123456789101112131415161718hydrogenhelium12HHe1.0079Key:4.0026lithiumberylliumelement nameboroncarbonnitrogenoxygenfluorineneon34atomic number5678910LiBesymbolBCNOFNe6.9419.0122atomic weight (mean relative mass)10.81112.01114.00715.99918.99820.180sodiummagnesiumaluminiumsiliconphosphorussulfurchlorineargon1112131415161718NaMgAlSiPSClAr22.99024.30526.98228.08630.97432.06535.45339.948potassiumcalciumscandiumtitaniumvanadiumchromiummanganeseironcobaltnickelcopperzincgalliumgermaniumarsenicseleniumbrominekrypton192021222324252627282930313233343536KCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr39.09840.07844.95647.86750.94251.99654.93855.84558.93358.69363.54665.3969.72372.6174.92278.9679.90483.80rubidiumstrontiumyttriumzirconiumniobiummolybdenumtechnetiumrutheniumrhodiumpalladiumsilvercadmiumindiumtinantimonytelluriumiodinexenon373839404142434445464748495051525354RbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXe85.46887.6288.90691.22492.90695.94[98]101.07102.91106.42107.87112.41114.82118.71121.76127.60126.90131.29caesiumbariumlutetiumhafniumtantalumtungstenrheniumosmiumiridiumplatinumgoldmercurythalliumleadbismuthpoloniumastatineradon555657-7071727374757677787980818283848586CsBa*LuHfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn132.91137.33174.97178.49180.95183.84186.21190.23192.22195.08196.97200.59204.38207.2208.98[209][210][222]franciumradiumlawrenciumrutherfordiumdubniumseaborgiumbohriumhassiummeitneriumdarmstadtiumunununiumununbiumununquadium878889-102103104105106107108109110111112114FrRa**LrRfDbSgBhHsMtDsUuuUubUuq[223][226][262][261][262][266][264][269][268][271][272][277][289]lanthanumceriumpraseodymiumneodymiumpromethiumsamariumeuropiumgadoliniumterbiumdysprosiumholmiumerbiumthuliumytterbium5758596061626364656667686970*lanthanoidsLaCePrNdPmSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYb138.91140.12140.91144.24[145]150.36151.96157.25158.93162.50164.93167.26168.93173.04actiniumthoriumprotactiniumuraniumneptuniumplutoniumamericiumcuriumberkeliumcaliforniumeinsteiniumfermiummendeleviumnobelium8990919293949596979899100101102**actinoidsAcThPaUNpPuAmCmBkCfEsFmMdNo[227]232.04231.04238.03[237][244][243][247][247][251][252][257][258][259]WebElements: the periodic table on the world-wide webhttp://www.webelements.com/Symbols and names: the symbols and names of the elements, and their spellings are those recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC - http://www.iupac.org/). Names have yet to be proposed for the most recently discovered elements 111–112 and 114 so those used here are IUPAC’s temporary systematic names. In the USA and some other countries, the spellings aluminum and cesium are normal while in the UK and elsewhere the common spelling is sulphur. Group labels:the numeric system (1–18) used here is the current IUPAC convention.Atomic weights (mean relative masses): Apart from the heaviest elements, these are the IUPAC 2001 values and given to 5 significant figures. Elements for which the atomic weight is given within square brackets have no stable nuclides and are represented by the element’s longest lived isotope. ©2003 Dr Mark J Winter [WebElements Ltd and University of Sheffield, webelements@sheffield.ac.uk]. All rights reserved. For updates to this table see http://www.webelements.com/webelements/support/media/pdf/. Version date: 17 March 2003.
The WebElements™ printable periodic tablePrinting the WebElements printable periodic tableYou can use this Adobe Acrobat file to print single or multiple copies of the periodic table. For printing advice, consult the Adobe Acrobatdocumentation. The WEBELEM2.PDF file has been used successfully to print on A4 paper but should also print on US letter sized paper.Web LinksIf you are connected to the InterNet and your Adobe Acrobat software is sufficiently current, click on any of the elements in the periodic tablefrom within the Adobe Acrobat reader to retrieve information about that element from the WebElements site. To do this, you will need anappropriate Web browser program. You may need to update your Adobe Acrobat Reader program [http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/].WebElementsWebElements is the periodic table on the world-wide web. WebElements is located at http://www.webelements.com/.UpdatesFor updates to this table seehttp://www.webelements.com/webelements/support/media/pdf/. This version of the WebElements printableperiodic table is dated 17 March 2003.Conditions of useThe author endeavours to ensure the information in the WebElements printable periodic table is correct but a condition of your use of it is thatyou accept the author has no liability for problems arising from your use of the WebElements printable periodic table.You are free to distribute this file WEBELEM2.PDF by any means provided you do not charge for the file or its distribution, and you do notchange the name of the file or change it in any other way. Proposals regarding commercial distribution of this file should be made to the author.You may print and distribute as many copies of the periodic table from the WEBELEM2.PDF file as you wish for any purpose provided you donot charge for those copies. Proposals regarding commercial distribution of printed copies of the periodic table generated from theWEBELEM2.PDF file should be made to the author.Copyright©2003 Dr Mark J Winter [webelements@sheffield.ac.uk], WebElements Ltd. and University of Sheffield.Department of ChemistryThe UniversitySheffield S3 7HF, EnglandThe author retains copyright on this WebElements printable periodic table file. You are licensed on a non-exclusive basis to use the file but youdo not own the WEBELEM2.PDF file and the copyright owner reserves all rights worldwide.