Arisleidy Green
Dr. Claerbaut
SOC-510: Global Current Events – Gender Analysis
In a response of 750-1,000 words, please address the following prompts. Cite four to six scholarly sources to support your responses:
1. Investigate a current global event that relates to your chosen global social problem, and that can be sociologically analyzed through the lens of gender as a source of stratification. Summarize the event. Address the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the event. Include a Web link to your source. (250-300 words)
My chosen global social problem is discrimination based on gender, race, access to technology, ethnicity, and age. One of the current global events which relate to the social problem is gender discrimination, which comes in various forms, particularly for the women who are working. Approximately four in ten women who are working in the United States have reported having experienced discrimination during their duties (42% of US working women have faced gender discrimination on the job, 2017). For instance, they report experiences such as earning less than their male colleagues earn, even though they do the same jobs as their male counterparts. In an analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center survey data, the survey, which was undertaken on July 11 to August 10 in the year 2017, found that many women experience sexual harassment in various occasions.
A national representative sample of 4,914 adult women and men were used, and among them, 4,702, were employed at least as part-time employees. Moreover, the women mostly reported having experienced sexual harassment personally, more than the men at work have. Another form of discrimination in the area of income (Gender discrimination, n.d.). Besides, the survey suggested that one in four women stated that they earned less than the men, whom they performed the same duties together. Fewer men reported having earned less than the women have, even though they performed the same duties (42% of US working women have faced gender discrimination on the job, 2017). Hence, women were the most discriminated against. Moreover, most women reported having been roughly treated as compared to the men who reported less mistreatment. Therefore, women experience more forms of discrimination more than men do in the workplace.
1. Provide an analysis of the prevalence of the global sociological problem associated with the current global event and how they intersect with gender. What factors have been cited as causes of the global social problem, and how has the country responded to the problem? Is the current global event response to or a result of the global social problem? Explain and support your answer. (250-300 words)
Discrimination is very prevalent in the United States, and the context of gender discrimination in the workplace, this problem has affected women since the rise in their participation in the workforce. More than 42 percent of women work in the US, and approximately four out of ten have recorded that they are being discriminated against in their place of work. Women are discriminated against in terms of wage, denied a promotion, turned down for jobs, isolated in the workplace, treated as less competent, and receive less support. According to Census Bureau from 2018, women facing discrimination in terms of ethics distribution are as follows: white with about 40 percent, blacks 53 percent, and Hispanic 40 percent (42% of US working women have faced gender discrimination on the job, 2017).
One of the main associated causes of gender discrimination in the workplace is that women are under-represented in various ways, specifically in male-dominated areas such as the auto industry. Consequently, men in leadership in these industries do not have an open a progressive perspective concerning the employment of women, which may create tension, conflict, and a negative working environment. This is also prevalent in the non-male-dominated industries where top management may view women as less competent, capable, and less effective in performance. However, the country is making an effort to respond to this issue (42% of US working women have faced gender discrimination on the job, 2017). There are various policies put in place to encourage gender parity; different advocacy is in being implemented, minimizing gender gap, reassessment of job requirements for top leadership positions, and encouraging participation of leadership even in political leadership. This current event of gender discrimination is a result of the global social problem, which is discrimination based on age, gender, ethnicity, or access to technology.
3 Assess what other factors, if any, contribute to the inequality of the global social problem within the context of the current global event. (100-200 words)
Several factors contribute to discrimination based on age, gender, ethnicity, and access to technology and specifically in terms of the age gap. One is because there are more men in higher job roles than women since most of those roles are believed to require more working hours and constant availability that women cannot meet. This then brings the disparity in pay since most of the positions are highly paid, and women do not have them. Secondly, caring responsibilities and part-time roles are shared unequally. This is argued that women choose to care for their children and thus naturally end up in part-time jobs that are below skill levels and fewer progression opportunities hence fewer salaries. The third factor is that women are paid less for the same role that men do, which has been a fact going on for many years.
Determine what strategies could be implemented to alleviate the global sociological problem within the context of the current global event. (150-200 words)
Discrimination based on gender, race, access to technology, ethnicity, and age is associated with gender discrimination at work, which is a current global event. Besides, women are the most discriminated against in workplaces (Hutchison, 2010). One of the causes behind such forms of discrimination is the difference in the education levels between the men and the women at the workplace. Therefore, some strategies can be implemented to prevent and even eliminate such a global problem, particularly within the context of the current global event. For example, relying on the evidence based-practice measures is crucial. Evidence-based practices typically rely on peer-reviewed studies. Hence they are effective in managing the global social problem (An evidence-based strategy for problem-solving, n.d.). Some studies have efficient ways that can be implemented, such as creating awareness of education among girls and women.
42% of US working women have faced gender discrimination on the job. (2017, December 14). Pew Research Center.
An evidence-based strategy for problem-solving. (n.d.). ResearchGate.
Gender discrimination. (n.d.). The Independent.
Hutchison, E. D. (2010). Social justice and social work: Oxford bibliographies online research guide. Oxford University Press.
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