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In data flow testing objective is to find

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KSHIRASAGAR NAIK Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Waterloo, Waterloo

PRIYADARSHI TRIPATHY NEC Laboratories America, Inc.


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KSHIRASAGAR NAIK Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Waterloo, Waterloo

PRIYADARSHI TRIPATHY NEC Laboratories America, Inc.


Copyright © 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Naik, Kshirasagar, 1959– Software testing and quality assurance / Kshirasagar Naik and Priyadarshi Tripathy.

p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-471-78911-6 (cloth)

1. Computer software—Testing. 2. Computer software—Quality control. I. Tripathy, Piyu, 1958–II. Title. QA76.76.T48N35 2008 005.14—dc22


Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

To our parents Sukru and Teva Naik

Kunjabihari and Surekha Tripathy


Preface xvii

List of Figures xxi

List of Tables xxvii


1.1 Quality Revolution 1 1.2 Software Quality 5 1.3 Role of Testing 7 1.4 Verification and Validation 7 1.5 Failure, Error, Fault, and Defect 9 1.6 Notion of Software Reliability 10 1.7 Objectives of Testing 10 1.8 What Is a Test Case? 11 1.9 Expected Outcome 12 1.10 Concept of Complete Testing 13 1.11 Central Issue in Testing 13 1.12 Testing Activities 14 1.13 Test Levels 16 1.14 Sources of Information for Test Case Selection 18 1.15 White-Box and Black-Box Testing 20 1.16 Test Planning and Design 21 1.17 Monitoring and Measuring Test Execution 22 1.18 Test Tools and Automation 24 1.19 Test Team Organization and Management 26 1.20 Outline of Book 27

References 28 Exercises 30


2.1 Basic Concepts in Testing Theory 31 2.2 Theory of Goodenough and Gerhart 32

2.2.1 Fundamental Concepts 32 2.2.2 Theory of Testing 34 2.2.3 Program Errors 34 2.2.4 Conditions for Reliability 36 2.2.5 Drawbacks of Theory 37

2.3 Theory of Weyuker and Ostrand 37



2.4 Theory of Gourlay 39 2.4.1 Few Definitions 40 2.4.2 Power of Test Methods 42

2.5 Adequacy of Testing 42 2.6 Limitations of Testing 45 2.7 Summary 46

Literature Review 47 References 48 Exercises 49


3.1 Concept of Unit Testing 51 3.2 Static Unit Testing 53 3.3 Defect Prevention 60 3.4 Dynamic Unit Testing 62 3.5 Mutation Testing 65 3.6 Debugging 68 3.7 Unit Testing in eXtreme Programming 71 3.8 JUnit: Framework for Unit Testing 73 3.9 Tools for Unit Testing 76 3.10 Summary 81

Literature Review 82 References 84 Exercises 86


4.1 Basic Idea 88 4.2 Outline of Control Flow Testing 89 4.3 Control Flow Graph 90 4.4 Paths in a Control Flow Graph 93 4.5 Path Selection Criteria 94

4.5.1 All-Path Coverage Criterion 96 4.5.2 Statement Coverage Criterion 97 4.5.3 Branch Coverage Criterion 98 4.5.4 Predicate Coverage Criterion 100

4.6 Generating Test Input 101 4.7 Examples of Test Data Selection 106 4.8 Containing Infeasible Paths 107 4.9 Summary 108

Literature Review 109 References 110 Exercises 111


5.1 General Idea 112 5.2 Data Flow Anomaly 113 5.3 Overview of Dynamic Data Flow Testing 115 5.4 Data Flow Graph 116


5.5 Data Flow Terms 119 5.6 Data Flow Testing Criteria 121 5.7 Comparison of Data Flow Test Selection Criteria 124 5.8 Feasible Paths and Test Selection Criteria 125 5.9 Comparison of Testing Techniques 126 5.10 Summary 128

Literature Review 129 References 131 Exercises 132


6.1 Domain Error 135 6.2 Testing for Domain Errors 137 6.3 Sources of Domains 138 6.4 Types of Domain Errors 141 6.5 ON and OFF Points 144 6.6 Test Selection Criterion 146 6.7 Summary 154

Literature Review 155 References 156 Exercises 156


7.1 Concept of Integration Testing 158 7.2 Different Types of Interfaces and Interface Errors 159 7.3 Granularity of System Integration Testing 163 7.4 System Integration Techniques 164

7.4.1 Incremental 164 7.4.2 Top Down 167 7.4.3 Bottom Up 171 7.4.4 Sandwich and Big Bang 173

7.5 Software and Hardware Integration 174 7.5.1 Hardware Design Verification Tests 174 7.5.2 Hardware and Software Compatibility Matrix 177

7.6 Test Plan for System Integration 180 7.7 Off-the-Shelf Component Integration 184

7.7.1 Off-the-Shelf Component Testing 185 7.7.2 Built-in Testing 186

7.8 Summary 187 Literature Review 188 References 189 Exercises 190


8.1 Taxonomy of System Tests 192 8.2 Basic Tests 194

8.2.1 Boot Tests 194 8.2.2 Upgrade/Downgrade Tests 195


8.2.3 Light Emitting Diode Tests 195 8.2.4 Diagnostic Tests 195 8.2.5 Command Line Interface Tests 196

8.3 Functionality Tests 196 8.3.1 Communication Systems Tests 196 8.3.2 Module Tests 197 8.3.3 Logging and Tracing Tests 198 8.3.4 Element Management Systems Tests 198 8.3.5 Management Information Base Tests 202 8.3.6 Graphical User Interface Tests 202 8.3.7 Security Tests 203 8.3.8 Feature Tests 204

8.4 Robustness Tests 204 8.4.1 Boundary Value Tests 205 8.4.2 Power Cycling Tests 206 8.4.3 On-Line Insertion and Removal Tests 206 8.4.4 High-Availability Tests 206 8.4.5 Degraded Node Tests 207

8.5 Interoperability Tests 208 8.6 Performance Tests 209 8.7 Scalability Tests 210 8.8 Stress Tests 211 8.9 Load and Stability Tests 213 8.10 Reliability Tests 214 8.11 Regression Tests 214 8.12 Documentation Tests 215 8.13 Regulatory Tests 216 8.14 Summary 218

Literature Review 219 References 220 Exercises 221


9.1 Functional Testing Concepts of Howden 222 9.1.1 Different Types of Variables 224 9.1.2 Test Vector 230 9.1.3 Testing a Function in Context 231

9.2 Complexity of Applying Functional Testing 232 9.3 Pairwise Testing 235

9.3.1 Orthogonal Array 236 9.3.2 In Parameter Order 240

9.4 Equivalence Class Partitioning 244 9.5 Boundary Value Analysis 246 9.6 Decision Tables 248 9.7 Random Testing 252 9.8 Error Guessing 255 9.9 Category Partition 256 9.10 Summary 258


Literature Review 260 References 261 Exercises 262


10.1 State-Oriented Model 265 10.2 Points of Control and Observation 269 10.3 Finite-State Machine 270 10.4 Test Generation from an FSM 273 10.5 Transition Tour Method 273 10.6 Testing with State Verification 277 10.7 Unique Input–Output Sequence 279 10.8 Distinguishing Sequence 284 10.9 Characterizing Sequence 287 10.10 Test Architectures 291

10.10.1 Local Architecture 292 10.10.2 Distributed Architecture 293 10.10.3 Coordinated Architecture 294 10.10.4 Remote Architecture 295

10.11 Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3 (TTCN-3) 295 10.11.1 Module 296 10.11.2 Data Declarations 296 10.11.3 Ports and Components 298 10.11.4 Test Case Verdicts 299 10.11.5 Test Case 300

10.12 Extended FSMs 302 10.13 Test Generation from EFSM Models 307 10.14 Additional Coverage Criteria for System Testing 313 10.15 Summary 315

Literature Review 316 References 317 Exercises 318


11.1 Test Design Factors 321 11.2 Requirement Identification 322 11.3 Characteristics of Testable Requirements 331 11.4 Test Objective Identification 334 11.5 Example 335 11.6 Modeling a Test Design Process 345 11.7 Modeling Test Results 347 11.8 Test Design Preparedness Metrics 349 11.9 Test Case Design Effectiveness 350 11.10 Summary 351

Literature Review 351 References 353 Exercises 353



12.1 Structure of a System Test Plan 355 12.2 Introduction and Feature Description 356 12.3 Assumptions 357 12.4 Test Approach 357 12.5 Test Suite Structure 358 12.6 Test Environment 358 12.7 Test Execution Strategy 361

12.7.1 Multicycle System Test Strategy 362 12.7.2 Characterization of Test Cycles 362 12.7.3 Preparing for First Test Cycle 366 12.7.4 Selecting Test Cases for Final Test Cycle 369 12.7.5 Prioritization of Test Cases 371 12.7.6 Details of Three Test Cycles 372

12.8 Test Effort Estimation 377 12.8.1 Number of Test Cases 378 12.8.2 Test Case Creation Effort 384 12.8.3 Test Case Execution Effort 385

12.9 Scheduling and Test Milestones 387 12.10 System Test Automation 391 12.11 Evaluation and Selection of Test Automation Tools 392 12.12 Test Selection Guidelines for Automation 395 12.13 Characteristics of Automated Test Cases 397 12.14 Structure of an Automated Test Case 399 12.15 Test Automation Infrastructure 400 12.16 Summary 402

Literature Review 403 References 405 Exercises 406


13.1 Basic Ideas 408 13.2 Modeling Defects 409 13.3 Preparedness to Start System Testing 415 13.4 Metrics for Tracking System Test 419

13.4.1 Metrics for Monitoring Test Execution 420 13.4.2 Test Execution Metric Examples 420 13.4.3 Metrics for Monitoring Defect Reports 423 13.4.4 Defect Report Metric Examples 425

13.5 Orthogonal Defect Classification 428 13.6 Defect Causal Analysis 431 13.7 Beta Testing 435 13.8 First Customer Shipment 437 13.9 System Test Report 438 13.10 Product Sustaining 439 13.11 Measuring Test Effectiveness 441 13.12 Summary 445

Literature Review 446


References 447 Exercises 448


14.1 Types of Acceptance Testing 450 14.2 Acceptance Criteria 451 14.3 Selection of Acceptance Criteria 461 14.4 Acceptance Test Plan 461 14.5 Acceptance Test Execution 463 14.6 Acceptance Test Report 464 14.7 Acceptance Testing in eXtreme Programming 466 14.8 Summary 467

Literature Review 468 References 468 Exercises 469


15.1 What Is Reliability? 471 15.1.1 Fault and Failure 472 15.1.2 Time 473 15.1.3 Time Interval between Failures 474 15.1.4 Counting Failures in Periodic Intervals 475 15.1.5 Failure Intensity 476

15.2 Definitions of Software Reliability 477 15.2.1 First Definition of Software Reliability 477 15.2.2 Second Definition of Software Reliability 478 15.2.3 Comparing the Definitions of Software Reliability 479

15.3 Factors Influencing Software Reliability 479 15.4 Applications of Software Reliability 481

15.4.1 Comparison of Software Engineering Technologies 481 15.4.2 Measuring the Progress of System Testing 481 15.4.3 Controlling the System in Operation 482 15.4.4 Better Insight into Software Development Process 482

15.5 Operational Profiles 482 15.5.1 Operation 483 15.5.2 Representation of Operational Profile 483

15.6 Reliability Models 486 15.7 Summary 491

Literature Review 492 References 494 Exercises 494


16.1 Test Groups 496 16.1.1 Integration Test Group 496 16.1.2 System Test Group 497

16.2 Software Quality Assurance Group 499 16.3 System Test Team Hierarchy 500


16.4 Effective Staffing of Test Engineers 501 16.5 Recruiting Test Engineers 504

16.5.1 Job Requisition 504 16.5.2 Job Profiling 505 16.5.3 Screening Resumes 505 16.5.4 Coordinating an Interview Team 506 16.5.5 Interviewing 507 16.5.6 Making a Decision 511

16.6 Retaining Test Engineers 511 16.6.1 Career Path 511 16.6.2 Training 512 16.6.3 Reward System 513

16.7 Team Building 513 16.7.1 Expectations 513 16.7.2 Consistency 514 16.7.3 Information Sharing 514 16.7.4 Standardization 514 16.7.5 Test Environments 514 16.7.6 Recognitions 515

16.8 Summary 515 Literature Review 516 References 516 Exercises 517


17.1 Five Views of Software Quality 519 17.2 McCall’s Quality Factors and Criteria 523

17.2.1 Quality Factors 523 17.2.2 Quality Criteria 527 17.2.3 Relationship between Quality Factors and Criteria 527 17.2.4 Quality Metrics 530

17.3 ISO 9126 Quality Characteristics 530 17.4 ISO 9000:2000 Software Quality Standard 534

17.4.1 ISO 9000:2000 Fundamentals 535 17.4.2 ISO 9001:2000 Requirements 537

17.5 Summary 542 Literature Review 544 References 544 Exercises 545


18.1 Basic Idea in Software Process 546 18.2 Capability Maturity Model 548

18.2.1 CMM Architecture 549 18.2.2 Five Levels of Maturity and Key Process Areas 550 18.2.3 Common Features of Key Practices 553 18.2.4 Application of CMM 553 18.2.5 Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) 554


18.3 Test Process Improvement 555 18.4 Testing Maturity Model 568 18.5 Summary 578

Literature Review 578 References 579 Exercises 579




karmany eva dhikaras te; ma phalesu kadachana; ma karmaphalahetur bhur; ma te sango stv akarmani. Your right is to work only; but never to the fruits thereof; may you not be motivated by the fruits of actions; nor let your attachment to be towards inaction. — Bhagavad Gita

We have been witnessing tremendous growth in the software industry over the past 25 years. Software applications have proliferated from the original data processing and scientific computing domains into our daily lives in such a way that we do not realize that some kind of software executes when we do even something ordinary, such as making a phone call, starting a car, turning on a microwave oven, and making a debit card payment. The processes for producing software must meet two broad challenges. First, the processes must produce low-cost software in a short time so that corporations can stay competitive. Second, the processes must produce usable, dependable, and safe software; these attributes are commonly known as quality attributes. Software quality impacts a number of important factors in our daily lives, such as economy, personal and national security, health, and safety.

Twenty-five years ago, testing accounted for about 50% of the total time and more than 50% of the total money expended in a software development project—and, the same is still true today. Those days the software industry was a much smaller one, and academia offered a single, comprehensive course entitled Software Engineering to educate undergraduate students in the nuts and bolts of software development. Although software testing has been a part of the classical software engineering literature for decades, the subject is seldom incorporated into the mainstream undergraduate curriculum. A few universities have started offering an option in software engineering comprising three specialized courses, namely, Requirements Specification , Software Design , and Testing and Quality Assurance. In addition, some universities have introduced full undergraduate and graduate degree programs in software engineering.

Considering the impact of software quality, or the lack thereof, we observe that software testing education has not received its due place. Ideally, research should lead to the development of tools and methodologies to produce low-cost, high-quality software, and students should be educated in the testing fundamentals. In other words, software testing research should not be solely academic in nature but must strive to be practical for industry consumers. However, in practice, there



is a large gap between the testing skills needed in the industry and what are taught and researched in the universities.

Our goal is to provide the students and the teachers with a set of well-rounded educational materials covering the fundamental developments in testing theory and common testing practices in the industry. We intend to provide the students with the “big picture” of testing and quality assurance, because software quality concepts are quite broad. There are different kinds of software systems with their own intricate characteristics. We have not tried to specifically address their testing challenges. Instead, we have presented testing theory and practice as broad stepping stones which will enable the students to understand and develop testing practices for more complex systems.

We decided to write this book based on our teaching and industrial experi- ences in software testing and quality assurance. For the past 15 years, Sagar has been teaching software engineering and software testing on a regular basis, whereas Piyu has been performing hands-on testing and managing test groups for testing routers, switches, wireless data networks, storage networks, and intrusion preven- tion appliances. Our experiences have helped us in selecting and structuring the contents of this book to make it suitable as a textbook.

Who Should Read This Book?

We have written this book to introduce students and software professionals to the fundamental ideas in testing theory, testing techniques, testing practices, and quality assurance. Undergraduate students in software engineering, computer science, and computer engineering with no prior experience in the software industry will be introduced to the subject matter in a step-by-step manner. Practitioners too will benefit from the structured presentation and comprehensive nature of the materials. Graduate students can use the book as a reference resource. After reading the whole book, the reader will have a thorough understanding of the following topics:

• Fundamentals of testing theory and concepts • Practices that support the production of quality software • Software testing techniques • Life-cycle models of requirements, defects, test cases, and test results • Process models for unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing • Building test teams, including recruiting and retaining test engineers • Quality models, capability maturity model, testing maturity model, and test

process improvement model

How Should This Book be Read?

The purpose of this book is to teach how to do software testing. We present some essential background material in Chapter 1 and save the enunciation of software


quality questions to a later part of the book. It is difficult to intelligently discuss for beginners what software quality means until one has a firm sense of what software testing does . However, practitioners with much testing experience can jump to Chapter 17, entitled “Software Quality,” immediately after Chapter 1.

There are three different ways to read this book depending upon someone’s interest. First, those who are exclusively interested in software testing concepts and want to apply the ideas should read Chapter 1 (“Basic Concepts and Preliminaries”), Chapter 3 (“Unit Testing”), Chapter 7 (“System Integration Testing”), and Chapters 8–14, related to system-level testing. Second, test managers interested in improving the test effectiveness of their teams can read Chapters 1, 3, 7, 8–14, 16 (“Test Team Organization”), 17 (“Software Quality”), and 18 (“Maturity Models”). Third, beginners should read the book from cover to cover.

Notes for Instructors

The book can be used as a text in an introductory course in software testing and quality assurance. One of the authors used the contents of this book in an under- graduate course entitled Software Testing and Quality Assurance for several years at the University of Waterloo. An introductory course in software testing can cover selected sections from most of the chapters except Chapter 16. For a course with more emphasis on testing techniques than on processes, we recommend to choose Chapters 1 (“Basic Concepts and Preliminaries”) to 15 (“Software Reliability”). When used as a supplementary text in a software engineering course, selected por- tions from the following chapters can help students imbibe the essential concepts in software testing:

• Chapter 1: Basic Concepts and Preliminaries • Chapter 3: Unit Testing • Chapter 7: System Integration Testing • Chapter 8: System Test Category • Chapter 14: Acceptance Testing

Supplementary materials for instructors are available at the following Wiley web- site: http:/www.wiley.com/sagar.


In preparing this book, we received much support from many people, including the publisher, our family members, and our friends and colleagues. The support has been in many different forms. First, we would like to thank our editors, namely, Anastasia Wasko, Val Moliere, Whitney A. Lesch, Paul Petralia, and Danielle Lacourciere who gave us much professional guidance and patiently answered our various queries. Our friend Dr. Alok Patnaik read the whole draft and made numer- ous suggestions to improve the presentation quality of the book; we thank him for


all his effort and encouragement. The second author, Piyu Tripathy, would like to thank his former colleagues at Nortel Networks, Cisco Systems, and Airvana Inc., and present colleagues at NEC Laboratories America.

Finally, the support of our parents, parents-in-law, and partners deserve a special mention. I, Piyu Tripathy, would like to thank my dear wife Leena, who has taken many household and family duties off my hands to give me time that I needed to write this book. And I, Sagar Naik, would like to thank my loving wife Alaka for her invaluable support and for always being there for me. I would also like to thank my charming daughters, Monisha and Sameeksha, and exciting son, Siddharth, for their understanding while I am writing this book. I am grateful to my elder brother, Gajapati Naik, for all his support. We are very pleased that now we have more time for our families and friends.

Kshirasagar Naik University of Waterloo Waterloo

Priyadarshi Tripathy NEC Laboratories America, Inc. Princeton


1.1 Shewhart cycle 2 1.2 Ishikawa diagram 4 1.3 Examples of basic test cases 11 1.4 Example of a test case with a sequence of < input, expected outcome > 12 1.5 Subset of the input domain exercising a subset of the program behavior 14 1.6 Different activities in program testing 14 1.7 Development and testing phases in the V model 16 1.8 Regression testing at different software testing levels. (From ref. 41.

© 2005 John Wiley & Sons.) 17 2.1 Executing a program with a subset of the input domain 32 2.2 Example of inappropriate path selection 35 2.3 Different ways of comparing power of test methods: (a) produces all test cases

produced by another method; (b) test sets have common elements. 43 2.4 Context of applying test adequacy 44

3.1 Steps in the code review process 55 3.2 Dynamic unit test environment 63 3.3 Test-first process in XP. (From ref. 24. © 2005 IEEE.) 72 3.4 Sample pseudocode for performing unit testing 73 3.5 The assertTrue() assertion throws an exception 75 3.6 Example test suite 76

4.1 Process of generating test input data for control flow testing 90 4.2 Symbols in a CFG 91 4.3 Function to open three files 91 4.4 High-level CFG representation of openfiles(). The three nodes are numbered

1, 2, and 3. 92 4.5 Detailed CFG representation of openfiles(). The numbers 1–21 are the nodes 93 4.6 Function to compute average of selected integers in an array. This program

is an adaptation of “Figure 2. A sample program” in ref. 10. (With permission from the Australian Computer Society.) 94

4.7 A CFG representation of ReturnAverage(). Numbers 1–13 are the nodes. 95 4.8 Dashed arrows represent the branches not covered by statement covering in

Table 4.4 99 4.9 Partial CFG with (a) OR operation and (b) AND operations 100 4.10 Example of a path from Figure 4.7 102 4.11 Path predicate for path in Figure 4.10 102 4.12 Method in Java to explain symbolic substitution [11] 103 4.13 Path predicate expression for path in Figure 4.10 105 4.14 Another example of path from Figure 4.7 105 4.15 Path predicate expression for path shown in Figure 4.14 106 4.16 Input data satisfying constraints of Figure 4.13 106



4.17 Binary search routine 111

5.1 Sequence of computations showing data flow anomaly 113 5.2 State transition diagram of a program variable. (From ref. 2. © 1979 IEEE.) 115 5.3 Definition and uses of variables 117 5.4 Data flow graph of ReturnAverage() example 118 5.5 Relationship among DF (data flow) testing criteria. (From ref. 4. © 1988

IEEE.) 125 5.6 Relationship among FDF (feasible data flow) testing criteria.

(From ref. 4. © 1988 IEEE.) 127 5.7 Limitation of different fault detection techniques 128 5.8 Binary search routine 133 5.9 Modified binary search routine 133

6.1 Illustration of the concept of program domains 137 6.2 A function to explain program domains 139 6.3 Control flow graph representation of the function in Figure 6.2 139 6.4 Domains obtained from interpreted predicates in Figure 6.3 140 6.5 Predicates defining the TT domain in Figure 6.4 141 6.6 ON and OFF points 146 6.7 Boundary shift resulting in reduced domain (closed inequality) 147 6.8 Boundary shift resulting in enlarged domain (closed inequality) 149 6.9 Tilted boundary (closed inequality) 149 6.10 Closure error (closed inequality) 150 6.11 Boundary shift resulting in reduced domain (open inequality) 151 6.12 Boundary shift resulting in enlarged domain (open inequality) 152 6.13 Tilted boundary (open inequality) 153 6.14 Closure error (open inequality) 153 6.15 Equality border 154 6.16 Domains D1, D2 and D3 157

7.1 Module hierarchy with three levels and seven modules 168 7.2 Top-down integration of modules A and B 169 7.3 Top-down integration of modules A, B, and D 169 7.4 Top-down integration of modules A, B, D, and C 169 7.5 Top-down integration of modules A, B, C, D, and E 170 7.6 Top-down integration of modules A, B, C, D, E, and F 170 7.7 Top-down integration of modules A, B, C, D, E, F and G 170 7.8 Bottom-up integration of modules E, F, and G 171 7.9 Bottom-up integration of modules B, C, and D with E, F, and G 172 7.10 Bottom-up integration of module A with all others 172 7.11 Hardware ECO process 179 7.12 Software ECO process 180 7.13 Module hierarchy of software system 190

8.1 Types of system tests 193 8.2 Types of basic tests 194 8.3 Types of functionality tests 197 8.4 Types of robustness tests 205 8.5 Typical 1xEV-DO radio access network. (Courtesy of Airvana, Inc.) 206

9.1 Frequency selection box of Bluetooth specification 224 9.2 Part of form ON479 of T1 general—2001, published by the CCRA 227


9.3 Functionally related variables 231 9.4 Function in context 232 9.5 (a) Obtaining output values from an input vector and (b) obtaining an input

vector from an output value in functional testing 233 9.6 Functional testing in general 234 9.7 System S with three input variables 235 9.8 (a) Too many test inputs; (b) one input selected from each subdomain 244 9.9 Gold standard oracle 253 9.10 Parametric oracle 253 9.11 Statistical oracle 254

10.1 Spectrum of software systems 266 10.2 Data-dominated systems 266 10.3 Control-dominated systems 267 10.4 FSM model of dual-boot laptop computer 267 10.5 Interactions between system and its environment modeled as FSM 268 10.6 PCOs on a telephone 269 10.7 FSM model of a PBX 270 10.8 FSM model of PBX 271 10.9 Interaction of test sequence with SUT 274 10.10 Derived test case from transition tour 275 10.11 Conceptual model of test case with state verification 278 10.12 Finite-state machine G1 (From ref. 5. © 1997 IEEE.) 281 10.13 UIO tree for G1 in Figure 10.12. (From ref. 5. © 1997 IEEE.) 282 10.14 Identification of UIO sequences on UIO tree of Figure 10.13 283 10.15 Finite-state machine G2 286 10.16 Distinguishing sequence tree for G2 in Figure 10.15 286 10.17 FSM that does not possess distinguishing sequence. (From ref. 11. © 1994

IEEE.) 287 10.18 DS tree for FSM (Figure 10.17) 288 10.19 Abstraction of N-entity in OSI reference architecture 291 10.20 Abstract local test architecture 292 10.21 Abstract external test architecture 292 10.22 Local architecture 293 10.23 Distributed architecture 293 10.24 Coordinated architecture 294 10.25 Remote architecture 295 10.26 Structure of module in TTCN-3 297 10.27 Definitions of two subtypes 297 10.28 Parameterized template for constructing message to be sent 298 10.29 Parameterized template for constructing message to be received 298 10.30 Testing (a) square-root function (SRF) calculator and (b) port between

tester and SRF calculator 299 10.31 Defining port type 300 10.32 Associating port with component 300 10.33 Test case for testing SRF calculator 301 10.34 Executing test case 302 10.35 Comparison of state transitions of FSM and EFSM 303 10.36 Controlled access to a door 304 10.37 SDL/GR door control system 305


10.38 Door control behavior specification 306 10.39 Door control behavior specification 307 10.40 Transition tour from door control system of Figures 10.38 and 10.39 309 10.41 Testing door control system 309 10.42 Output and input behavior obtained from transition tour of Figure 10.40 310 10.43 Test behavior obtained by refining if part in Figure 10.42 310 10.44 Test behavior that can receive unexpected events (derived from Figure 10.43) 311 10.45 Core behavior of test case for testing door control system (derived from

Figure 10.44) 312 10.46 User interface of ATM 314 10.47 Binding of buttons with user options 314 10.48 Binding of buttons with cash amount 315 10.49 FSM G 318 10.50 FSM H 318 10.51 FSM K 319 10.52 Nondeterministic FSM 319

11.1 State transition diagram of requirement 323 11.2 Test suite structure 336 11.3 Service interworking between FR and ATM services 337 11.4 Transformation of FR to ATM cell 338 11.5 FrAtm test suite structure 342 11.6 State transition diagram of a test case 345 11.7 State transition diagram of test case result 349

12.1 Concept of cycle-based test execution strategy 363 12.2 Gantt chart for FR–ATM service interworking test project 390 12.3 Broad criteria of test automation tool evaluation 393 12.4 Test selection guideline for automation 396 12.5 Characteristics of automated test cases 397 12.6 Six major steps in automated test case 399 12.7 Components of a automation infrastructure 401

13.1 State transition diagram representation of life cycle of defect 409 13.2 Projected execution of test cases on weekly basis in cumulative chart form 417 13.3 PAE metric of Bazooka (PE: projected execution; AE: actually executed)

project 421 13.4 Pareto diagram for defect distribution shown in Table 13.12 431 13.5 Cause–effect diagram for DCA 434

15.1 Relationship between MTTR, MTTF, and MTBF 475 15.2 Graphical representation of operational profile of library information system 484 15.3 Failure intensity λ as function of cumulative failure μ (λ0 = 9 failures

per unit time, ν0 = 500 failures, θ = 0.0075) 488 15.4 Failure intensity λ as function of execution time τ (λ0 = 9 failures

per unit time, ν0 = 500 failures, θ = 0.0075) 490 15.5 Cumulative failure μ as function of execution time τ (λ0 = 9 failures per unit

time, ν0 = 500 failures, θ = 0.0075) 490 16.1 Structure of test groups 498 16.2 Structure of software quality assurance group 499 16.3 System test team hierarchy 500 16.4 Six phases of effective recruiting process 505


16.5 System test organization as part of development 518

17.1 Relation between quality factors and quality criteria [6] 528 17.2 ISO 9126 sample quality model refines standard’s features into

subcharacteristics. (From ref. 4. © 1996 IEEE.) 532 18.1 CMM structure. (From ref. 3. © 2005 John Wiley & Sons.) 549 18.2 SW-CMM maturity levels. (From ref. 3 © 2005 John Wiley & Sons.) 550 18.3 Five-level structure of TMM. (From ref. 5. © 2003 Springer.) 568


3.1 Hierarchy of System Documents 56 3.2 Code Review Checklist 58 3.3 McCabe Complexity Measure 79

4.1 Examples of Path in CFG of Figure 4.7 95 4.2 Input Domain of openfiles() 97 4.3 Inputs and Paths in openfiles() 97 4.4 Paths for Statement Coverage of CFG of Figure 4.7 98 4.5 Paths for Branch Coverage of CFG of Figure 4.7 99 4.6 Two Cases for Complete Statement and Branch Coverage of CFG of

Figure 4.9a 101 4.7 Interpretation of Path Predicate of Path in Figure 4.10 104 4.8 Interpretation of Path Predicate of Path in Figure 4.14 105 4.9 Test Data for Statement and Branch Coverage 106

5.1 Def() and c-use() Sets of Nodes in Figure 5.4 120 5.2 Predicates and p-use() Set of Edges in Figure 5.4 121

6.1 Two Interpretations of Second if() Statement in Figure 6.2 140 6.2 Detection of Boundary Shift Resulting in Reduced Domain

(Closed Inequality) 148 6.3 Detection of Boundary Shift Resulting in Enlarged Domain

(Closed Inequality) 149 6.4 Detection of Boundary Tilt (Closed Inequality) 150 6.5 Detection of Closure Error (Closed Inequality) 151 6.6 Detection of Boundary Shift Resulting in Reduced Domain (Open Inequality) 151 6.7 Detection of Boundary Shift Resulting in Enlarged Domain (Open Inequality) 152 6.8 Detection of Boundary Tilt (Open Inequality) 153 6.9 Detection of Closure Error (Open Inequality) 154

7.1 Check-in Request Form 166 7.2 Example Software/Hardware Compatibility Matrix 178 7.3 Framework for SIT Plan 181 7.4 Framework for Entry Criteria to Start System Integration 182 7.5 Framework for System Integration Exit Criteria 182

8.1 EMS Functionalities 199 8.2 Regulatory Approval Bodies of Different Countries 217

9.1 Number of Special Values of Inputs to FBS Module of Figure 9.1 230 9.2 Input and Output Domains of Functions of P in Figure 9.6 234 9.3 Pairwise Test Cases for System S 236 9.4 L4(23) Orthogonal Array 236 9.5 Commonly Used Orthogonal Arrays 237 9.6 Various Values That Need to Be Tested in Combinations 238



9.7 L9(34) Orthogonal Array 239 9.8 L9(34) Orthogonal Array after Mapping Factors 239 9.9 Generated Test Cases after Mapping Left-Over Levels 240 9.10 Generated Test Cases to Cover Each Equivalence Class 246 9.11 Decision Table Comprising Set of Conditions and Effects 248 9.12 Pay Calculation Decision Table with Values for Each Rule 250 9.13 Pay Calculation Decision Table after Column Reduction 251 9.14 Decision Table for Payment Calculation 252

10.1 PCOs for Testing Telephone PBX 270 10.2 Set of States in FSM of Figure 10.8 272 10.3 Input and Output Sets in FSM of Figure 10.8 272 10.4 Transition Tours Covering All States in Figure 10.8 276 10.5 State Transitions Not Covered by Transition Tours of Table 10.4 277 10.6 Transition Tours Covering All State Transitions in Figure 10.8 277 10.7 UIO Sequences of Minimal Lengths Obtained from Figure 10.14 284 10.8 Examples of State Blocks 284 10.9 Outputs of FSM G2 in Response to Input Sequence 11 in Different States 287 10.10 Output Sequences Generated by FSM of Figure 10.17 as Response to W1 289 10.11 Output Sequences Generated by FSM of Figure 10.17 as Response to W2 289 10.12 Test Sequences for State Transition (D, A, a/x) of FSM in Figure 10.17 290

11.1 Coverage Matrix [Aij ] 322 11.2 Requirement Schema Field Summary 324 11.3 Engineering Change Document Information 329 11.4 Characteristics of Testable Functional Specifications 333 11.5 Mapping of FR QoS Parameters to ATM QoS Parameters 340 11.6 Test Case Schema Summary 346 11.7 Test Suite Schema Summary 348 11.8 Test Result Schema Summary 348

12.1 Outline of System Test Plan 356 12.2 Equipment Needed to be Procured 360 12.3 Entry Criteria for First System Test Cycle 368 12.4 Test Case Failure Counts to Initiate RCA in Test Cycle 1 374 12.5 Test Case Failure Counts to Initiate RCA in Test Cycle 2 375 12.6 Test Effort Estimation for FR–ATM PVC Service Interworking 379 12.7 Form for Computing Unadjusted Function Point 382 12.8 Factors Affecting Development Effort 382 12.9 Empirical Relationship between Function Points and LOC 383 12.10 Guidelines for Manual Test Case Creation Effort 384 12.11 Guidelines for Manual Test Case Execution Effort 386 12.12 Guidelines for Estimation of Effort to Manually Execute Regression

Test Cases 386 12.13 Benefits of Automated Testing 391

13.1 States of Defect Modeled in Figure 13.1 410 13.2 Defect Schema Summary Fields 412 13.3 State Transitions to Five Possible Next States from Open State 413 13.4 Outline of Test Execution Working Document 416 13.5 EST Metric in Week 4 of Bazooka Project 422 13.6 EST Metric in Bazooka Monitored on Weekly Basis 423


13.7 DAR Metric for Stinger Project 425 13.8 Weekly DRR Status for Stinger Test Project 426 13.9 Weekly OD on Priority Basis for Stinger Test Project 427 13.10 Weekly CD Observed by Different Groups for Stinger Test Project 427 13.11 ARD Metric for Bayonet 428 13.12 Sample Test Data of Chainsaw Test Project 430 13.13 Framework for Beta Release Criteria 436 13.14 Structure of Final System Test Report 438 13.15 Scale for Defect Age 443 13.16 Defect Injection versus Discovery on Project Boomerang 443 13.17 Number of Defects Weighted by Defect Age on Project Boomerang 444 13.18 ARD Metric for Test Project 448 13.19 Scale for PhAge 449

14.1 Outline of ATP 462 14.2 ACC Document Information 464 14.3 Structure of Acceptance Test Status Report 465 14.4 Structure of Acceptance Test Summary Report 466

15.1 Example of Operational Profile of Library Information System 484

17.1 McCall’s Quality Factors 524 17.2 Categorization of McCall’s Quality Factors 527 17.3 McCall’s Quality Criteria 529

18.1 Requirements for Different Maturity Levels 564 18.2 Test Maturity Matrix 566

CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts and Preliminaries

Software is like entropy. It is difficult to grasp, weighs nothing, and obeys the second law of thermodynamics, i.e., it always increases. — Norman Ralph Augustine


People seek quality in every man-made artifact. Certainly, the concept of quality did not originate with software systems. Rather, the quality concept is likely to be as old as human endeavor to mass produce artifacts and objects of large size. In the past couple of decades a quality revolution, has been spreading fast throughout the world with the explosion of the Internet. Global competition, outsourcing, off-shoring, and increasing customer expectations have brought the concept of quality to the forefront. Developing quality products on tighter schedules is critical for a company to be successful in the new global economy. Traditionally, efforts to improve quality have centered around the end of the product development cycle by emphasizing the detection and correction of defects. On the contrary, the new approach to enhancing quality encompasses all phases of a product development process—from a requirements analysis to the final delivery of the product to the customer. Every step in the development process must be performed to the highest possible standard. An effective quality process must focus on [1]:

• Paying much attention to customer’s requirements • Making efforts to continuously improve quality • Integrating measurement processes with product design and development • Pushing the quality concept down to the lowest level of the organization • Developing a system-level perspective with an emphasis on methodology

and process

• Eliminating waste through continuous improvement

Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice, Edited by Kshirasagar Naik and Priyadarshi Tripathy Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



A quality movement started in Japan during the 1940s and the 1950s by William Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, and Kaoru Ishikawa. In circa 1947, W. Edwards Deming “visited India as well, then continued on to Japan, where he had been asked to join a statistical mission responsible for planning the 1951 Japanese census” [2], p. 8. During his said visit to Japan, Deming invited statis- ticians for a dinner meeting and told them how important they were and what they could do for Japan [3]. In March 1950, he returned to Japan at the invitation of Managing Director Kenichi Koyanagi of the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) to teach a course to Japanese researchers, workers, executives, and engineers on statistical quality control (SQC) methods. Statistical quality con- trol is a discipline based on measurements and statistics. Decisions are made and plans are developed based on the collection and evaluation of actual data in the form of metrics, rather than intuition and experience. The SQC methods use seven basic quality management tools: Pareto analysis, cause-and-effect diagram, flow chart, trend chart, histogram, scatter diagram, and control chart [2].

In July 1950, Deming gave an eight-day seminar based on the Shewhart meth- ods of statistical quality control [4, 5] for Japanese engineers and executives. He introduced the plan–do–check–act (PDCA) cycle in the seminar, which he called the Shewhart cycle (Figure 1.1). The Shewhart cycle illustrates the following activ- ity sequence: setting goals, assigning them to measurable milestones, and assessing the progress against those milestones. Deming’s 1950 lecture notes formed the basis for a series of seminars on SQC methods sponsored by the JUSE and provided the criteria for Japan’s famed Deming Prize. Deming’s work has stimulated several dif- ferent kinds of industries, such as those for radios, transistors, cameras, binoculars, sewing machines, and automobiles.

Between circa 1950 and circa 1970, automobile industries in Japan, in par- ticular Toyota Motor Corporation, came up with an innovative principle to com- press the time period from customer order to banking payment, known as the “lean principle.” The objective was to minimize the consumption of resources that added no value to a product. The lean principle has been defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership program [61] as “a systematic approach to identifying and eliminat- ing waste through continuous improvement, flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection,” p.1. It is commonly believed that lean principles were started in Japan by Taiichi Ohno of Toyota [7], but Henry Ford

Plan—Establish the objective and process to deliver the results.

Do—Implement the plan and measure its performance.

Check—Assess the measurements and report the results to decision makers.

Act—Decide on changes needed to improve the process.

Act Plan

Check Do


Figure 1.1 Shewhart cycle.


had been using parts of lean as early as circa 1920, as evidenced by the following quote (Henry Ford, 1926) [61], p.1:

One of the noteworthy accomplishments in keeping the price of Ford products low is the gradual shortening of the production cycle. The longer an article is in the process of manufacture and the more it is moved about, the greater is its ultimate cost.

This concept was popularized in the United States by a Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology (MIT) study of the movement from mass production toward production, as described in The Machine That Changed the World , by James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, New York: Rawson and Associates, 1990. Lean thinking continues to spread to every country in the world, and lead- ers are adapting the principles beyond automobile manufacturing, to logistics and distribution, services, retail, health care, construction, maintenance, and software development [8].

Remark: Walter Andrew Shewhart was an American physicist, engineer, and statistician and is known as the father of statistical quality control. Shewhart worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories from its foundation in 1925 until his retirement in 1956 [9]. His work was summarized in his book Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product , published by McGraw-Hill in 1931. In 1938, his work came to the attention of physicist W. Edwards Deming, who developed some of Shewhart’s methodological proposals in Japan from 1950 onward and named his synthesis the Shewhart cycle.

In 1954, Joseph M. Juran of the United States proposed raising the level of quality management from the manufacturing units to the entire organization. He stressed the importance of systems thinking that begins with product requirement, design, prototype testing, proper equipment operations, and accurate process feed- back. Juran’s seminar also became a part of the JUSE’s educational programs [10]. Juran spurred the move from SQC to TQC (total quality control) in Japan. This included companywide activities and education in quality control (QC), audits, quality circle, and promotion of quality management principles. The term TQC was coined by an American, Armand V. Feigenbaum, in his 1951 book Quality Control Principles, Practice and Administration . It was republished in 2004 [11]. By 1968, Kaoru Ishikawa, one of the fathers of TQC in Japan, had outlined, as shown in the following, the key elements of TQC management [12]:

• Quality comes first, not short-term profits. • The customer comes first, not the producer. • Decisions are based on facts and data. • Management is participatory and respectful of all employees. • Management is driven by cross-functional committees covering product

planning, product design, purchasing, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and distribution.


Remark: A quality circle is a volunteer group of workers, usually members of the same department, who meet regularly to discuss the problems and make presenta- tions to management with their ideas to overcome them. Quality circles were started in Japan in 1962 by Kaoru Ishikawa as another method of improving quality. The movement in Japan was coordinated by the JUSE.

One of the innovative TQC methodologies developed in Japan is referred to as the Ishikawa or cause-and-effect diagram. Kaoru Ishikawa found from sta- tistical data that dispersion in product quality came from four common causes, namely materials , machines , methods , and measurements , known as the 4 Ms (Figure 1.2). The bold horizontal arrow points to quality, whereas the diagonal arrows in Figure 1.2 are probable causes having an effect on the quality. Mate- rials often differ when sources of supply or size requirements vary. Machines, or equipment, also function differently depending on variations in their parts, and they operate optimally for only part of the time. Methods, or processes, cause even greater variations due to lack of training and poor handwritten instructions. Finally, measurements also vary due to outdated equipment and improper calibra- tion. Variations in the 4 Ms parameters have an effect on the quality of a product. The Ishikawa diagram has influenced Japanese firms to focus their quality control attention on the improvement of materials, machines, methods, and measurements.

The total-quality movement in Japan has led to pervasive top-management involvement. Many companies in Japan have extensive documentation of their qual- ity activities. Senior executives in the United States either did not believe quality mattered or did not know where to begin until the National Broadcasting Corpora- tion (NBC), an America television network, broadcast the documentary “If Japan Can . . . Why Can’t We?” at 9:30 P.M. on June 24, 1980 [2]. The documentary was produced by Clare Crawford-Mason and was narrated by Lloyd Dobyns. Fif- teen minutes of the broadcast was devoted to Dr. Deming and his work. After the


Materials Machines

Methods Measurements



Figure 1.2 Ishikawa diagram.


broadcast, many executives and government leaders realized that a renewed empha- sis on quality was no longer an option for American companies but a necessity for doing business in an ever-expanding and more demanding competitive world market. Ford Motor Company and General Motors immediately adopted Deming’s SQC methodology into their manufacturing process. Other companies such as Dow Chemical and the Hughes Aircraft followed suit. Ishikawa’s TQC management phi- losophy gained popularity in the United States. Further, the spurred emphasis on quality in American manufacturing companies led the U.S. Congress to establish the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award—similar to the Deming Prize in Japan—in 1987 to recognize organizations for their achievements in quality and to raise awareness about the importance of quality excellence as a competitive edge [6]. In the Baldrige National Award, quality is viewed as something defined by the customer and thus the focus is on customer-driven quality . On the other hand, in the Deming Prize, quality is viewed as something defined by the pro- ducers by conforming to specifications and thus the focus is on conformance to specifications .

Remark: Malcolm Baldrige was U.S. Secretary of Commerce from 1981 until his death in a rodeo accident in July 1987. Baldrige was a proponent of quality management as a key to his country’s prosperity and long-term strength. He took a personal interest in the quality improvement act, which was eventually named after him, and helped draft one of its early versions. In recognition of his contributions, Congress named the award in his honor.

Traditionally, the TQC and lean concepts are applied in the manufacturing process. The software development process uses these concepts as another tool to guide the production of quality software [13]. These concepts provides a frame- work to discuss software production issues. The software capability maturity model (CMM) [14] architecture developed at the Software Engineering Institute is based on the principles of product quality that have been developed by W. Edwards Deming [15], Joseph M. Juran [16], Kaoru Ishikawa [12], and Philip Crosby [17].


The question “What is software quality?” evokes many different answers. Quality is a complex concept—it means different things to different people, and it is highly context dependent. Garvin [18] has analyzed how software quality is perceived in different ways in different domains, such as philosophy, economics, marketing, and management. Kitchenham and Pfleeger’s article [60] on software quality gives a succinct exposition of software quality. They discuss five views of quality in a comprehensive manner as follows:

1. Transcendental View : It envisages quality as something that can be rec- ognized but is difficult to define. The transcendental view is not specific to software quality alone but has been applied in other complex areas


of everyday life. For example, In 1964, Justice Potter Stewart of the U.S. Supreme Court, while ruling on the case Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U.S. 184 (1964), which involved the state of Ohio banning the French film Les Amants (“The Lovers”) on the ground of pornography, wrote “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I under- stand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it , and the motion picture involved in this case is not that” (emphasis added).

2. User View : It perceives quality as fitness for purpose. According to this view, while evaluating the quality of a product, one must ask the key question: “Does the product satisfy user needs and expectations?”

3. Manufacturing View : Here quality is understood as conformance to the specification. The quality level of a product is determined by the extent to which the product meets its specifications.

4. Product View : In this case, quality is viewed as tied to the inherent char- acteristics of the product. A product’s inherent characteristics, that is, internal qualities, determine its external qualities.

5. Value-Based View : Quality, in this perspective, depends on the amount a customer is willing to pay for it.

The concept of software quality and the efforts to understand it in terms of measurable quantities date back to the mid-1970s. McCall, Richards, and Walters [19] were the first to study the concept of software quality in terms of quality factors and quality criteria . A quality factor represents a behavioral characteristic of a system. Some examples of high-level quality factors are correctness , reliability , efficiency , testability , maintainability , and reusability . A quality criterion is an attribute of a quality factor that is related to software development. For example, modularity is an attribute of the architecture of a software system. A highly modular software allows designers to put cohesive components in one module, thereby improving the maintainability of the system.

Various software quality models have been proposed to define quality and its related attributes. The most influential ones are the ISO 9126 [20–22] and the CMM [14]. The ISO 9126 quality model was developed by an expert group under the aegis of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The docu- ment ISO 9126 defines six broad, independent categories of quality characteristics: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability , and portability . The CMM was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mel- lon University. In the CMM framework, a development process is evaluated on a scale of 1–5, commonly known as level 1 through level 5. For example, level 1 is called the initial level, whereas level 5—optimized—is the highest level of process maturity.

In the field of software testing, there are two well-known process models, namely, the test process improvement (TPI) model [23] and the test maturity Model (TMM) [24]. These two models allow an organization to assess the current state


of their software testing processes, identify the next logical area for improvement, and recommend an action plan for test process improvement.


Testing plays an important role in achieving and assessing the quality of a software product [25]. On the one hand, we improve the quality of the products as we repeat a test–find defects–fix cycle during development. On the other hand, we assess how good our system is when we perform system-level tests before releasing a product. Thus, as Friedman and Voas [26] have succinctly described, software testing is a verification process for software quality assessment and improvement. Generally speaking, the activities for software quality assessment can be divided into two broad categories, namely, static analysis and dynamic analysis .

• Static Analysis: As the term “static” suggests, it is based on the examina- tion of a number of documents, namely requirements documents, software models, design documents, and source code. Traditional static analysis includes code review, inspection, walk-through, algorithm analysis, and proof of correctness. It does not involve actual execution of the code under development. Instead, it examines code and reasons over all possible behav- iors that might arise during run time. Compiler optimizations are standard static analysis.

• Dynamic Analysis: Dynamic analysis of a software system involves actual program execution in order to expose possible program failures. The behav- ioral and performance properties of the program are also observed. Pro- grams are executed with both typical and carefully chosen input values. Often, the input set of a program can be impractically large. However, for practical considerations, a finite subset of the input set can be selected. Therefore, in testing, we observe some representative program behaviors and reach a conclusion about the quality of the system. Careful selection of a finite test set is crucial to reaching a reliable conclusion.

By performing static and dynamic analyses, practitioners want to identify as many faults as possible so that those faults are fixed at an early stage of the software development. Static analysis and dynamic analysis are complementary in nature, and for better effectiveness, both must be performed repeatedly and alternated. Practitioners and researchers need to remove the boundaries between static and dynamic analysis and create a hybrid analysis that combines the strengths of both approaches [27].


Two similar concepts related to software testing frequently used by practitioners are verification and validation . Both concepts are abstract in nature, and each can be


realized by a set of concrete, executable activities. The two concepts are explained as follows:

• Verification: This kind of activity helps us in evaluating a software system by determining whether the product of a given development phase satisfies the requirements established before the start of that phase. One may note that a product can be an intermediate product, such as requirement speci- fication, design specification, code, user manual, or even the final product. Activities that check the correctness of a development phase are called verification activities .

• Validation: Activities of this kind help us in confirming that a product meets its intended use. Validation activities aim at confirming that a product meets its customer’s expectations. In other words, validation activities focus on the final product, which is extensively tested from the customer point of view. Validation establishes whether the product meets overall expectations of the users.

Late execution of validation activities is often risky by leading to higher development cost. Validation activities may be executed at early stages of the software development cycle [28]. An example of early exe- cution of validation activities can be found in the eXtreme Programming (XP) software development methodology. In the XP methodology, the cus- tomer closely interacts with the software development group and conducts acceptance tests during each development iteration [29].

The verification process establishes the correspondence of an implementation phase of the software development process with its specification, whereas validation establishes the correspondence between a system and users’ expectations. One can compare verification and validation as follows:

• Verification activities aim at confirming that one is building the product cor- rectly , whereas validation activities aim at confirming that one is building the correct product [30].

• Verification activities review interim work products, such as requirements specification, design, code, and user manual, during a project life cycle to ensure their quality. The quality attributes sought by verification activities are consistency, completeness, and correctness at each major stage of sys- tem development. On the other hand, validation is performed toward the end of system development to determine if the entire system meets the customer’s needs and expectations.

• Verification activities are performed on interim products by applying mostly static analysis techniques, such as inspection, walkthrough, and reviews, and using standards and checklists. Verification can also include dynamic analysis, such as actual program execution. On the other hand, validation is performed on the entire system by actually running the system in its real environment and using a variety of tests.



In the literature on software testing, one can find references to the terms failure, error , fault , and defect . Although their meanings are related, there are important distinctions between these four concepts. In the following, we present first three terms as they are understood in the fault-tolerant computing community:

• Failure: A failure is said to occur whenever the external behavior of a system does not conform to that prescribed in the system specification.

• Error: An error is a state of the system. In the absence of any corrective action by the system, an error state could lead to a failure which would not be attributed to any event subsequent to the error.

• Fault: A fault is the adjudged cause of an error. A fault may remain undetected for a long time, until some event activates it. When an event activates a fault, it first brings the program into an intermediate error state. If computation is allowed to proceed from an error state without any corrective action, the program eventually causes a failure. As an aside, in fault-tolerant com- puting, corrective actions can be taken to take a program out of an error state into a desirable state such that subsequent computation does not eventually lead to a failure. The process of failure manifestation can therefore be succinctly represented as a behavior chain [31] as follows: fault → error → failure. The behavior chain can iterate for a while, that is, failure of one component can lead to a failure of another interacting component.

The above definition of failure assumes that the given specification is accept- able to the customer. However, if the specification does not meet the expectations of the customer, then, of course, even a fault-free implementation fails to satisfy the customer. It is a difficult task to give a precise definition of fault, error, or failure of software, because of the “human factor” involved in the overall acceptance of a system. In an article titled “What Is Software Failure” [32], Ram Chillarege com- mented that in modern software business software failure means “the customer’s expectation has not been met and/or the customer is unable to do useful work with product,” p. 354.

Roderick Rees [33] extended Chillarege’s comments of software failure by pointing out that “failure is a matter of function only [and is thus] related to purpose, not to whether an item is physically intact or not” (p. 163). To substantiate this, Behrooz Parhami [34] provided three interesting examples to show the relevance of such a view point in wider context. One of the examples is quoted here (p. 451):

Consider a small organization. Defects in the organization’s staff promotion policies can cause improper promotions, viewed as faults . The resulting ineptitudes & dissatisfac- tions are errors in the organization’s state. The organization’s personnel or departments probably begin to malfunction as result of the errors, in turn causing an overall degra- dation of performance. The end result can be the organization’s failure to achieve its goal.

There is a fine difference between defects and faults in the above example, that is, execution of a defective policy may lead to a faulty promotion. In a software


context, a software system may be defective due to design issues; certain system states will expose a defect, resulting in the development of faults defined as incor- rect signal values or decisions within the system. In industry, the term defect is widely used, whereas among researchers the term fault is more prevalent. For all practical purpose, the two terms are synonymous. In this book, we use the two terms interchangeably as required.


No matter how many times we run the test–find faults–fix cycle during software development, some faults are likely to escape our attention, and these will even- tually surface at the customer site. Therefore, a quantitative measure that is useful in assessing the quality of a software is its reliability [35]. Software reliability is defined as the probability of failure-free operation of a software system for a speci- fied time in a specified environment. The level of reliability of a system depends on those inputs that cause failures to be observed by the end users. Software reliability can be estimated via random testing , as suggested by Hamlet [36]. Since the notion of reliability is specific to a “specified environment,” test data must be drawn from the input distribution to closely resemble the future usage of the system. Captur- ing the future usage pattern of a system in a general sense is described in a form called the operational profile. The concept of operational profile of a system was pioneered by John D. Musa at AT&T Bell Laboratories between the 1970s and the 1990s [37, 38].


The stakeholders in a test process are the programmers, the test engineers, the project managers, and the customers. A stakeholder is a person or an organization who influences a system’s behaviors or who is impacted by that system [39]. Different stakeholders view a test process from different perspectives as explained below:

• It does work: While implementing a program unit, the programmer may want to test whether or not the unit works in normal circumstances. The programmer gets much confidence if the unit works to his or her satisfac- tion. The same idea applies to an entire system as well—once a system has been integrated, the developers may want to test whether or not the system performs the basic functions. Here, for the psychological reason, the objective of testing is to show that the system works, rather than it does not work.

• It does not work: Once the programmer (or the development team) is satisfied that a unit (or the system) works to a certain degree, more tests are conducted with the objective of finding faults in the unit (or the system). Here, the idea is to try to make the unit (or the system) fail.


• Reduce the risk of failure: Most of the complex software systems contain faults, which cause the system to fail from time to time. This concept of “failing from time to time” gives rise to the notion of failure rate. As faults are discovered and fixed while performing more and more tests, the failure rate of a system generally decreases. Thus, a higher level objective of performing tests is to bring down the risk of failing to an acceptable level.

• Reduce the cost of testing: The different kinds of costs associated with a test process include

the cost of designing, maintaining, and executing test cases,

the cost of analyzing the result of executing each test case,

the cost of documenting the test cases, and

the cost of actually executing the system and documenting it.

Therefore, the less the number of test cases designed, the less will be the associated cost of testing. However, producing a small number of arbitrary test cases is not a good way of saving cost. The highest level of objective of performing tests is to produce low-risk software with fewer number of test cases. This idea leads us to the concept of effectiveness of test cases . Test engineers must therefore judiciously select fewer, effective test cases.


In its most basic form, a test case is a simple pair of < input, expected outcome >. If a program under test is expected to compute the square root of nonnegative numbers, then four examples of test cases are as shown in Figure 1.3.

In stateless systems, where the outcome depends solely on the current input, test cases are very simple in structure, as shown in Figure 1.3. A program to compute the square root of nonnegative numbers is an example of a stateless system. A compiler for the C programming language is another example of a stateless system. A compiler is a stateless system because to compile a program it does not need to know about the programs it compiled previously.

In state-oriented systems, where the program outcome depends both on the current state of the system and the current input, a test case may consist of a

TB1: < 0, 0 >, TB2: < 25, 5 >, TB3: < 40, 6.3245553 >, TB4: < 100.5, 10.024968 >.

Figure 1.3 Examples of basic test cases.


TS1: < check balance, $500.00 >, < withdraw, ‘‘amount?’’ >, < $200.00, ‘‘$200.00’’ >, < check balance, $300.00 > .

Figure 1.4 Example of a test case with a sequence of < input, expected outcome >.

sequence of < input, expected outcome > pairs. A telephone switching system and an automated teller machine (ATM) are examples of state-oriented systems. For an ATM machine, a test case for testing the withdraw function is shown in Figure 1.4. Here, we assume that the user has already entered validated inputs, such as the cash card and the personal identification number (PIN).

In the test case TS1, “check balance” and “withdraw” in the first, second, and fourth tuples represent the pressing of the appropriate keys on the ATM keypad. It is assumed that the user account has $500.00 on it, and the user wants to withdraw an amount of $200.00. The expected outcome “$200.00” in the third tuple represents the cash dispensed by the ATM. After the withdrawal operation, the user makes sure that the remaining balance is $300.00.

For state-oriented systems, most of the test cases include some form of deci- sion and timing in providing input to the system. A test case may include loops and timers, which we do not show at this moment.


An outcome of program execution is a complex entity that may include the following:

• Values produced by the program: Outputs for local observation (integer, text, audio, image)

Outputs (messages) for remote storage, manipulation, or observation

• State change: State change of the program

State change of the database (due to add, delete, and update operations)

• A sequence or set of values which must be interpreted together for the outcome to be valid

An important concept in test design is the concept of an oracle. An oracle is any entity—program, process, human expert, or body of data—that tells us the expected outcome of a particular test or set of tests [40]. A test case is meaningful only if it is possible to decide on the acceptability of the result produced by the program under test.

Ideally, the expected outcome of a test should be computed while designing the test case. In other words, the test outcome is computed before the program is


executed with the selected test input. The idea here is that one should be able to compute the expected outcome from an understanding of the program’s require- ments. Precomputation of the expected outcome will eliminate any implementation bias in case the test case is designed by the developer.

In exceptional cases, where it is extremely difficult, impossible, or even undesirable to compute a single expected outcome, one should identify expected outcomes by examining the actual test outcomes, as explained in the following:

1. Execute the program with the selected input.

2. Observe the actual outcome of program execution.

3. Verify that the actual outcome is the expected outcome.

4. Use the verified actual outcome as the expected outcome in subsequent runs of the test case.


It is not unusual to find people making claims such as “I have exhaustively tested the program.” Complete, or exhaustive, testing means there are no undiscovered faults at the end of the test phase. All problems must be known at the end of complete testing. For most of the systems, complete testing is near impossible because of the following reasons:

• The domain of possible inputs of a program is too large to be completely used in testing a system. There are both valid inputs and invalid inputs. The program may have a large number of states. There may be timing constraints on the inputs, that is, an input may be valid at a certain time and invalid at other times. An input value which is valid but is not properly timed is called an inopportune input. The input domain of a system can be very large to be completely used in testing a program.

• The design issues may be too complex to completely test. The design may have included implicit design decisions and assumptions. For example, a programmer may use a global variable or a static variable to control program execution.

• It may not be possible to create all possible execution environments of the system. This becomes more significant when the behavior of the software system depends on the real, outside world, such as weather, temperature, altitude, pressure, and so on.


We must realize that though the outcome of complete testing, that is, discovering all faults, is highly desirable, it is a near-impossible task, and it may not be attempted. The next best thing is to select a subset of the input domain to test a program.






Apply inputs Observe outcome

Program PInput domain D

Figure 1.5 Subset of the input domain exercising a subset of the program behavior.

Referring to Figure 1.5, let D be the input domain of a program P . Suppose that we select a subset D1 of D , that is, D1 ⊂ D , to test program P . It is possible that D1 exercises only a part P1, that is, P1 ⊂ P , of the execution behavior of P , in which case faults with the other part, P2, will go undetected.

By selecting a subset of the input domain D1, the test engineer attempts to deduce properties of an entire program P by observing the behavior of a part P1 of the entire behavior of P on selected inputs D1. Therefore, selection of the subset of the input domain must be done in a systematic and careful manner so that the deduction is as accurate and complete as possible. For example, the idea of coverage is considered while selecting test cases.


In order to test a program, a test engineer must perform a sequence of testing activities. Most of these activities have been shown in Figure 1.6 and are explained in the following. These explanations focus on a single test case.

• Identify an objective to be tested: The first activity is to identify an objective to be tested. The objective defines the intention, or purpose, of designing one or more test cases to ensure that the program supports the objective. A clear purpose must be associated with every test case.

Program (P)


Selected input

Compute expected outcome for the selected input

Observe actual


Assign a test verdict

Result analysis

Figure 1.6 Different activities in program testing.


• Select inputs: The second activity is to select test inputs. Selection of test inputs can be based on the requirements specification, the source code, or our expectations. Test inputs are selected by keeping the test objective in mind.

• Compute the expected outcome: The third activity is to compute the expected outcome of the program with the selected inputs. In most cases, this can be done from an overall, high-level understanding of the test objective and the specification of the program under test.

• Set up the execution environment of the program: The fourth step is to prepare the right execution environment of the program. In this step all the assumptions external to the program must be satisfied. A few examples of assumptions external to a program are as follows:

Initialize the local system, external to the program. This may include making a network connection available, making the right database system available, and so on.

Initialize any remote, external system (e.g., remote partner process in a distributed application.) For example, to test the client code, we may need to start the server at a remote site.

• Execute the program: In the fifth step, the test engineer executes the program with the selected inputs and observes the actual outcome of the program. To execute a test case, inputs may be provided to the program at different physical locations at different times. The concept of test coordi- nation is used in synchronizing different components of a test case.

• Analyze the test result: The final test activity is to analyze the result of test execution. Here, the main task is to compare the actual outcome of program execution with the expected outcome. The complexity of compar- ison depends on the complexity of the data to be observed. The observed data type can be as simple as an integer or a string of characters or as complex as an image, a video, or an audio clip. At the end of the analy- sis step, a test verdict is assigned to the program. There are three major kinds of test verdicts, namely, pass , fail , and inconclusive, as explained below.

If the program produces the expected outcome and the purpose of the test case is satisfied, then a pass verdict is assigned.

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