Informative Speech Assignment
CST 100
Overview: For this informative speech, you will demonstrate a process or action. You will teach your audience
“how to” do something that you know how to do. Your speech, therefore, will provide new information, new
insights, or a new way of thinking about a topic to your audience (remember, public speaking is audience-
This speech should take us through the “process” of your topic. Teach us how to build a window, make burritos
from scratch, change a flat tire—something that the average person may not know how to do. You will need
your topic/subject to be something interesting and unique for your audience. Therefore no speeches about
general, common-sense topics, such as making a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, how to tie your shoes, making
Kool-Aid, riding a bike, etc. Help a majority of us understand how to do something “new.” The key to this
speech is to INFORM your audience, not persuade them. Therefore, you cannot advocate a different way of
thinking or an action to be taken by your audience.
Informative Speech Requirements/Evaluation Criteria:
This speech is due on the day and time you sign up.
o Other components (proposal and outline) are due on their assigned due dates.
SPEECH TIME: 3-5 minutes (if you go over or under points will be deducted)
Your speech should be prepared with:
o A clear organizational pattern
o A clear introduction that contains the FOUR (4) main parts
o Main points that display “unity, coherence, and balance.”
o A clear conclusion that contains the THREE (3) main parts
o Sufficient transition statements, signposts, and preview/review statements
You must incorporate at least (1) visual aid that is INTEGRAL to demonstrating an aspect of your
o Remember your visual aid must be class appropriate—NO guns, weapons, animals, illegal
substances, pornography, etc.
At least three (3) ORIGINAL and CREDIBLE sources cited in your speech orally, written into the
outline where they belong, and included in your outline bibliography. Only ONE (1) of these sources
may be “Internet Only”—sources that do not have a print outlet.
You must submit a COMPLETED, TYPED, full speech outline by the assigned due date on CANVAS. If
this is not complete, you may turn in your outline for no points, but still be eligible to give your speech
as long as the outline is submitted at least ONE (1) day (24 hours) before speeches begin. If I do not
have your outline, you will not get to speak.
You must deliver your speech extemporaneously from brief notes. Do not type/write out your entire
speech and read it. Do not try to memorize your entire speech.
You will also be evaluated on delivery components: Conversational Delivery, Maintaining Eye Contact
at least 50% of the time, proper use of Voice-Volume Tone and Rate, and Appropriate/Natural Physicality
(Over for assignment criteria)
Order of Completion:
1. Brainstorm for potential topics that contain a unique process you can demonstrate.
a. The time limit is 3-5 minutes, so the topic must be demonstrated in that time.
2. Create a topic proposal for two topics (template for proposal is on CANVAS)
a. Topic proposals explore potential main points and preliminary research BEFORE approval
b. You will receive an approval from me before moving on.
3. Construct a full-sentence outline for your speech. DO NOT write a full script. A full-sentence
outline is all that is required (sample and template are on CANVAS).
a. Outlines are arranged in an information hierarchy
i. Coordination and subordination of information (see example on CANVAS)
b. Outlines should include what you are going to say, a clear organizational pattern, and your
c. Three main points - each main point should be a step in the process (chronological pattern)
i. Step 1 – gather/list the ingredients/components
ii. Step 2 – mixing/assembling the ingredients/components
iii. Step 3 – baking and presenting ingredients/ final product for components
d. You will need to incorporate three (3) sources from the outside world that you cite orally which
help contribute to your speech.
4. Include visual aids that contribute to the topic/process that help us “see” what you are “saying.”
a. These visual aids could be necessary components or different “steps” in the process.
b. NOTE: a powerpoint here is not a good idea. Go for a “hands-on” demo.
5. Practice your speech delivery once you decide on/approve your topic, finalize the outline, and
decide on visual aids.
a. Stand on your feet and read through your speech.
b. Speech should be delivered extemporaneously
i. NOT memorized
ii. Use brief notes – notecards are fine
c. Work on eye contact, vocal inflection, and managing your visual aids while talking.