Discussion 2- Persuasion Class
Now in its sixth edition, Persuasion: Social Influence and Compliance Gaining continues to
boast an accessible voice and vibrant aesthetic that appeals to undergraduate students of
communication, psychology, advertising, and marketing. In addition to presenting established
theories and models, this text encourages students to develop and apply general conclusions
about persuasion in real-world settings. Along the way, students are introduced to the
practice of social influence in an array of contexts (e.g., advertising, marketing, politics,
interpersonal relationships, social media, groups) and across a variety of topics (e.g.,
credibility, personality, deception, motivational appeals, visual persuasion). The new edition
features an expanded treatment of digital and social media, up-to-date research on theory and
practice, and enhanced discussions of topics such as political campaigning, emotional
marketing, olfactory influence, and ethics. Instructors can also use the book’s downloadable
test bank, instructor’s manual, and PowerPoint slides in preparing course material.
Robert H. Gass is Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies at California State
University, Fullerton, USA.
John S. Seiter is Professor in the Department of Languages, Philosophy, and
Communication Studies at Utah State University, USA.
Social Influence and Compliance Gaining Sixth Edition
Robert H. Gass John S. Seiter
Sixth edition published 2018
by Routledge
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The right of Robert H. Gass and John S. Seiter to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in
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First edition published by Pearson Education, Inc. 2002
Fifth edition published by Routledge 2016
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Names: Gass, Robert H., author. | Seiter, John S., author.
Title: Persuasion : social influence, and compliance gaining /
Robert H. Gass, John S. Seiter.
Description: Sixth edition. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017042512| ISBN 9781138630598 (hardback) |
ISBN 9781138630611 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Persuasion (Psychology) | Influence (Psychology) |
Manipulative behavior.
Classification: LCC BF637.P4 G34 2018 | DDC 153.8/52—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017042512
ISBN: 978-0-8153-5821-3 (hbk)
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To Banjo and Julep, my two English Setters, who keep me
company when I’m writing at home.
Bob Gass
To Miss Gordon, my second-grade teacher, for knowing that
self-concept is the proper starting place.
John Seiter
To our families—Susan, Jordan, Graham, Debora, Dean,
Andy, and Christian—for doing without us when we were
writing and for putting up with us when we weren’t.
Robert Gass and John Seiter
Preface for the Sixth Edition
Why Study Persuasion?
Aims and Goals
Persuasion Is Not a Dirty Word
Persuasion Is Our Friend
The Pervasiveness of Persuasion: You Can Run but You Can’t Hide
Tipping Points, Buzz Marketing, and Word of Mouth
Nudges: Sometimes Less Is More
New Persuasion: Digital and Online Influence
eWOM: Digital Buzz
Sponsored Content: The Native Advertisers Are Getting Restless
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Tracking: I Feel You
Gamification: You’ve Got Game
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: Lending a Helping Hand
Persuasive Technology: My Heart Says Yes, but My Watch Says No
Persuasion in the Sciences
Persuasion in the Arts
Other Not-So-Obvious Contexts for Persuasion
Weird Persuasion
Persuasion in Interpersonal Settings
Five Benefits of Studying Persuasion
The Instrumental Function: Be All That You Can Be
The Knowledge and Awareness Function: Inquiring Minds Want to Know
The Defensive Function: Duck and Cover
The Debunking Function: Puh-Shaw
Well-Being and Self-Worth: I Feel Good
Two Criticisms of Persuasion
Does Learning About Persuasion Foster Manipulation?
Are Persuasion Findings Too Inconsistent or Confusing?
Ethical Concerns About the Use of Persuasion
What Constitutes Persuasion?
Pure Versus Borderline Cases of Persuasion
Limiting Criteria for Defining Persuasion
Free Will and Conscious Awareness
Symbolic Action
Interpersonal Versus Intrapersonal
A Model of the Scope of Persuasion
The Context for Persuasion
A Working Definition of Persuasion
So What Isn’t Persuasion?
Dual Processes of Persuasion
The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion
The Heuristic Systematic Model of Persuasion
The Unimodel of Persuasion
Attitudes and Consistency
What Is an “Attitude” in 20 Words or Less?
So How Do You Measure the Durn Things?
Explicit Measures: Self-Report Scales
Visually Oriented Scales
Pitfalls in Measuring Attitudes
Implicit Measures: What’s Rattling Around Inside Your Brain?
More Roundabout Ways of Measuring Attitudes
Physiological Measures of Attitude
The Reasoned Action Approach (RAA)
Behavioral Beliefs and Attitudes: Believe It or Not
Normative Beliefs: It’s What the Cool Kids Are Doing
Perceived Behavioral Control: I Got This
The Persistence of Attitudes
Attitudes as Associative Networks: Your Mind Is a Web
Manufacturing Favorable Associations: Jiggling the Web
Brands and Branding: That’s the Life
Who Are You Wearing? Brand Personality
Authenticity: Keeping It Real
Cause-Related Marketing: The Feel-Good Factor
Psychological Consistency
The Inner Peace of Consistency
Methods of Maintaining Consistency
Marketing Strategies: How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
Brand Loyalty: Accept No Substitute
Write and Tell Us Why You Love This Book in 24 Words or Less
Marketing Inconsistency
Capitalizing on Inconsistency
Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT)
Cognitive Dissonance and Buyer’s Remorse
Polarization of Alternatives
Cognitive Dissonance, Self-Image, and Culture
Factors That Affect the Magnitude of Dissonance
Dissonance and Persuasion: Putting It All Together
Forbidden Fruit: Psychological Reactance
Counterattitudinal Advocacy: Playing Devil’s Advocate
I’m All In: Increasing Commitment
Commitments Can “Grow Legs”
Celebrity Selling Power: The Answer Is in the Stars
The Match-Up Hypothesis: Why Jonah Hill Should Not Be Revlon’s Spokesperson
Catch a Falling Star
What Is Credibility?
Credibility Is a Receiver-Based Construct
Credibility Is a Multidimensional Construct
Credibility Is a Situational/Contextual Phenomenon
Credibility Is Dynamic
The Factor Analytic Approach to Credibility
Primary Dimensions of Credibility
Secondary Dimensions of Credibility
The Factor Analytic Approach and the Real World
Credibility as a Peripheral Cue
It’s What’s Up Front That Counts
The Sleeper Effect
Credibility and Image Management
Interpersonal Credibility, Impression Management, Facework, and Accounts
Strategies for Enhancing Credibility: Get Your Mojo Working
Communicator Characteristics and Persuasion
Demographic Variables and Persuasion
Age and Persuasion: Pretty Please With Sugar on Top
Gender Differences and Persuasion: The Times, They Aren’t a-Changin’
Ethnicity, Culture, and Persuasion: “Me” and “We” Perspectives
Intelligence and Persuasion: Dumb and Dumber
Psychological and Communication States and Traits
Self-Esteem and Persuasion: Feelin’ Kinda Low
Anxiety and Persuasion: Living in Fear
Preference for Consistency: I Wouldn’t Change a Thing
Self-Monitoring and Persuasion: Periscope Up
Ego Involvement: Not Budging an Inch
Issue Involvement: What’s This Have to Do With Me?
Dogmatism, Authoritarianism, and Social Vigilantism: You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Narcissism: How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways
Cognitive Complexity and Need for Cognition
Persuasion and Aggression: Sticks and Stones
Analyzing and Adapting to Audiences
Pay Attention to the Situation
Keep Your Audience’s Mind in Mind
Remember the Importance of Audience States and Traits
Don’t Forget About Audience Demographics
Conformity and Influence in Groups
Conformity as Persuasion: In With the Crowd
In the Beginning: Early Research on Conformity Effects
Variables Related to Conformity
Social Proof: Using the Sheep Factor to Persuade Others
Ostracism: Shuns and Guns
Deindividuation, Social Loafing, and Social Facilitation: Getting Lost in the Crowd
What a Riot: An Examination of Deindividuation
Social Loafing: Not Pulling Your Own Weight
Social Facilitation: Would You Rather Be Alone?
How Groups Affect Decision Making: To Risk or Not to Risk
Language and Persuasion
Symbols, Meaning, and Persuasion: The Power of Babble
Connotative and Denotative Meaning: That’s Not How I See It
Ultimate Terms: Speak of the Devil
Aphorisms and Familiar Phrases: That Rings a Bell
Metaphors: One and the Same
The Power of Labeling
Euphemisms and Doublespeak: Making the Worse Appear the Better and Vice Versa
Language Intensity, Vividness, and Offensiveness
##@!!!!##: Profanity and Persuasion
Political Correctness
The Effects of Vividness: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words
Language Intensity
Powerless Language and Persuasion: Um’s the Word
Nonverbal Influence
The Direct Effects Model of Immediacy
Types of Nonverbal Communication
Kinesics: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes
Haptics: Reach Out and Touch Someone
Keep Your Distance? Proxemics and Persuasion
Chronemics: All Good Things to Those Who Wait?
Artifacts and Physical Features of the Environment: Dress for Success
Physical Appearance: Of Beauties and Beasts
Paralinguistics and Persuasion: Pump Up the Volume?
Structuring and Ordering Persuasive Messages
Implicit and Explicit Conclusions: Let Me Spell It Out for You
Gain-Framed Versus Loss-Framed Messages: Keep on the Sunny Side?
Quantity Versus Quality of Arguments: The More the Merrier?
The Use of Evidence: The Proof’s Not in the Pudding
Repetition and Mere Exposure: You Can Say That Again
Order Effects and Persuasion: First Things First
Primacy and Recency Effects: The First Shall Be Last, and the Last Shall Be First
An Ounce of Prevention: Inoculation, Message-Sidedness, and Forewarning
Inoculation Theory: Of Needles and Arguments
One-Sided Versus Two-Sided Messages: Both Sides Now
Forewarning: You’d Better Watch Out
Compliance Gaining
Actions Speak the Loudest: A Definition of Compliance Gaining
In the Beginning: The Roots of Compliance-Gaining Research
Situation: The “It Depends” of Compliance-Gaining Behavior
Seeking Compliance From Strangers and Intimates
Power, Legitimacy, and Politeness
Who Are You? Individual Characteristics and Compliance-Gaining Behavior
The Study of Compliance-Gaining Goals: Eyes on the Prize
How Goals Bring Meaning to Compliance-Gaining Situations: What’s It All About, Alfie?
Primary and Secondary Goals: Wanting and Eating Your Cake
Problems Facing Compliance Research: Trouble in Paradise
Compliance Gaining in Action: Seeing Is Believing
Sequential Persuasion
Pregiving: The Old “I’ll-Scratch-Your-Back-if-You’ll-Scratch-Mine” Approach
Why Is the Pregiving Tactic Persuasive?
Foot in the Door: The “Give-Me-an-Inch-and-I’ll-Take-a-Mile” Tactic
Why Is a Foot in the Door So Persuasive?
When Does a Foot in the Door Work?
The Door-in-the-Face Tactic: “Ask for the Stars”
Why Is a Door in the Face So Persuasive?
When Does a Door in the Face Work?
The That’s-Not-All Tactic: Seeking Compliance by Sweetening the Deal
The Low-Ball Tactic: Changing the Deal
Why Lowballing Works
“Sorry, We Don’t Have Any More of Those in Your Size, But…”: The Bait-and-
Switch Tactic
The Disrupt-Then-Reframe and Pique Techniques: I’m So Confused
Legitimizing Paltry Contributions: Even a Penny Will Help
The Evoking Freedom Technique: “…But You Are Free to Accept or Refuse”
Fear-Then-Relief and Happiness-Then-Disappointment Procedures: The Emotional
Roller Coasters of Social Influence
What Is Deception? Lies and Damn Lies
Telling Lies: The Enactment of Deception
Theoretical Frameworks
What Makes a Liar Persuasive?
Detecting Deception: I Can See Right Through You
Factors That Influence Detection
Motivational Appeals
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
Emotion and Persuasion: Oh, What a Feeling!
Emotions and the ELM
Emotional Marketing
Logical and Emotional Appeals: A Fuzzy Distinction
Fear Appeals: If You Don’t Stop Doing That, You’ll Go Blind
The Stage Model: Scared Stiff
The Extended Parallel Process Model: Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself
Negative Emotions: Woe Is Me, Shame on You
Humorous Appeals: Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One
Humor as an Indirect Form of Influence: All Kidding Aside
Self-Disparaging Humor: LOLing at Yourself
But Is Humor Persuasive?
Maximizing Humor’s Potential
Pride and Patriotism: Turning Red, White, and Blue Into Green
For Mature Audiences: Sex Appeals
How Sex Sells
Caveats and Cautions
Warmth Appeals: Straight From the Heart
Ingratiation: Polishing the Apple
Mixed Emotions: Other Appeals and Combinations of Appeals
Visual Persuasion
Image Is Everything
Overlooked and Under-Appreciated
The Power of Images: A Thousand Words
How Images Persuade
Iconicity: Bearing a Resemblance
Indexicality: Seeing Is Believing
Syntactic Indeterminacy: Don’t Look for Logic in Images
The Art of Persuasion Includes Art as Persuasion
The Paintbrush Is Mightier Than the Sword
Art and Social Change: I Must Protest
Cinematic Persuasion: Sex, Drugs, and Popcorn
Acting Out: How Movies Persuade
Images in Advertising: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors
Visual Extravaganzas: Now You’ve Got My Attention
Anti-Ads: You Can’t Fool Me
Image-Oriented Advertising: Materialism as Happinessv
Shock Ads: Edgy Images as Persuasion
Photojournalism as Persuasion: The Camera Does Lie
Playing Tricks With the Camera: Photographic Deception
Esoteric Forms of Persuasion
Color as Persuasion: The Grass Is Always Greener
Color Coded at Birth: Dyed in the Wool
Colorful Associations: A Blonde Walks Into a Bar…
Color and Branding: Big Blue, Red Bull, and Pink (Victoria’s Secret)
Color and Emotion: Mood Indigo
Color and Behavior: Hue Made Me Do It
Subliminal Influence: Hidden Messages or Hokum?
The Laboratory Versus the Real World
What Is and Isn’t Subliminal
Subliminal Advertising: Much Ado About Nothing
Subliminal Priming: That Rings a Bell
Not So Fast: Limitations of Subliminal Priming
Subaudible Messages: The Power of Suggestion
Backward Masking and Reverse Speech: Turn Me On, Dead Man
What Advertisers Really Do
Neurolinguistic Programming: The Emperor’s New Clothes
Music as Persuasion
Music as a Central and Peripheral Cue
Music in Advertising and Sales
Background Music: Shop Till You Drop
Music Videos and Persuasion: Is Hip-Hop Harmful?
Weaponizing Music: What a Buzz Kill
Cautions: Face the Music
Aroma and Persuasion
Perfume: Romance in a Bottle
Love Stinks
Ambient Aromas: Something Special in the Air
Caveats and Qualifications
The Ethics of Persuasion
Is Persuasion in General Unethical?
The Motives Color the Means
Ethics, Culture, and the Issue of Central Versus Peripheral Processing
Ethical Questions That Can’t Be Answered Through the Study of Persuasion
Our Approach: Characteristics of Ethical Influence
Ethics and Our Model of Persuasion
Persuaders as Lovers
Bunglers, Smugglers, and Sleuths
Ethical Issues Arising From Previous Chapters
Ethics and Credibility
Ethics and Communicator Characteristics
Ethics and Deception
Ethics of Using Threats as a Compliance-Gaining Strategy
Ethics and Fear Appeals
Ethics and Emotional Appeals
Ethics and Ingratiation
Ethics and Visual Persuasion
Ethics and Subliminal Influence
Author Index
Subject Index
Preface for the Sixth Edition
ERSUASION CONTINUES TO OCCUPY the attention of academics and nonacademics alike.
Not only scholars, but practitioners such as advertisers, lawyers, lobbyists, marketing
firms, motivational speakers, politicians, public relations experts, social activists, syndicated
columnists, and others have a vested interest in knowing how persuasion works. Therefore,
students who aspire to careers in any of the “people professions” would be wise to acquire a
basic understanding of how persuasion functions.
With each edition of this text, we marvel at how much persuasion changes over time, yet
still remains the same. For example, controversies over “fake news” have altered the way
people perceive facts and assess source credibility. Even so, credibility remains as central to
the process of persuasion as ever. It is perceived credibility that counts. The credibility of news
sources is in the eye of the beholder.
The observation that “the more persuasion changes, the more it remains the same” applies
to almost every aspect of persuasion. Compliance-gaining strategies such as the “foot in the
door” now occur in online settings. Audience analysis is key to persuasion, but rather than
examining demographic data, persuaders can now use microtargeting to tailor their messages
to niche groups. For example, in the 2016 presidential election, rumors swirled that
Cambridge Analytica, a company that specializes in opinion mining and data analysis,
identified low-information voters in key swing states and bombarded them with highly
targeted messages (Confessore & Hakim, 2017). Product placement, once only found on
television and in movies, is now prevalent in novels, pop music, and virtual environments
such as computer games. Fear appeals, long a staple of persuaders, have moved online. In
addition to being fearful of Ebola, terrorism, and clowns, we can now be worried about
cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and whatever diet and nutrition advice Gwyneth Paltrow is
about to post.
In this edition, we address the increasing importance of digital and online persuasion,
while emphasizing the importance of traditional forms of persuasion as well. Since the last
edition, digital persuasion has come into its own. On social media, pop-up ads and banners
have given way to more sophisticated forms of marketing, such as webtracking (Avergin,
2016). Using third-party cookies, canvas fingerprinting (Kirk, 2014), and other techniques,
Web marketers can follow users’ activities across websites. “Like” a bluegrass video on
YouTube, “follow” a fiddle player on Facebook, or post some banjo pictures on Instagram,
and you’ll start getting messages about hoedowns and honky-tonks in your area.
Persuasion on the Web also relies on sentiment tracking or opinion mining. For example,
using natural language processing software, millions of tweets can be analyzed to see what
topics, people, or brands are trending and what emotion-laden words or emojis are being used
in connection with those topics or issues. Insights about political preferences, brand images,
and economic trends can be gleaned from the results. As Bannister (2015) noted, “shifts in
sentiment on social media have been shown to correlate with shifts in the stock market”
(para. 3).
The widespread use of mobile technology has also been accompanied by increasing apps
and techniques designed to influence. Texting, tweeting, and other apps disseminate word-
of-mouth (WOM) messages. WOM is perceived by many as more genuine, authentic, and
trustworthy than commercial advertising or expert opinions. Of course, marketers can sneak
into these conversations via sponsored tweets and promoted posts. In many ways, social
media has become a form of mass interpersonal persuasion. Posting a picture on Instagram may
seem interpersonal in nature, but posts can be shared far beyond one’s social network. Just ask
Anthony Weiner.
Despite the advent of digital and social media, most of us still live in a face-to-face world,
too. Traditional forms of influence still matter, and interacting “in person” is by far the most
effective way to persuade other people. A retail salesperson talking to a customer has a much
greater chance of success than a pop-up ad reminding you about the last item you viewed on
Amazon.com. That said, we often underestimate our effectiveness in one-on-one-settings.
For example, Roghanizad and Bohns (2017) found that when people were asked to judge
their influence via email versus in person, they overestimated the former and underestimated
the latter. Groups, too, exert enormous influence over people. Whether within a family, a
classroom, a workplace, at a coffee shop with friends, or some other group setting, the
pressure to conform or risk being isolated is potent. Mass persuasion has greater reach, but
less effectiveness.
As long as humans occupy planet Earth, they will be engaged in persuading one another.
If apes or machines do take over one day, who can say? For now, we believe a solid
understanding of persuasion, social influence, and compliance gaining will be an asset in this
world. With that in mind, we hope you catch our enthusiasm for this field of study and turn
the pages of this book with a better understanding of how persuasion functions, an improved
knowledge of ways to maximize your own persuasion efforts, and a greater ability to resist
influence attempts, especially unscrupulous influence attempts, by others.
Avergin, J. (2016, September 2). Internet tracking has moved beyond cookies. FiveThirtyEight.com. Retrieved on July 26,
2017 from https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/internet-tracking-has-moved-beyond-cookies/
Bannister, K. (2015, January 26). Understanding sentiment analysis: What it is & why it’s used. Brandwatch.com. Retrieved
on July 26, 2017 from www.brandwatch.com/blog/understanding-sentiment-analysis/
Confessore, N., & Hakim, D. (2017, March 6). Data firm says “secret sauce” aided Trump: Many scoff. The New York
Times. Retrieved on July 26, from www.nytimes.com/2017/03/06/us/politics/cambridge-analytica.html
Kirk, J. (2014). Three devious ways online trackers shatter your privacy. PCWorld, 32(10), 38–40.
Roghanizad, M. M., & Bohns, V. K. (2017). Ask in person: You’re less persuasive than you think over email. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 223–226. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2016.10.002
We would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone at Routledge/Taylor & Francis for
their support throughout the process of completing this edition of our text. They are a skilled
and talented group. We are especially grateful to Laura Briskman and Nicole Salazar for their
relentless graciousness in answering our many questions and guiding us through the
requirements for completing this project. Their patience is officially legendary. We also want
to thank Josh Curtis and members of his team for painstakingly proofreading and copyediting
the drafts of all the chapters.
We are also extremely grateful to the graduate and undergraduate students who offered
numerous illustrations of real-life examples of persuasion. In particular, we single out Taylor
Halverson for her excellent work. Every time we think we have taught the brightest group of
students ever, another sharp group comes along. We also want to thank the many instructors
using our book who have sent comments and suggestions for this edition, as well as the many
short-course participants who have offered ideas and insights leading up to this edition.
Finally, we are fortunate to be working alongside the best colleagues anyone could ever
hope for. Thank you all for making “work” a fun and rewarding place to be!
Why Study Persuasion?
Aims and Goals
Persuasion Is Not a Dirty Word
Persuasion Is Our Friend
The Pervasiveness of Persuasion: You Can Run but You Can’t Hide
Tipping Points, Buzz Marketing, and Word of Mouth
Nudges: Sometimes Less Is More
New Persuasion: Digital and Online Influence
eWOM: Digital Buzz
Sponsored Content: The Native Advertisers Are Getting Restless
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Tracking: I Feel You
Gamification: You’ve Got Game
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: Lending a Helping Hand
Persuasive Technolog: My Heart Says Yes, but My Watch Says No
Persuasion in the Sciences
Persuasion in the Arts
Other Not-So-Obvious Contexts for Persuasion
Weird Persuasion
Persuasion in Interpersonal Settings
Five Benefits of Studying Persuasion
The Instrumental Function: Be All That You Can Be
The Knowledge and Awareness Function: Inquiring Minds Want to Know
The Defensive Function: Duck and Cover
The Debunking Function: Puh-Shaw
Well-Being and Self-Worth: I Feel Good
Two Criticisms of Persuasion
Does Learning About Persuasion Foster Manipulation?
Are Persuasion Findings Too Inconsistent or Confusing?
Ethical Concerns About the Use of Persuasion
NE OF THE AUTHORS was enjoying a day at the beach with his family. As he sat in a
folding chair, lost in a good book, he could hear the cries of seagulls overhead and the
pounding of the surf. Nothing was bothering him. He was oblivious to the world around him.
Or so he thought. As he reflected more on the situation, however, he became aware that he
was being bombarded by persuasive messages on all sides. A boom box was playing a few
yards away. During commercial breaks, various ads tried to convince him to choose a new
cellphone provider, switch auto insurance companies, and try a hot, spicy cheeseburger. A
nearby sign warned that no alcohol, glass objects, or smoking were permitted on the beach. A
plastic bag in which a nearby family’s children had brought their beach toys advertised
Walmart on its side. The family picnic cooler proudly displayed its manufacturer, Igloo, as
And that was only the beginning. A plane flew overhead, trailing a banner that advertised
a collect calling service. The lifeguard’s tower displayed a Hurley logo. Their swimsuits were
sponsored by Izod. The lifeguard’s truck, a specially equipped Toyota, announced that it was
the “official emergency vehicle” of “Surf City USA,” a moniker trademarked by the city of
Huntington Beach, California. Oh, the indignity of being rescued by an unofficial vehicle.
There were oral influence attempts, too. His son tried to lure him into the water by saying,
“Come on, it’s not that cold.” But he knew better. His son always said that, no matter how
cold the water was. “Would you mind keeping an eye on our things?” the family next to the
author’s asked. I guess our family looks trustworthy, he thought. His wife asked him, “Do you
want to walk down to the pier? They have frozen bananas.” She knew he would be unable to
resist the temptation.
And those were only the overt persuasive messages. A host of more subtle messages also
competed for the author’s attention. A few yards away, a woman was applying sun block to
her neck and shoulders. The author decided he’d better do the same. Had she nonverbally
influenced him to do likewise? Nearby, a young couple was soaking up the sun. Both were
wearing hats with the Nike “swoosh” logo. Were they “advertising” that brand? A young man
with a boogie board ran by, headed for the water. His head was shaved and he sported a
goodly amount of body art. Did his appearance advocate a particular set of values or tastes?
Was he a billboard for an “alternative” lifestyle? A half dozen male heads turned in unison as
a trio of bikini-clad women walked by. Were the males “persuaded” to turn their heads or was
this simply an involuntary reflex? Two tan, muscular dudes were tossing a Frisbee back and
forth. Both had six-pack abs. The author made a mental note to do more sit-ups. There
seemed to be as many persuasive messages, or potentially persuasive messages, as there were
shells on the beach.
The preceding examples raise two important issues. First, persuasion and social influence
are pervasive. We are surrounded by influence attempts, both explicit and implicit, no matter
where we are. As Cascio, Scholz, and Falk emphasize (2015):
social influence is omnipresent, occurring through implicit observation of cultural
norms, face-to-face and mediated interpersonal communication, as well as mass
mediated communication. Even though individuals are often unaware of the power of
social influence, research shows its effects on behavior in a wide variety of
(p. 51)
Second, it is difficult to say with any certainty what is and is not “persuasion.” Where
should we draw the line between persuasion and other forms of communication? We address
the first of these issues in this chapter. Here we examine the pervasive nature of persuasion
and offer a rationale for learning more about its workings. In the next chapter, we tackle the
issue of what constitutes persuasion and related terms such as social influence and compliance
This is a book about persuasion. Its aims are at once academic and practical. On the academic
side, we examine how and why persuasion functions the way it does. In so doing, we identify
some of the most recent theories and findings by persuasion researchers. On the practical
side, we illustrate these theories and findings with a host of real-life examples. We also offer
useful advice on how to become a more effective persuader and how to resist influence
attempts, especially unethical influence attempts, by others.
If learning how to persuade seems a bit manipulative, remember, we don’t live in a society
populated with unicorns and rainbows. The real world is brimming with persuaders. You can
avoid learning about persuasion, perhaps, but you can’t avoid persuasion itself. Besides, we
can’t tell you everything there is to know about persuasion. Nobody knows all there is to
know about this subject. One of the points we stress throughout this book is that people
aren’t that easy to persuade. Human beings are complex. They can be stubborn,
unpredictable, and intractable, despite the best efforts of persuaders.
Persuasion is still as much an “art” as it is a “science.” Human nature is too complicated,
and our understanding of persuasion too limited, to be certain which influence attempts will
succeed and which will fail. Think how often you flip the channel when a commercial costing
millions of dollars to produce and air appears on television. As one advertising executive put
it, “half the money I spend on advertising is wasted … but I don’t know which half” (cited in
Berger, 2011, p. 1). Think how many candidates for public office have spent fortunes
campaigning, only to lose their elections. Or think how difficult it is for the federal
government to convince people to stop smoking, practice safe sex, or avoid texting while
driving—behaviors that are in their own self-interest.
The science of persuasion is still in its infancy. Despite P. T. Barnum’s axiom that “there’s
a sucker born every minute,” people are uncannily perceptive at times. It is tempting to
believe that if one only knew the right button to push, one could persuade anybody. More
often than not, though, there are multiple buttons to push, in the right sequence, and the
sequence is constantly changing. Even so, persuasion is not entirely a matter of luck. Much is
known about persuasion. Persuasion has been scientifically studied since the 1940s.1 Written
texts on persuasion date back to ancient Greece.2 A host of strategies and techniques have
been identified and their effectiveness or ineffectiveness documented. Persuaders are a long
way from achieving an Orwellian nightmare of thought control, but a good deal is known
about how to capture people’s hearts and minds. Before proceeding further, we want to
address a common negative stereotype about persuasion.
The study of persuasion has gotten some bad publicity over the years. Everyone seems to
agree that the subject is fascinating, but some are reluctant to embrace a field of study that
conjures up images of manipulation, deceit, or brainwashing. There is, after all, a sinister side
to persuasion. Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall
Applewhite, and Osama bin Laden were all accomplished persuaders—much to the
detriment of their followers.3 We, however, do not think of persuasion as the ugly stepsister
in the family of human communication. Rather, we find the study of persuasion to be
enormously intriguing. Persuasion is the backbone of many communicative endeavors. We
can’t resist the urge to learn more about how and why it works. Part of our fascination stems
from the fact that persuasion is, on occasion, used for unsavory ends. It is therefore all the
more important that researchers learn as much as they can about the strategies and tactics of
unethical persuaders.
Persuasion isn’t merely a tool used by con artists, chiselers, charlatans, cheats, connivers, and
cult leaders. Nobel Peace Prize recipients and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists are also
persuaders. In fact, most “professional” persuaders are engaged in socially acceptable, if not
downright respectable, careers. They include advertising executives, bloggers, campaign
managers, celebrity endorsers, clergy, congresspersons, diplomats, infomercial spokespersons,
lawyers, lobbyists, mediators, media pundits, motivational speakers, political cartoonists, press
secretaries, public relations experts, radio talk-show hosts, recruiters, salespersons, senators,
social activists, syndicated columnists, and whistleblowers, to name just a few.
Let’s focus on the positive side of persuasion for a moment. Persuasion helps forge peace
agreements between nations. Persuasion helps expose corruption and open up closed
societies. Persuasion is crucial to the fundraising efforts of charities and philanthropic
organizations. Persuasion convinces motorists to buckle up when driving or refrain from
driving when they’ve had a few too many. Persuasion is used to convince a substance-abusing
family member to seek professional help. Persuasion is how the coach of an underdog team
inspires the players to give it their all. Persuasion is a tool used by parents to urge children not
to accept rides from strangers or to allow anyone to touch them inappropriately. In short,
persuasion is the cornerstone of a number of positive, prosocial endeavors. Very little of the
good that we see in the world could be accomplished without persuasion.
Persuasion, then, is a powerful and often prosocial force. Having highlighted the positive
side of persuasion, we address the question of why the study of persuasion is so valuable. The
next section, therefore, offers a justification for the study of social influence.
We’ve already mentioned one of the primary reasons for learning about this subject:
Persuasion is a central feature of every sphere of human communication. The same is true of
social influence. We can’t avoid it. We can’t make it go away. Like Elvis impersonators in Las
Vegas, persuasion is here to stay. Various estimates suggest that the average person is exposed
to anywhere from 300 to 5,000 messages per day.4 There are more ways to persuade than ever
before. Indeed, traditional persuasion in the form of political speeches, television
commercials, print ads, billboards, and product placements in movies and television is alive
and well. So too are protest marches, demonstrations, sit-ins, and other forms of symbolic
action. In the last two decades, social media has been added to the mix. You can submit
online reviews of products and services, post a YouTube video advocating your message,
engage in hashtag activism, advocate a cause via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, solicit
funding via crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or GoFundMe, or promote change
through a website such as www.change.org or www.dosomething.org. Let’s consider one of
these pervasive strategies, known as viral persuasion, more closely.
Tipping Points, Buzz Marketing, and Word of Mouth
Key concepts and principles associated with viral persuasion were laid out by Malcolm
Gladwell in his bestseller, The Tipping Point (2000). Gladwell likens word-of-mouth
(WOM) to a virus through which a message is spread until the whole society is “infected.”
Based on what he calls “the law of the few,” a small number of influential people can generate a
groundswell of support for an idea, brand, or phenomenon. If a message gains sufficient
traction, it reaches a tipping point and becomes “contagious.” In order to reach the tipping
point, however, a number of things have to happen.
Über Influencers
First, the right kinds of people must be involved. Gladwell identifies three types of people
who are essential to the process. Mavens possess specialized expertise. They are in the know.
They may be celebrity chefs, fashionistas, fitness gurus, tech geeks, or wine snobs. Mavens
needn’t be rich or famous, but they must be ahead of the curve. They are the early adopters,
opinion leaders, or what some call alpha consumers, the ones who hear about ideas and try out
gadgets first. “One American in ten,” Keller and Barry (2003) maintain, “tells the other nine
how to vote, where to eat, and what to buy” (p. 1).
In addition to mavens, Gladwell states that connectors are also essential. Based on the viral
metaphor, they are carriers. They have large social networks. When connectors learn from
mavens what the “next big thing” is, they spread the word. Since social circles tend to be
overlapping, forwarding messages spreads them increasingly outward from their epicenter.
The last type Gladwell identifies is salespeople. They receive the message from a connector
and then talk it up within their own circle of friends. Salespeople tell their friends, “You must
see this movie,” “You’ve got to try this restaurant,” or “You gotta read this book.”
ALS ice-bucket challenge in New York City.
Source: Saklova/Shutterstock.com
Orchestrating the Next Big Thing
In addition to having the right kinds of people, some additional conditions must be satisfied
for an idea to go viral. Context is critical. The idea must come along at the right time and
place. Twitter, for example, wouldn’t have worked before there was widespread mobile access
to the Internet. An idea also must possess stickiness, which means that it is inherently
attractive. Without some sort of natural appeal, people won’t gravitate toward the idea or pass
it along (Heath & Heath, 2008). For example, in 2014, the ALS water bucket challenge,
which dared people to dump ice water over their own or other people’s heads, went viral,
raising over $100 million in the USA alone (www.als.org). Its stickiness was based, in part,
on its eye-catching appeal, its urgency (there was a 24-hour deadline to respond), and the fact
that it was for a good cause.
Scalability is another requirement: It must be easy to ramp up production of the idea,
product, or message to meet demand. The ice-bucket challenge met this requirement because
almost everyone can find a bucket and some ice. Finally, effortless transfer is yet another
ingredient in the recipe for an effective viral campaign. A viral campaign has to leverage free
media. Ideas that can be spread by forwarding an email, including an attachment, or
embedding a link are easy to disseminate. The more time, effort, or money it takes to spread
the word, the less likely the idea will go viral. In the ice-bucket campaign, most challenges
were issued from one friend to another via video.
Infectious or Inexplicable?
Although viral marketing holds considerable potential, it is often a hit-or-miss strategy, with
far more misses than hits. What’s more, evidence for the effectiveness of tipping points is
largely anecdotal, and there is no guarantee that an idea will gain traction. If one does, its
shelf life is often limited. The ice-bucket challenge, for example, came and went in a few
months. And flash mobs, another approach to viral marketing, were a flash in the pan.
The Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMM) offers advice for conducting viral
campaigns. The very concept of viral marketing, however, is something of an oxymoron. A
viral campaign is planned to appear unplanned. It is contrived to seem genuine. As consumers
grow wise to the strategy, it will become less effective. There are also ethical questions about
using friends as shills. The FTC now requires any online endorsement that involves
compensation to be disclosed (Sprague & Wells, 2010).
Nudges: Sometimes Less Is More
The ubiquitous nature of persuasion is also illustrated by nudge theory, developed by Richard
Thaler and Cass Sunstein (2008). They maintain that subtle changes in the way choices are
presented to people can influence, or “nudge,” them to behave in certain ways. For example,
when men use a public restroom, they aren’t always neat and tidy. They often miss the mark,
to put it mildly, which increases janitorial costs significantly. To address this, folks at
Amsterdam’s Schiphol international airport gave men a target of their own. Specifically,
urinals were installed that included a stenciled image of a housefly near the drain. The result?
Having a target made all the difference. The men’s aim improved considerably (Thaler &
Sunstein, 2008).
As another example, school cafeterias tried offering apples at lunch. Most of them wound
up in the trash can. However, when kids were given sliced apples, as opposed to whole apples,
they were 73 percent more likely to eat them (Schwartz, 2016). Similarly, when vending
machines listed the calories in snack foods, people were more likely to make healthier choices.
Although some critics have accused nudge theory of being paternalistic (Pasquale, 2015),
others (Sunstein, 2014) argue that people are free to resist nudges if they wish. Kids can still
throw apple slices in the trash. They are simply being provided with options that encourage
healthy behaviors (www.nudges.org). That said, some nudges may be perceived as more like
shoves. To encourage organ donors, for example, some countries have adopted a “presumed
consent” policy, meaning that a person must take the initiative to opt out if she or he does not
want to be an organ donor.
Some people seem to spend their every waking moment texting, tweeting, blogging, or
posting their views on all matter of subjects large and small. That said, social media isn’t just
an entertaining diversion, it is an important tool for influence. Whenever someone likes,
follows, posts, shares, tweets or retweets, forwards, or comments on a message, online
influence is taking place. Let’s consider a few forms of digital influence.
Persuasion is everywhere—even in the womb.
Source: Baby Blues © 2001, Baby Blues Partnership. King Features Syndicate. Reprinted with special permission.
eWOM: Digital Buzz
Earlier, we mentioned the importance of viral persuasion and word-of-mouth (WOM). Like
WOM, electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is all the rage. People actively comment on
brands, companies, political issues, and public figures via all manner of social media. By way
of illustration, Twitter alone accounts for 6,000 tweets per second or 500 million tweets per
day (www.internetlivestats.com). Eighty percent of Twitter users have mentioned brands in
their tweets and 54 percent of users report that they have acted based on tweets (Midha,
Like WOM, eWOM is most effective when it is perceived as genuine rather than
manufactured and peer driven rather than commercially sponsored. eWOM enjoys several
advantages over traditional advertising and marketing techniques (Erkan & Evans, 2016). It
operates largely through interpersonal channels (cellphone, email, texting), lending it an air of
authenticity. It is inexpensive compared to traditional media. And it is self-perpetuating.
Moreover, eWOM is far more effective than traditional media at reaching younger audiences.
Sponsored Content: The Native Advertisers Are Getting Restless
The rise of social media has spawned a surge in advertising masquerading as genuine peer-to-
peer influence. For example, sponsored content includes promoted tweets and Instagram posts,
which are essentially paid advertisements. Native advertising involves ads posing as news
stories. Native ads function as “clickbait,” luring in readers with snappy headlines or
provocative photos. Both approaches are effective because many users have difficulty
distinguishing such content from genuine material (Wojdynski, 2016).
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Tracking: I Feel You
The Web is an opinion-rich environment. People constantly share their attitudes, opinions,
and values via social media. And marketers are listening. Many companies, for example, now
specialize in opinion mining and sentiment tracking by monitoring social media to gauge the
public’s mood in nearly real time (Ravi & Ravi, 2015). Sophisticated algorithms can track
how a person, brand, or issue is trending based, not only on the number of tweets generated,
but also on how favorable, neutral, or negative those tweets are (Kennedy & Moss, 2015; Lee,
Yang, Chen, Wang, & Sun, 2016). As an example, after analyzing over 10,000 online
mentions from auto-enthusiast websites, the Ford Motor Company adopted a three-blink
turn signal on all of its vehicles (Rosenbush & Totty, 2013).
As sophisticated as such methods seem, a problem with opinion mining is that the data is
often “squishy”—that is, the people commenting aren’t always articulate or coherent.
Furthermore, the tone of a message—that is, whether it is ironic, satirical, or hyperbolic—can
be hard for artificial intelligence to decipher. Nevertheless, programmers are getting better at
analyzing and interpreting words related to feelings, emotions, and opinions.
Gamification: You’ve Got Game
Parents have known for decades that one way to get infants to eat their vegetables is by
turning mealtime into a game. “Here comes the airplane,” the parent says with each spoonful
of strained peas. A modernized version of this approach, known as gamification, is being used
to stimulate consumer interest and involvement (McGonigal, 2011). Gamification applies
video-game methods to other contexts to increase consumer engagement. People like to play
games. They enjoy the competition. Why else would they spend hours on end playing Angry
Birds or Candy Crush? Games are entertaining, challenging, and rewarding. Transforming a
mundane task into a game can make it more fun and exciting.
Games also can be used to influence. Take exercise, for example. Thanks to a shoe sensor
that allows runners to post information about their running distance, time, and calories
burned, Nike+ provides customers with a fun way to socialize, compete, and “play” with each
other using downloadable apps (Are you game? 2011). What’s more, through points, badges,
leaderboards, and other incentives, gamification keeps people coming back for more. This
approach has been used to enhance education, improve workplace productivity, increase voter
turnout, and promote awareness and participation in social causes.
Gamification is not without its critics, however. Ian Bogost (2011), a professor and expert
in video games as cultural artifacts, cautioned that “‘exploitationware’ is a more accurate name
for gamification’s true purpose” (para. 12). Critics charge that earning badges and points
trivializes activities such as learning, working, exercising, or participating in social causes.
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: Lending a Helping Hand
Moving a heavy object, like a piano, isn’t easy. To accomplish such a task, you might invite
some friends to pitch in. Similarly, crowdsourcing puts out an open call for anyone online to
participate in completing a task or solving a problem. Wikipedia was one of the earliest
crowdsourcing platforms (Lee & Seo, 2016). The online encyclopedia is collaborative.
Content can be contributed and edited by any one. Crowdsourcing is premised on the
assumption that wisdom is not the exclusive province of experts, but is distributed throughout
the commons (Kitter, 2010). As an example, Doritos invited consumers to participate in a
“Crash the Super Bowl” contest by generating their own ideas for a 30-second commercial
(for examples, got to www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vVIUBU1gZs). As another example,
Starbucks’s “White Cup Contest” contest solicited customers’ suggestions for a graphic
design for a limited edition coffee cup. Contestants posted their creations via
Persuasive messages must struggle to cut through the background of media clutter.
Source: Reprinted with permission: www.andysinger.com
While crowdsourcing has assisted in solving problems in astronomy, legislation, language
translation, and urban planning, among many areas, it is not without its critics. Detractors
complain that crowdsourcing is exploitative; it relies on the unpaid labor and efforts of others.
Another complaint is that the wisdom of the commons isn’t always so wise. For example,
when NASA asked people to submit names for a new section of the International Space
Station, the crowd chose “Colbert” (after the late-night comedian) over names like “Serenity,”
“Earthrise,” and “Tranquility.” NASA went with the name “Tranquility” anyway.
A related strategy, crowdfunding, involves raising money through online donations.
Websites such as Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Indiegogo allow people to ask for donations
or start-up funds for a cause or business venture. On the plus side, crowdfunding gives “the
little guy” or a good cause the chance to be noticed. On the downside, some of the requests
are scams (Fredman, 2015) and most start-ups fail. The SEC recently adopted rules
regulating crowdfunding practices online.
Persuasive Technology: My Heart Says Yes, but My Watch Says No
Persuasive technology focuses on devices “aimed at changing users’ attitudes or behaviors
through persuasion and social influence, but not through coercion or deception” (Persuasive
Technology, 2016, para. 1). Smart devices and wearable technology “are not just persuasive
but specifically aimed at forging new habits” (MIT Technology Review, p. 64). Smartwatches,
for example, exhort wearers to take action via taps, vibrations, or other haptic cues (Gilmore,
2016). Got a big date coming up? An app developed by MIT can tell you if you sound
boring, nervous, happy, or sad based on your speech pattern (Lee, 2017). As an alternative,
you could always check to see if your date is asleep.
Fitness trackers not only track your daily step count, they also encourage you to exercise.
For example, Fitbit’s display shows a flower that grows or shrinks based on your activity level.
Taking that concept one step further, Nissan Leaf owners can view an LCD display of a pine
tree that grows as they drive more efficiently.
As part of the Internet of Things, smart pill bottles can remind people when to take their
medicine (Orji & Moffat, 2016). Skip a dose and a light will glow or a chime will sound,
followed by a text or phone-call reminder. For some patients, taking their medicine at the
right time each day is a matter of life and death. As many as 125,000 deaths per year and
$105 billion in medical costs are attributable to patients not taking medicine properly
(Ruggerio & Wick, 2016).
Persuasion will continue to play a major role in traditional contexts, such as advertising
and marketing. It is worth noting, though, that persuasion also plays a key role in a variety of
not-so-obvious contexts. We examine two such contexts next: persuasion in the sciences, and
persuasion in the arts.
You may not think of them this way, but scientists are persuaders (Glassner, 2011). The
ongoing debate about climate change illustrates the persuasive challenge facing climatologists.
Despite widespread agreement among evolutionary biologists that evolution is a fact rather
than a theory, there is a continuing social controversy over the teaching of creationism
alongside evolution in public school curriculums. Even in fields such as chemistry,
mathematics, or physics—the so-called hard sciences— persuasion plays a major role.5
Scientists often have to convince others that their research possesses scientific merit and
social value. They also have to argue for the superiority of their theories over rival theories. In
this respect, Thomas Kuhn (1970) argues that all scientists employ “techniques of persuasion
in their efforts to establish the superiority of their own paradigms over those of their rivals”
(p. 151). Similarly, Mitroff (1974) comments that “the notion of the purely objective,
uncommitted scientist [is] naïve. … The best scientist … not only has points of view but also
defends them with gusto” (p. 120). Scientists must do more than conduct experiments and
report their results. They also must persuade other scientists, funding agencies, and the public
at large of the merits of their work.
Another not-so-obvious context for persuasion is the arts. Not all art is created “for art’s
sake.” Art serves more than an aesthetic or decorative function. Artists have strong opinions
and they lend expression to their opinions in and through their work. Consider film as an art
form, for example. Movies such as 12 Years a Slave, Life Is Beautiful, and Schindler’s List
demonstrate the power of the camera to increase awareness, change attitudes, alter beliefs,
and shape opinions. Other art forms have the capability to persuade as well. Playwrights,
painters, muralists, sculptors, photographers, and dancers give voice to their political and
social views through their art.
Think about painting for a moment. Many of the famous works hanging in museums were
created out of a sense of social conscience. Using images rather than words, artists comment
on social conditions, criticize society, and attempt to transform the social order. We examine
this issue in more detail in Chapter 14, but for now let’s consider one particular work of art,
Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. Through this painting, Picasso offered a moral indictment of war
and man’s inhumanity to man. The painting features people and animals, the victims of the
indiscriminate bombing of a Basque town during the Spanish Civil War, in various states of
agony, torment, and grief. As Von Blum (1976) notes, “the purpose of the painting is frankly
propagandistic. The artist’s intent was to point out the inhuman character of Franco’s fascist
rebellion” (p. 92). Picasso wasn’t trying to paint a “pretty” picture. He was making a moral
statement. The painting has been dubbed by one art historian “the highest achievement in
modernist political painting” (Clark, 1997, p. 39). Not only Picasso, but also many other
artists express persuasive points of view in and through their art.
Persuasion operates in a variety of other contexts, some of which are not so obvious. We
highlight a few here as illustrations. Social scientists have studied bumper stickers as a form of
political expression and as an unobtrusive means of measuring attitudes (Endersby & Towle,
1996; Sechrest & Belew, 1983). Scholars have examined the effects of intercessory prayer
(offered for the benefit of another person) on recovery from illness (Frank & Frank, 1991;
Hodge, 2007). Studies have examined the military’s use of social influence (Cialdini, 2011;
King, 2010). Other researchers have focused on 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics
Anonymous, and other support groups as forms of self-help and group influence (Kassel &
Wagner, 1993). Some studies have investigated terrorism as a form of persuasion by
examining how jihadists are radicalized and recruited and how effective the use of violence is
on the groups who are targeted (Bhui & Ibrahim, 2013; Iyer, Hornsey, Vanman, Esposo, &
Ale, 2015; Kydd & Walter, 2006). As Tuman (2010) observed, “the real goal of the
communicated message in terrorism may be persuasion: to persuade audience members that
chaos and fear will be their lot in life, to persuade them to pay attention to an issue they have
ignored” (p. 37). One scholar has written about compliance-gaining tactics found in dramatic
plays, such as Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (Kipnis, 2001). One of the
authors investigated various styles and strategies of panhandling to see which ones proved
most effective (Robinson, Seiter, & Acharya, 1992). Research on the study of robotic
persuasion is just beginning to emerge. One study found, for example, that having a robot
whisper instructions to people increased their motivation to perform a boring task
(Nakagawa, Shiomi, Shinozawa, Matsumura, Ishiguro, & Hagita, 2013). Another study
focused on the effect of robot-to-human touch as a method of compliance gaining (Shiomi,
Nakagawa, Shinozawa, Matsumura, Ishiguro, & Hagita, 2017).
Sometimes persuasion is downright weird. A case in point involved Kensington, Canada,
where the police department threatened that any motorist arrested for drunk driving would be
subjected to Nickelback music while riding in the police cruiser to the station (Zenteno,
2016). When the story went viral, Colin Jost, the news co-host of Saturday Night Live, joked,
“Just make sure the crash kills you.” Ultimately, the policy was rescinded because the
seriousness of the message was obscured by the frivolousness of the strategy.
Yet another example of weird persuasion occurred in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, UK.
The citizens wanted to stop rowdy teens from loitering at an underpass at night. Their
solution was to install street lights with a bright pink hue. Why pink, you ask? Pink light
highlights acne. Teens with blemishes didn’t want to be seen with bright, glowing acne. The
plan worked: The teens moved on (Spotty teens, 2009).
Scholars sometimes investigate quirky aspects of persuasion, too. Did you know that
participants in a study who consumed caffeine were more easily persuaded than participants
who had no caffeine (Martin, Hamilton, McKimmie, Terry, & Martin, 2007)? Now you do.
As long as the participants were motivated to pay attention to the message, caffeine
consumption increased agreement. Here is another strange finding: Washing one’s hands not
only produces cleaner hands, it also reduces a person’s sense of guilt (Kaspa, 2013). The
explanation for this is related to a phenomenon called embodied cognition, wherein physical
behaviors often affect higher mental states.