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Informative speech about a country

06/11/2020 Client: papadok01 Deadline: 2 Day

NOTE: These are the instructions for the entire speech. For this week, you are ONLY claiming the country you wish to present on and locating three research sources, not delivering the speech.

In 5-6 minutes, you should INFORM the audience about the culture of a country, other than the USA. You must do RESEARCH for this speech, utilizing the library's website provided below and known as the "LibGuide." Find at least three academic sources (you may have more than 3) using the libguide provided here.

NOTE: The primary function of this speech is to explore what it would be like to be immersed in another culture, or what you might need to know to live there. Please do not confuse this speech with a book report, highlighting mainly historical information or lists of demographic facts. The majority of your research should focus on the ways of thinking, being, and life in this culture.

REMEMBER: A good informative speech creates information hunger (makes you want to know more!) Don't create a list of facts. Engage your audience with interesting information!

In your speech, you will cover these areas for the three main points of your speech

Point 1
About this Country Examples of information that would go in this point--Geographic location and capital city, Country’s economic status (major world power, developed country or developing country), Population demographics (including major ethnic and racial groups), Political structure (including name of president or leader), Major languages spoken, Transportation systems (how do most people travel?), Entry requirements (Visa or vaccinations required), Currency used and exchange rate for the US, etc. CURRENT EVENTS would be a great feature for this main body point as well.

Point 2

Cultural Aspects Examples--What is the country famous for in terms of art, architecture, dances, etc. What are the most popular places to visit and why? Culinary traditions (any famous dishes or dining habits to note) or major religions, or RECENT CULTURAL EVENTS would be great additions to this main body point.

Point 3
Unique Communication Behaviors Examples: Nonverbal communication (gestures, body language, eye contact patterns, use of space), Family structure (extended families living under one roof, polygyny, etc.), Is this country monochronistic or polychronistic? Individualistic or collectivistic? Have high or low power distance? What are their communication preferences: direct or indirect? (Hint: Review Chapter 3 for this main body point!)

You may leave some of these items out or add in other interesting information that you find. Your speech should have an introduction, be ordered logically and include transitions between main points, utilize diverse and interesting supporting material (see p. 366 of your text), have two verbal citations, a conclusion, a formal outline with two internal references and MLA formatted works cited entries. Your research sources must come from the libguide provided here. You should deliver the speech extemporaneously using only speaking notes. You should not read your speech from your outline to your audience. See page 355 of your text for advice on creating speaking notes.

NOTE: When recording, make sure you are in a quiet location with good lighting. You should test your equipment and arrange your speech space so that your entire body is in the camera's view (head to toe) and that your facial expressions can be seen clearly and your voice heard clearly on the recording. You must show your audience at the beginning and end of the speech, without turning off your recording device. Please dress for a formal, college presentation. If your recording does not meet expectations, you may lose points or be asked to do it again, possibly for a late grade. See the video on Recording your Speech and Audience for more help.

Chapter 3, 11-13

Chapter 3 https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea25e2e97310f001c315f
Chapter 11 https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea5112e97310f001c3168
Chapter 12 https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea54a2e97310f001c3169
Chapter 13 https://oup-arc.com/access/content/adler-uhc-13e-student-resources/58dea5ae2e97310f001c316a

Speech #2 - Informative Speech Country Choice and 3 Research Sources
Click the video image below to watch a short video on why we need to learn about other cultures (opens in a pop-up window and requires Flash). Then click the link above to find detailed instructions. You are to select a country, post your country choice, and three research sources for approval, as well as the outline template with which to write your outline after your country choice is approved by Dr. Dean.

Watch VideoCultural difference in business | Valerie Hoeks | TEDxHaarlemDuration: 12:18
User: n/a - Added: 7/22/14


Resources & Technology
Use http://libguides.richlandcollege.edu/culture to find your three research sources for this speech.

Step 1

List of Countries
Choose from the attached LIST. You must use this list. If the country is not on this list, it means you cannot do it. Once a country from this list is chosen and posted by someone else, you CANNOT do it too. Make sure you check what is already posted and do not choose the same country as someone before you.

After you choose a country, but before you post it, go to the LibGuide (see link above) and find three research sources you will use. One mistake students often make is choosing a topic for a speech without having done preliminary research first. Post three research sources with your country choice to demonstrate that you have already done some preliminary research on this country.

NOTE: You MUST choose from the list of countries below Please do not choose countries apart from this list.

List of Countries:

The Americas: Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Brazil, Argentina, Chile
Europe: Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Austria, England, Russia

Asia: Japan, China, South Korea, India, Mongolia, Iran
Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Israel,

Africa: Senegal, Egypt, Morocco

Australia and New Zealand

Step 2

Before writing your speech, you must receive approval for your choice of country. When choosing a country, make sure you do not choose something that is not already on the list or that has already been chosen. Preferably, choose a country in which you did not live for more than 5 years, though you can choose one you've visited or lived in temporarily. ADDITIONALLY, you must search for your sources in the Libguide. You will post the APA formatted works cited entries for EACH of the three research sources you will use (you may use more and you may post more than 3). Use the tutorial for navigating the libguide if you need help.

For full credit (25 pts), follow this format: You should have a "KEY WORD" in the subject line that very simply states your topic. For example: "France" or "Chile"

You should write a FULL SENTENCE in the body of the post that finishes this sentence: "In my speech, I will explain/tell...

THEN, you should follow that with your two (minimum) research sources from the libguide.

For example:

Subject: FranceBody

In my speech, I will discuss the culture in France.

Chaney, Lillian H., Jeanette S. Martin. "TRAVEL CUSTOMS AND TIPS." Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2006. ABC-CLIO eBook Collection. Web. 2 Dec 2014.

Rholetter, Wylene. "France." Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change. Ed. S. George Philander. Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2008. 432-433. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.

To post your topic, click on the title above to go directly to the forum. Click "Create Thread" to enter your key word in the subject line and complete sentence in the body. Click "submit."

Step 3

Verbal Citations and Internal References
Citing your sources out loud in the body of the speech, as well as writing your sources correctly in the body of your outline will be very important for this speech. Please make sure you cite your sources in both ways, in addition to your "Works Cited" (otherwise known as "Bibliography" or "References.") Some people think all they need to do is have a Works Cited entry at the end of the speech, but that's not all.

You must say your sources out loud in the body of your verbally delivered speech, and you must write them as you plan to say them out loud in your outline. You won't be saying them/writing them like they are written as works cited entries. For help on how to write them, watch the tutorial on citing your sources, look at the example outlines, and click on the attached link: https://rdc.libguides.com/apa

If you have any questions whatsoever about how to cite out loud, on your outline, and completing the works cited entries, please email your instructor after reading this document/viewing the mentioned videos.

Step 4

Writing an Outline
For help with understanding the differences between an essay and an outline, and what's expected of you for your upcoming speech, watch this tutorial after your topic is approved. Then read the instructions below to download and use the outline template. You will need to watch the other tutorials in "Speech Tutorials" for help with writing the Introduction, Transitions, and Conclusion. To make the video larger, click the [] full screen button at the bottom of the video.


Step 5

Informative Speech Outline Template
After your topic is approved, begin writing your outline using the Informative Speech Outline Template attached here. Review the information in "Speech Tutorials" for assistance with the Introduction, Transitions, Body Point formatting, and Conclusion. Particularly pay attention to the tutorial about researching your speech and citing your sources! This is a formal outline, so you should have complete sentences throughout the outline.

IMPORTANT: You must highlight/underline/bold your written internal citations in your outline.

Download the linked template document and fill out the spaces for your outline. You do not have to stick exactly to the numbers and letters provided. It's just set up so that you don't have to start an outline from scratch. You are required to use this and will submit it with your speech! If you are delivering on campus, you must give your outline to the instructor before beginning your speech.

Note: You may use note cards or a key word outline, but you cannot use your formal outline to read from during your speech. And, remember that you cannot read your speech outline from your cellphone. No exceptions.

Step 6

Country Informative Culture Speech Rough Draft

To facilitate your success in this research-based presentation, you will submit a rough draft of your outline for review by Dr. Dean.

A word of caution: you should carefully review the assignment instruction assignments, and work through the support materials BEFORE you begin writing your outline. Remember that your outline should include at least three Internal Text Citations. You will write your citations EXACTLY AS YOU WILL SAY THEM IN YOUR PRESENTATION. This process is called "Giving Credit to Your Research Sources."

Let's review the reasons why you must acknowledge, both verbally AND in writing, your research sources. First, if you do not, then you are engaging in academic cheating, also known as plagiarism. This will cause you to lose up to 60 points in your presentation and most likely fail the assignment. Academic cheating is a HUGE mistake that many freshman-level students make. I don't want that to happen to you!

Second, when you give credit to your sources, you increase your speaker credibility. When you give a formal presentation, you want to assure your audience that you have found the most accurate, reliable and up-to-date information on the country you are presenting. That means that in addition to your outline Internal Text Citations, you will ALSO give credit to your sources DURING YOUR SPEECH. Follow the El Salvador Country Speech model video and outline found in the assignment instructions.

Critical Information for Recording Your Speeches
How many speeches will we have in this course? How many points are they worth?
During this course you will complete THREE speeches with formal outlines:

--A Personal Experience speech worth 100 points and an outline worth 10 points

--A Country Informative speech worth 100 points and an outline worth 25 points

--An Award Speech worth 100 points and an outline with award certificate worth 25 points

More information about each speech can be found in the menu link Speeches. This menu link will NOT be available until the course starts. Help with writing your speeches and understanding delivery expectations can be found in the Speech Tutorials/Help menu link which is available to you now.

What Equipment do I need to record my speech?
You can use your phone, a digital camcorder, or your webcam. You do need to TEST your equipment for visibility, volume, and overall quality long before the speeches are due. If I am unable to see your facial expressions, eye contact, or WHOLE body, you may lose points or be asked to re-record completely . If I am unable to hear you, you may lose points or be asked to re-record completely.

A video uploading website account, such as YouTube or Photobucket (or anything of your choosing). If you use Gmail or have any Google Account, then you already have access to YouTube. If not, click here: http://www.youtube.com/?hl=en&tab=w1 and select "Create an Account." Click the "Upload" button and locate your video file, much like you would do if you were attaching a document to an email or uploading a document for an assignment. Youtube does the rest.

You must check to make sure the setting is set to "Public" or "Unlisted" and from there, Youtube will give you a unique URL that you can copy and paste into the appropriate discussion board forum to submit.

You should also TEST uploading a video. It takes longer than you think.

How to Record Your Audience and Speech
Please have at least one other person record your presentation. Note: If you do not have another person in your home, rather than risk putting anyone in danger, simply email me for an alternate solution.

Have this person either wave their hand in front of the camera or show themselves and possible other audience members prior to your speech.

I need the camera on you the entire duration of your speech though, because I am grading eye contact and facial expressions. Have whoever is filming hold the camera still. No zooming in and out of visual aids is necessary. I need to see YOU the entire time you are speaking.

Avoid videoing from the side of the room. I only need to see the audience once at the beginning and once at the end. I need to be able to see your facial expressions and eye contact from the viewpoint of the audience the entire time so I can give you the appropriate grade.

Keep the camera rolling from the time you show the audience at the beginning to showing them again at the end. If the video is cut and pasted together, you may be asked to re-record for a late speech grade. There is no point deduction for editing--you will have to do the speech over again and it will be for a late grade.

Please stand up. Do not sit in a chair and hover over your web cam. It' s more representative of public speaking anyway. If you are sitting down, you may lose points or you may be asked to re-record for a late speech grade.

Speak to your audience. You may use notes, but they should not contain full sentences that you are reading. Do not read your speech from your outline, notes, computer screen or any other device. Reading out loud in front of a camera is not public speaking.

Smile and relax-these are friends and family, not a panel of judges. Just talk to them!

Record early. Sometimes uploading to Youtube takes longer than you think.

Uploading to YouTube
After you have digitally recorded your speech, use YouTube (or a similar website is fine) to upload the speech. These sites are usually very easy to navigate, but the upload time will vary depending on your internet speed. Upload your speech with plenty of time to account for problems.

After the upload is complete (make sure it is "public" or "unlisted" so your instructor can view it), watch your own speech. Watching your own speech will ensure that your link is working and easy to hear/see.

Then copy the link and go to the Assignment Instructions to submit. Copy and paste in the link to the video and attach your outline.

After you click submit, you should be able to see if all of your materials attached/were pasted properly. If you see any kind of error (the link didn't fully paste or an attachment is missing), feel free to email me those materials as a back up. Please explain in the email/repost what the problem was.

In 4-7 days after the due date, check your "My Grades" for feedback.

Is there anything else I need to know when recording my speech?
When recording your speeches, you should try to mimic the classroom experience as much as possible. If we were meeting in a classroom, you would dress appropriately, stand up facing everyone, speak loudly enough for those in the back to hear you, and so on. Just because you may be recording at home doesn't mean you can sit on the couch in your pyjamas.

Your attire should be business casual and you should look professional from head to toe. If you have questions about appropriate attire, please ask me before your record your speech. You should absolutely wear shoes. Under NO circumstances should you be barefoot. If you are in your home and your family asks you to not wear shoes in the home, bring a towel, walk barefoot holding your shoes over to the area in which you will stand, put the towel down, stand on the towel, put shoes on.

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