Now that you have gathered all this great information from your interview, it is time to put it all together in a Memo reporting what you learned in the interview! Memos are frequently used in business as a concise report of your activities to supervisors or co-workers.
Student using a computer
Block Format and Spacing
Use block format where you align all lines against the left margin. Use one inch margins on all four sides. Single space the lines in the paragraphs and double space between the paragraphs.
Use size 12pt, Times New Roman font.
Paragraph 1:
Summarize your purpose
Highlight the topics of your interview
Share your conclusions about your interview information
Paragraph 2+: Use your topics as headings and describe what you learned about that topic in a paragraph under the heading.
Last 2 paragraphs:
Describe how the interview information affected your career choice.
Reflect on your performance as an interviewer and describe what you did well and how you could improve. Use specific examples.
Refer to the example memo
Actions and grading rubric to see what’s expected on the memo.
Submit the final draft of your Memo.