Anthropology Project
ANT2410 Intro to Cultural Anthropology Ethnographic Paper Assignment Summer 2020
Due Dates: Assignment Part 1: 7/10/20
Assignment Part 2: 7/27/20 Description: You will read an ethnography (a research book written by an anthropologist about his/her/their research) and write a series of short written on it. Books can be borrowed from the library, rented, or purchased. You will choose your book from the list of 11 at the end of this rubric. The assignment is worth a total of 20% of your course grade. There are two parts to this assignment:
1) A detailed analysis of the first half of the text. Here you will write paragraphs describing the author’s hypothesis, setting and methodology of the ethnographic study.
2) A cultural analysis summarizing the second half of the book. Here you will describe the religious/economic/social/political organization of the culture, the ethnographer’s findings, and your opinion of the book.
Part 1: Due 7/10 @ 11/59PM on Canvas (10 pts) You should have half of the book read at this point. Write a paragraph(s) answering each of the following sets of questions. Each paragraph should have a thesis statement and evidence of details/data from the ethnography to support your answer. Please number and include the headings below. Minimum length is 1,000 words.
1. Heading 1pt: Name, Class, Date, Ethnography Title, Author. 2. Setting 3pts: What is the setting (time/place) of the study? What culture(s) are
involved? What type of society is being studied (Band/tribe/chiefdom/state)? Describe the basic information of the community that you know at this point.
3. Hypothesis 3pts: What is the author’s research topic and hypothesis, i.e. what is the question/topic that they are undertaking in their research? (The topic may be class issues, race, gender, economics, politics, religion etc.) What preparations were necessary for the anthropologist to due to begin their research?
4. Methodology 3pts: How is the anthropologist conducting the study? What techniques are being utilized? Who are their informants and how are they selected? What issues are they having in the field during the beginning of their research? Include details of the study to aid support to the author’s techniques and hypothesis.
Citations Required: Include in-text citations for all paraphrased material using the AAA style guide (with page numbers) as described below. Include References (ethnography and textbook) at the end of the assignment. If you do not include citations within your text, you will receive a 0 for the assignment as it is plagiarized.
Part 2: Due 7/27 @ 11:59PM on Canvas (10 pts) You should have the book completed at this point. Write a paragraph(s) answering each of the following sets of questions. Each paragraph should have a thesis statement and evidence of details/data from the ethnography to support your answer. Please number and include the headings below. Minimum length is 1,000 words.
1. Heading: Name, Class, Date, Ethnography Title, Author. 2. Economic/Political/Social/Religious Organizations 6pts: Describe the cultural
system/structure of the culture studied. Relate this to what you learned in the textbook. For example, if the culture is a band society, state this and describe its way of making a living, the leadership and politics, the religion and the social groups of how people are organized.
3. Conclusions 2pts: What was the author’s conclusion of their ethnographic study? Did it answer their hypothesis? Explain in detail what the results were and the process of how the conclusions were made. What recommendations did they have for future research?
4. Opinion 2pts: What is your opinion of the ethnography? What did you like/dislike about the ethnography? What surprised you and what did you learn most about? What questions do you still have that are left unanswered? If you were the anthropologist what would you do differently? Citations Required: Include in-text citations for all paraphrased material using the AAA style guide (with page numbers) as described below. Include References (ethnography and textbook) at the end of the assignment. If you do not include citations within your text, you will receive a 0 for the assignment as it is plagiarized.
Format: Format: Times Roman 11 or 12 pt font or Arial 10 or 11 pt font. Margins 1-1.25” top/bottom/left/right. Pages numbered. Name and class identified in single-spaced heading on first page. Include the numbers and headings in the assignment please. Double-spaced text. Docx or pdf files. References do not count toward page count. Citations: You are required to include in-text citations throughout your essays and include the page number in them, and references at the end. Do not use footnotes or endnotes. Please do so in the following format and use the American Anthropological Association Style Guide for format found here:
• In-text citations as follows: At the end of the FIRST PARAPHRASED SENTENCE (author year, page). (Bender and Klassen 2010, 138).
• You must cite whenever you include information used from the book(s). • Do not use direct quotes longer than a single sentence. • Reference at end of assignment as follows:
o Author. Year. Title. City: Publisher. Bender, Courtney, and Pamela E. Klassen. 2010. After Pluralism: Reimagining Religious Engagement. New York: Columbia University Press.
Deductions: • Incorrect Format (font, paragraph style, page numbering, missing heading info.) • Citations (incorrect in-text format, missing citations, incorrect reference format)
• Using sources besides the ethnography or textbook unless appropriate for the assignment (contact TA or Professor). You should not use any other source without approval.
• Direct Quotes: Anything longer than one sentence or an excessive amount of one’s paper contains direct quotes (>5%) will receive deductions or deemed to be plagiarized.
• Plagiarism: Any student not submitting original work, not including in-text citations with paraphrased materials, submitting another’s work as their own, copying, submitting a paper with excessive direct quotations, submitting paper or revised paper from another class, or any other violation of the Academic Honor Code for one or more of the essays will receive a 0 for the paper, and F in the course and be reported to FSU for the violation.
• Length – Assignments not containing sufficient supportive evidence of the topic with details from the ethnography to support your statements will be deducted accordingly. Every paragraph should begin with a statement then contain supportive details from the ethnography. Be specific and include scenarios from the research that apply to the question. Answers of single or few sentences will be insufficient. Paragraphs are expected. Each assignment is expected to be a minimum of 1,000 words in length.
Choose 1 of these Ethnographies for your Assignment: Abu-Lughod, Lila. 2008. Writing Women’s Worlds: Bedouin Stories. Oakland, University of
California Press. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier and eBook, Kindle, purchase] Basso, Keith H. 1996. Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western
Apache. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier and eBook, Kindle, purchase]
Benedict, Ruth. 2006 [1934]. Patterns of Culture. New York, Mariner. [Available via FSU
Library in Strozier and eBook, Kindle, purchase] Bourgois, Philippe. 2002 [1995]. In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier, Kindle, purchase] Farrer, Claire. 2010. Thunder Rides a Black Horse: Mescalero Apache and the Mythic Present.
3rd edition. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. (Cannot choose this text if you were in ANT3212 Spring 2019.) [Available via FSU Library in Strozier, purchase]
Fox, Kate. 2004. Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour. London, Hodder
and Stoughton. [Available via Kindle, purchase] Hurston, Zora Neale. 2008 [1938]. Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica. New
York, Harper Perennial. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier, Kindle, purchase] Mead, Margaret. 2001 [1928]. Coming of Age in Samoa. New York, William Morrow. [Available
via FSU Library in Strozier, Kindle, purchase, (free access, but must access via FSU library]
Robb Larkins, Erika. 2015. The Spectacular Favela: Violence in Modern Brazil. Oakland, University of California Press. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier and eBook, Kindle, purchase]
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. 1992. Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil.
Oakland, University of California Press. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier and eBook, Kindle, purchase]
Shostak, Marjorie and Nisa. 2000 [1981]. Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman. Boston,
Harvard University Press. [Available via FSU Library in Strozier, purchase, (free access, but must access via FSU library]