Assessment Description
Follow the instructions and complete Standards 2-7 of the “IEP Performance Template.” Base the IEP on the student you are following throughout your student teaching placement. All identifiable student information should be replaced with pseudonyms for confidentiality.
Preparation of the IEP draft, supporting documentation and artifacts, and a plan for services and supports must be completed and organized prior to an IEP meeting. School IEP team members must also provide the parents/guardians with advanced notice of the IEP meeting (and be willing to adjust that time, if requested), as well as a copy of the prior written notice. Although not mandated by IDEA, at least 10 days advance notice of the meeting is common practice. School IEP team members must also provide parents/guardians a copy of the procedural safeguards during the IEP meeting, and a new prior written notice, which describes the decisions made and new services that will be provided, to parents/guardians after the meeting.
Student information:student with autism, and for speech and language. For the upcoming school year 2022 - 2023, she will be in the 11th grade. Functionally: She demonstrates appropriate gross motor skills. She knows the safety signs needed to navigate the school and in general. She has good fine motor skills and is very detail oriented. *** She does not present with any sensory needs and is able to react appropriately to sensory items. She is able to communicate and express herself as needed. She is able to respond appropriately to verbal commands. She is very competitive and enjoys games and sports. She loves art and enjoys coloring and drawing. She is very polite and friendly. She is able to use technology and navigate the internet without assistance. Academically: Reading - she is able to identify and decode words independently. She identifies the Doclc sight words up to the third-grade level. She is able to repeat readings of stories with rhyme and rime. She is able to read words in isolation and in context. She shows an understanding of basic vocabulary within an instructional context. She fluently read within the modified grade-level text. When she Student's Academic and Functional Strengths
She is currently a second-year student who served for three blocks in special education as a is asked to respond to questions after reading a text she is able to fill in an open-ended sentence and omit words during repeated readings, answer questions using multiple-choice options, and answer simple questions from the modified grade-level text after reading or hearing it read. She is able to state simple events, information, or ideas from a text read, using the word wall, word banks or picture prompts as needed. Writing - She is able to write or produce sentences when provided with a question or sentence starter support. She utilizes word prediction features to spell words with fair accuracy. She can combine words to create a simple grammatically correct sentence with support and/or specialized adaptations. She demonstrates organization of ideas at the initial level. She can identify, and label stimuli, such as pictures, prompts, and realia, by drawing lines to the correct words for (9 out of 10) opportunities In math - read, locate and use numbers effectively in real-life applications. She uses a calculator with assistance to calculate and solve simple problems. She identifies and uses basic money skills, such as matching coins and dollars for a purchase. She is able to identify and use basic time skills and tools with support (e.g., identifying days and months and telling time to the hour). She actively participates in life skills activities involving measurement using adapted tools, procedures, or technology with prompts and assistance. She demonstrates an understanding of new concepts through responses and the completion of activities. Speech/Language: She has communication strengths in the areas of articulation (speech sound production), voice (appropriate for her age and gender), and fluency (forward flow of speech). Lena is able to verbally state her opinions, thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs.
Student's Academic and Functional Needs Functional: Lena tends to lose focus and requires preferential seating to be easily redirected. She requires support to access the curriculum. She requires visual cues and prompting to move from task to task. She continues to need instruction using classroom technology for a designated learning purpose without prompts and assistance. continues to need supervision for safety in the kitchen. Reading: continues to require instruction in responding to "wh" questions. When asked a "wh'' question she sometimes struggles to produce the correct response in relation to the question. She requires additional instruction when asked to identify verbs and compare pictures by size. Math: continues to struggle with number sense and concepts at the progressing level. She has difficulty making comparisons of unit fractions, whole numbers up to 10 such as same vs. different, greater vs. smaller, more vs. less, and whole vs. part. She is struggling with doing addition and subtraction with renaming and place value. Writing: She struggles with writing a completed paragraph. Behavior: Prior to the escalated behavior occurring, will escape/avoid the situation by putting her head on the desk with her hood over her head, she has in instances run from the class into the bathroom to avoid doing the activity. The problem behavior occurs when Lena is participating in a non-preferred activity such as doing assignments. Daily living:continues to need instruction with money management tasks such as locating the price of clearly marked items and exchanging cash for desired items Speech/Language: As evidenced by the results of standard assessments, continues to present with expressive and receptive language deficits. Her language deficits have been addressed in the classroom setting during language based academic activities, by the special education teacher and the speech/language pathologist. has difficulty responding without delay to the teacher’s questions, contributing to discussions about various topics, and requesting clarification when information is not understood. Impact of Student’s Disability Speech/Language: expressive and receptive language deficits (social language) make it difficult for her to effectively participate in classroom activities that require responding to questions in a timely manner, using curriculum based vocabulary to contribute to group discussions, and asking questions for clarification. Reading: disability of autism affects executive functioning, resulting in difficulty with organization, planning, paying attention, and/or inhibiting inappropriate responses. This impacts access to reading-related instruction, and tasks such as recalling words, reading and recalling lengthy texts, and monitoring self for comprehension while reading. In math, disability impacts her in tasks such as simplifying complex math problems, organizing data, solving multi-step math problems, and making a plan for how to solve a math problem. Parent/Student Input on PLAAFP Academic Achievement Area of Assessment: Reading Date: 03/11/2022 Method or Name of Assessment: Curriculum based assessment- Commonlit Findings: She is able to identify the themes in a reading passage and summarize the main ideas of the text when presented on her instructional level. With the theme and summary, She is able to identify the theme and give details of the passage read. understands the structure of a story, she is able to put the events or a story in the correct sequence. struggles with identifying the main idea of a story and the point of view of the character in the story. Theme and summary- 50% Structure- 50% Main idea - 0% Point of view -0%