Moises, a fictional young Spanish-speaking immigrant, faces conflicts in his English-immersion school in the United States in this video from Media That Matters: Immersion.
Moises understands math concepts well, but his limited English means he does not have the vocabulary to understand the language of story problems. He struggles, along with his math teacher, to prepare for two weeks of standardized math testing.
Do the following:
- Watch and reflect on the the video of moises. Short 12 minute video.
- Write a 500-word reaction answering each of the questions below to the video Immersion.
- Please use 1.5 spacing, 12 Times New Roman. with normal margins.
Include the questions (in red) Questions are not counted in the word count
1) What do you think will happen to Moises in the next few years? Support your viewpoint with reasons from what you know about Moises, his family, and his school.
2) Identify three elements of the approach of the teacher/school, that seem to beineffective in teaching Moises as an English learner.
3) Identify three approaches that would have been more effective for an EL like Moises, explaining why you believe your idea is a good one and better than what you saw in the film.
4) Describe which type of program would be more effective for English Learners like Moises. Why?
Word count (don't include the questions in the word count)