate human resources. Chapter 1 discusses why HRM is a critical component to an organization’s overall suc- cess. The chapter introduces HRM practices and the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals and other managers in managing human resources.

Some of the major trends discussed in Chapter 2 include how workers continue to look for employment as the U.S. economy recovers from recession and how the recov- ery has motivated employees to look for new jobs and career opportunities. The chap- ter also highlights the greater availability of new and less expensive technologies for HRM, including social media and the Internet; the growth of HRM on a global scale as more U.S. companies expand beyond national borders; the types of skills needed for today’s jobs; and the importance of aligning HRM with a company’s overall strategy to gain competitive advantage. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the major laws affect- ing employees and the ways organizations can develop HR practices that comply with the laws. Chapter 4 highlights how jobs and work systems determine the knowledge, skills, and abilities that employees need to perform their jobs and influence employ- ees’ motivation, satisfaction, and safety at work. The chapter also discusses the process of analyzing and designing jobs.

Part 2 (Chapters 5–8) deals with acquiring, training, and developing human resources. Chapter 5 discusses how to develop a human resources plan. It empha- sizes the strengths and weaknesses of different options for dealing with shortages and excesses of human resources, including outsourcing, use of contract workers, and downsizing. Strategies for recruiting talented employees are highlighted, including use of electronic recruiting sources such as social media and online job sites.

Chapter 6 emphasizes that employee selection is a process that starts with screen- ing applications and résumés and concludes with a job offer. The chapter takes a look at the most widely used methods for minimizing mistakes in choosing employees, including employment tests and candidate interviews. Selection method standards,

xii Preface

such as reliability and validity, are discussed in understandable terms. Chapter 7 covers the features of effective training systems. Effective training includes not only creating a good learning environment but also hiring managers who encourage employees to use training content in their jobs and hiring employees who are motivated and ready to learn. Concluding Part 2, Chapter 8 demonstrates how assessment, job experiences, formal courses, and mentoring relationships can be used to develop employees for future success.

Part 3 (Chapters 9–11) focuses on assessing and improving performance. Chap- ter 9 sets the tone for this section of the book by discussing the important role of HRM in creating and maintaining an organization that achieves a high level of per- formance for employees, managers, customers, shareholders, and community. The chapter describes high-performance work systems and the conditions that contribute to high performance. Chapter 10 examines the strengths and weaknesses of different performance management systems. Chapter 11 discusses how to maximize employee engagement and productivity and retain valuable employees as well as how to fairly and humanely separate employees when the need arises because of poor performance or economic conditions.

Part 4 (Chapters 12–14) covers rewarding and compensating human resources, including how to design pay structures, recognize good performers, and provide ben- efits. Chapter 12 discusses how managers weigh the importance and costs of pay to develop a compensation structure and levels of pay for each job given the worth of the jobs, legal requirements, and employee judgments about the fairness of pay levels. Chapter 13 covers the advantages and disadvantages of different types of incentive pay, including merit pay, gainsharing, and stock ownership. Chapter 14 highlights the contents of employee benefits packages, the ways organizations administer benefits, and what companies can do to help employees understand the value of benefits and control benefits costs.

Part 5 (Chapters 15–16) covers other HR topics including collective bargaining and labor relations and managing human resources on a global basis. Chapter 15 explores HR activities as they pertain to employees who belong to unions or who are seeking to join unions. Traditional issues in labor–management relations such as union membership and contract negotiations are discussed. The chapter also highlights new approaches to labor relations, the growing role of employee empowerment, and the shrinking size of union membership.

Concluding Part 5, Chapter 16 focuses on HR activities in international settings, including planning, selecting, training, and compensating employees who work overseas. The chapter also explores how cultural differences among countries and workers affect decisions about human resources.

New Features and Content Changes In addition to all new or revised chapter pedagogy, the Sixth Edition of Fundamentals contains the following features:

• New Format for Chapter Summaries: To help students learn chapter content, the Chapter Summary has been revamped to highlight key points in a bulleted list format for each chapter learning objective.

• Review Questions Keyed to Learning Objectives: As a way of pinpointing key concepts, the chapter review questions now tie in to specific chapter learning objectives for quick student reference.

Preface xiii

• Key Terms in Discussion Order: To assist students in learning important chap- ter topics, key terms are now listed in discussion order rather than alphabetical order at the end of the chapter. The key terms and definitions are also listed in the end-of-book glossary for additional study.

• HR in Small Business: A case has been added to each chapter that highlights some of the HR challenges faced by small businesses.

The following content changes help students and instructors keep current on important HR trends and topics:

• Chapter 1 addresses the new chapter reorganization in Figure 1.1 and Table 1.3. It also discusses a recent trend in which some companies are doing away with sepa- rate HR departments, encouraging managers and other employees to handle HR issues as they arise. Table 1.2 has been updated to list the top qualities employers look for in potential employees. Figure 1.3 has been revised to reflect the compe- tencies and example behaviors defined by the Society of Human Resource Man- agement (SHRM). Figure 1.6 has been updated to reflect current median salaries for HRM positions.

• Chapter 2 provides updated workforce statistics, including projections for num- ber of workers over the next several years, as well as a discussion on various age and ethnic groups within the workforce. Chapter figures have been revised to reflect current labor force data. Other trends discussed include which occupa- tions are expected to gain the most jobs in the coming decade. A new section on the trends in cost control and the impact of the Affordable Care Act is touched on and revisited later in the benefits chapter (Chapter 14). New sections on declining union membership and reshoring of jobs back to the United States have been added.

• Chapter 3 has been updated to include a discussion on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and its impact on pay discrimination and employment law. Chapter figures have been updated to reflect current statistics on age discrimination, dis- ability complaints filed under ADA, types of charges filed with the EEOC, and rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. A section has been added about how to keep emergency response workers safe as they aid victims of disasters.

• Chapter 4 includes a new discussion on analyzing teamwork and an updated dis- cussion on the growing trend among companies to encourage telework arrange- ments with workers.

• Chapter 5’s discussion on downsizing, reducing hours, and outsourcing includes new company examples that help students understand how real-world companies deal with the ups and downs of everyday business and decisions relating to human resources.

• Chapter 6 has several topics that have been updated, including the importance of hiring workers who will fit in well with a company’s culture; how the legalization of marijuana may impact drug testing as part of the employee selection process; and how companies are changing their approach to subjectivity when it comes to interviewing job candidates.

• In the training chapter (Chapter 7), new examples explore how some compa- nies are thinking differently about training strategies, employing virtual reality, simulations, teamwork exercises, and social media for learning reinforcement and employee motivation.

xiv Preface

• Chapter 8 focuses on development and includes an updated section on the use of assessment tools, including the DiSC assessment tool.

• Chapter 9 provides an updated discussion of how HRM practices can contribute to high performance of any organization, including job design, recruitment and selec- tion, training, performance management, and compensation.

• Chapter 10 includes a new discussion on how managers should adjust their approach to performance feedback to the level of performance demonstrated by individual employees.

• Chapter 11 provides an expanded discussion on implementing strategies to ensure a company’s discipline system follows procedures consistent for all employees.

• Chapter 12’s discussion about earnings data for women, men, and minorities has been updated, as well as the discussion about HRM salaries in various parts of the country. The chapter also contains current statistics about CEO pay and compensation.

• Chapter 13 focuses on recognizing employee contributions with pay, including new real-world examples about how businesses are rethinking their approach to performance bonuses, tying them to company performance, and the increased use of retention bonuses for executives and other key employees as part of company mergers and acquisitions.

• Chapter 14 includes updated data on employee benefits as a percentage of total compensation, Social Security information, and taxes paid by employers and employees. The section on health care benefits, including updates about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, has been revised to include current informa- tion and requirements.

• Chapter 15 has been updated with current trends and statistics in union member- ship. Content on work stoppages and lockouts has been added. New sections focus on increased cooperation between unions and management and highlight several nonunion representation systems currently being used by companies across the country.

• Concluding the Sixth Edition, Chapter 16 highlights trends in managing human resources globally, including the issue of labor relations in various countries, which may impact a company’s ability to be successful on foreign soil.

The author team believes that the focused, engaging, and applied approach of Funda- mentals distinguishes it from other books that have similar coverage of HR topics. The book has timely coverage of important HR issues, is easy to read, has many features that grab the students’ attention, and gets students actively involved in learning.

We would like to thank those of you who have adopted previous editions of Fun- damentals, and we hope that you will continue to use upcoming editions. For those of you considering Fundamentals for adoption, we believe that our approach makes Fundamentals your text of choice for human resource management.

Acknowledgments The Sixth Edition of Fundamentals of Human Resource Management would not have been possible without the staff of McGraw-Hill Education. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the reorganization at McGraw-Hill, Mike Ablassmeir and Anke Weekes, the editors who worked on this edition of Fundamentals, deserve kudos for their laser focus on ensuring

Preface xv

that we continue to improve the book based on the ideas of both adopters and students. Also, we appreciate that they gave us creative license to use new cases and examples in the chapter pedagogy and text to keep Fundamentals interesting and current. John Weimeister, our former editor, helped us develop the vision for the book and gave us the resources we needed to develop a top-of-the-line HRM teaching package. Jane Beck’s valuable insights and organizational skills kept the author team on deadline and made the book more visu- ally appealing than the authors could have ever done on their own. We would also like to thank Cate Rzasa who worked diligently to make sure that the book was interesting, practical, and readable and remained true to findings of human resource management research. We also thank Michael Gedatus for his marketing efforts for this new edition.

We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all of the professors who gave of their time to offer their suggestions and insightful comments that helped us to develop and shape this new edition:

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