Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck Part A: Create Slides 1 to 6 Due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 15%) Part B: Incorporate feedback for Slides 1 to 6; Create Slides 7 to 10; Add References; submit Full Slide Deck Due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 20%) Overview In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief and shared it with the executive team. They have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and presented via Zoom in Assignment 3. For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to 15 slides. To support you in this assignment, there is an Assignment 2 Template available in your Blackboard course. You should use this template as a guide in developing your slides, to ensure that all required content is included. Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members of the company’s executive team. As highlevel decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know that you must present your ideas concisely, to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy-in and approval for the campaign. Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your JWI 518 - Marketing in a Global Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief in Assignment 1. Note: you are encouraged to attend the tutorial for this assignment. Instructions can be found in the assignment module in Blackboard. Submission of Part A and Part B In Week 5, for Part A, you will create only Slides 1 to 6. Your professor will grade the slides and provide feedback to help you revise the first six slides. Your slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides, indicating what will be added and where you will locate the data. Assignment 2, Part A is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 5
In Week 7, for Part B, you will incorporate your professor’s feedback into Slides 1 to 6, create Slides 7 to 10, and add your References. Then you will finalize and submit the Full Slide Deck, as Assignment 2, Part B. Assignment 2, Part B is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 7.
This is the feedback from my professor please read and correct as required see below.
Vanessa, you have done a very nice job on your Campaign Proposal.
Good features and benefits.
Good marketing goals. Remember, your each marketing goal must have a SMART description. There is no corresponding SMART Description for “Marketing Goal 5.”
Your target audience and competition could have been improved by adding another competitor such as Lyft or some other appropriate ride hailing service.
A good start on the needs, wants, and values. I would have liked to see a more detailed description of customer needs. For instance, you might want to describe what is different about calling an Uber versus calling a taxi, such as knowing when the Uber will arrive and tracking the Uber’s progress until arrival. The easy way in which to pay for an Uber is more convenient than paying for a taxi, and so forth. It is not just about getting from point A to point B.
You started off well describing a broad customer value, but you needed to provide significantly more detail what those customer values represent. What role does timelines play in addition to convenience, for instance?
For you brand connection, I like that you mention the Uber App. You may want to feature it more prominently throughout your presentation as it is the centerpiece for what makes the Uber experience different from any other like it.
Remember to remove all the template instructions before submitting the Assignment 2B portion of your complete presentation as we have discussed in the multiple presentations.