Collaboration Exercise 7 285
: -:re SS proc€SS reengineering 263
:: -rmer life cycle 264 : :.r rrler relationshiP management
. R\{) system 26+ i integrity 260
.::ibuted systems 279 ::amic processes 254
: = rprise aPPlication integration
L\r) 271 .:rprise information system 257 .:rprise processes 257
.,M lSi** *" -c complete the Problems with the
Enterprise resource Planning (ERP) 26s
ERP system 265 FunctionalaPPlication 255
Functionalinformationsystems 255
Hybrid model 279 Industry-sPecific solutions 27 5
Information silo 259 Inherent Processes 267
Inter-enterPrise information
systems 257 Inter-enterPriseProcesses 257
r'1r,MlS:, :r,, go to EOC Discussion Questions in the Mylab'
Modules 265 ProcessbluePrints 273
Processeffectiveness 257
Process efficiencY 257 Self-efficacy 277 Storedprocedure 273
StructuredProcesses 254
Train the trainer 27 5 Trigger 273 WorkgrouP information system
Workgroup Process 255 255
7-1. Using the example of your university' give examples of in- I formation systems for each of the three levels of scope
(workgroup' enterprise, and inter-enterprise) discussed in
Q7-1. Describe three departmental information systems
Iikely to duplicate data' Explain how the characteristics of
these systems relate to your examples'
7-2. Inyour answer to question 7-1' explain how the three I worhgroup information systems create information silos'
Describethekindsofproblemsthesesilosarelikelyto cause. Refer to the discussion in Q7-3 as a guide'
7-3. Using your answer to question 7-2' describe an enterprise ! irrfo.-ution system that will eliminate the silos' Would
the implementation of your system require business pro-
cess reengineering? Explain why or why not'
7-4. Googleor Bing each of the top five ERP vendors discussed ln Q7-5. In what ways have their product offerings changed since this text was written? Do these vendors
have new products? Have they made important acquisi-
tions? Have they been acquired? Have any new companies
made important inroads into their market share?
7-5. Using the knowledge you gained from Chapters 4 and 6'
how do you think mobile systems and the cloud will affect
ERP solutions? Explain how mobile ERP might benefit the
types of personnel discussed in the bicycle manufacturing
examPle fromQT-4.
IJsing tl"rc collaboration lS you built in Chapter 2 (page 75)'
;ollaborate with a grotrp of students to answer the following ques-
The county planning office issues building permits' septic
system permits, and county road access permits for all building
projects in a county in an eastern state' The planning office is-
sues permits to homeowners and builders for the construction of
new homes and buildings and lor any remodeling proiects that
involve electrical, gas, plumbing, and other utilities' as well as
the conversion of unoccupied spaces, such as garages, into liv-
ing or working space. The oflice also issues permits for new or
upgraded septic systems and permits to provide driveway en-
trances to countY roads.