Abbreviated Self-Checklist Yes No Standard Max Score Section Notes: 2.1 Are there at least 3 strategies listed in multicultural page? …designs and adapts instruction for specific populations utilizing strategies …. 1 Multicultural page Notes: at least 3 that are well thought out, evidence-based, and/or described in enough detail that someone who isn’t taking this class would understand it 2.3 Are there at least 2 websites listed and described on multicultural page? … plans and incorporates support for student needs in instruction {including} resources and supports for diverse cultures, multiple perspectives… 1 Muticultural page Notes: When finding websites, be sure they are evidence-based (might be a good idea to avoid .coms unless you are sure there is evidence behind them). Be sure to describe the website in a sentence or two. (Always a good idea to look at the “about” section). 7.2 Are there at least 3 strategies described on at least one page (ID, LD, EBD)? …sequences and adjusts plans according to ..learner needs .. 1 Either ID, LD, or EBD page Notes: At least 3 strategies on one of these pages should be evidence-based, include clear descriptions, with some detail (not simply listed) 8.2 Are there at least 6 websites described on all three pages (ID, LD, EBD) … uses appropriate and effective resources.. to support content and skill development. … uses appropriate and effective resources.. to support content and skill development. … uses appropriate and effective resources.. to support content and skill development 3 (all 6 meet criteria) 2 (4 of the 6 meet criteria) 1 2 of 6 meet criteria ID, LD, AND EBD pages Notes: When finding websites, be sure they are evidence-based (might be a good idea to avoid .coms). Be sure to describe the website in a sentence or two. (Always a good idea to look at the “about” section). ID, LD, OR EBD Notes: When finding websites, be sure they are evidence-based (might be a good idea to avoid .coms). Be sure to describe the website in a sentence or two. (Always a good idea to look at the “about” section). ID,LD, or EBD Notes: When finding websites, be sure they are evidence-based (might be a good idea to avoid .coms). Be sure to describe the website in a sentence or two. (Always a good idea to look at the “about” section). 9.1 Are at least 3 laws (e.g. IDEA, ESSA, ADA) and 6 pillars of special education described in detail on the overview page; …adheres to the expectations of the profession including code of ethics, professional standards… 2 Overview pagelegislation and 6 pillars Notes: When listing laws, be sure to add a few sentences about each. Also, make sure that each pillar is explained in a sentence or two. …adheres to the expectations of the profession including code of ethics, professional standards… 1 Overview pagelegislation Notes: When listing laws, be sure to add a few sentences about each 9.2 Is there content that discusses where you are from/future plans and prior experiences on the welcome section AND did you discuss personal bias on the Multicultural page? …reflects on personal identity, worldview, and prior experience, demonstrates understanding..(of) perceptions and expectations; recognizing…bias behaviors… 3 Overview page And Notes: Be sure to talk about where you are from and your future plans in the welcome section. Add any prior experiences you have had working with students with disabilities. Always a good idea to address how your experiences might be different from others. Multicultural summary On the multi-cultural page, be sure to address any biases you may have and how to address them. Overview Notes: Be sure to talk about where you are from and your future plans in the welcome section. Add any prior experiences you have had working with students with disabilities. Always a good idea to address how your experiences might be different from others. Welcome section …reflects on personal identity, worldview, and prior experience, demonstrates understanding..(of) perceptions and expectations; recognizing…bias behaviors… 2 …reflects on personal identity, worldview, and prior experience, demonstrates understanding..(of) perceptions and expectations; recognizing…bias behaviors… 1 welcome page Overview welcome page Notes: Be sure to talk about where you are from and your future plans in the welcome section. 10.1 Is there a discussion about culturally responsive communication and collaboration methods and are there two websites listed/described on either the families or multicultural pages? …engages in culturally responsive collaboration with stakeholders … to enhance practice and support student learning. 2 Family page And/or Multicultural page Notes: Discuss culturally responsive communication in the summary sections on either page, Make sure you address collaboration and list some strategies how to address both. Make sure you listed and described 2 websites on the family page …engages in culturally responsive collaboration with stakeholders … to enhance practice and support student learning. 1 Family page And/or Multicultural page Discuss culturally responsive communication in the summary sections on either page; give examples and list 2 websites 10.2 Max Score 3: Are there practices (i.e., UDL, people-first, laws), citations, and reflective statements (I believe) on the philosophy statement …cites and applies 3 Philo page Notes: Mentions practices/policy and meaningful research uses at least 1 APA citation. We cover a on education issues, number of practice like UDL, people-first, policies, and direction instruction-those are good places to cite, Uses reflective statements practices … like “I belive” …cites and applies 2 Philo page Notes: Mentions practices/policy and meaningful research uses at least 1 APA citation. We cover a on education issues, number of practice like UDL, people-first, policies, and direction instruction-those are good places to cite, practices … …cites and applies 1 Philo page Notes: Mentions practices/policies; but meaningful research does not have citations and does not on education issues, include reflective statements policies, and practices … SED 104 Individualized Education Program (IEP) Module 25 points You should use the following resource to learn about the creation of IEP: Assignment: complete the information in the table below and submit into Blackboard. IEP Questions What does IEP stand for? How does a student qualify for an IEP? Who writes an IEP? (Is it written by the Special Education teacher, General Education teacher, committee, etc.? list the author/authors) What types of information should you use to create an IEP? Present Levels Define Present Levels - what information should be included here? fix these sentences and identify why it is not acceptable in a Present Levels: John won’t listen to the teachers. Kalil never does his work.