In 4 pages
Topic disease - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
1. What public health and education measures have been taken during recent outbreaks to monitor and track the disease you chose in the community?
2. What else is being done about this disease from a public health standpoint?
3. Address the actions taken by community agencies,
4. not-for-profit organizations,
5. and government agencies such as the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotions to reduce the prevalence of this disease.
6. Provide information on pathophysiology, mode of transmission and treatment option for the diseases.
In 1 page –
1. Discuss the Ebola outbreak that occurred in West Africa in 2014.
2. Discuss key information presented on the media related to the disease at that particular time
3. What key information impacted your perception related infection diseases processes?
4. What new information have you learned regarding infectious disease that change you perception of the 2014 Ebola outbreak?