Based on the credit report you have received, write a one-two page reaction paper focusing on the accuracy of the information in the report, what you have learned about your credit status, how it is different from what you thought it would be, why you are in that status and how it might change over the next few years. Do NOT turn in your credit report to protect your privacy privacy. If you are an international student and cannot obtain a credit report, contact me to discuss alternative topics for this portion of the assignment.
Work through the retirement planning process. This requires you to:
Take the risk tolerance quiz found at (Links to an external site.)
Develop an asset allocation plan using the asset allocation calculator found at (Links to an external site.)
Complete the retirement worksheet on page 528 of the text to determine your retirement savings needs. Use an income estimate based on what you think an average person makes in your projected occupation. You can look this up on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook web site at (Links to an external site.). Note that you also have to estimate your Social Security retirement benefits (see textbook for instructions).
Turn in the completed worksheet (scan or save as a pdf file) along with an additional one-two page reaction paper discussing what you learned about yourself (and retirement planning) taking the risk tolerance quiz, working through the asset allocation calculator and by completing the worksheet, what you might do to meet the need indicated and how these might change over the next few years.