Write a 3~5 minutes presentation sheet.
The goal: Take essay and condense it into a 3-5 minute video presentation to your company’s board of directors.
Condensing the report: One way to figure out how to effectively condense your paper is to return either to your outline or to your executive summary—both of these documents will help you figure out what the most critical points to cover and data to include are.
Professionalism: The goal of this assignment is to get you used to presenting in a professional setting—distilling your ideas into the essential points, then clearly and articulately presenting them to supervisors, managers, or executives.
The Best Asian Supermarket in North America? Improving and Addressing Strength and Weakness Problem Statement: What is the strength and weakness of 99 Ranch Market? Purpose Statement: Make suggestions on what to improve and address. 1 Executive Summary As the major supermarket for Asian communities, 99 Ranch Market seeks to expand its presence in North America. 99 Ranch Market is one of the most prominent supermarkets in North America. The nature of its products and consumer demography is perhaps the distinctive quality that makes the company stand out. As a current valued employee at 99 Ranch Market, there are several proposals to help further and strengthen the company. Conducting a SWOT analysis, I have carefully pinpointed crucial strength, weakness, opportunity, and strength in order to specify on what can be further improved on what needs to be addressed with practical and applicable remedy. The biggest strength is what 99 Ranch Market sells – authentic products from all over Asia to captivate the nostalgic tastes that Asian immigrants, tourists, and international students love. 99 Ranch Market may be selling products that are physical, but they are also preserving a growing for the growing Asian population in North America. 99 Ranch Market has not made substantial advertisements to expand its consumer basis in other demography; however, its presence within the Asian communities continue to remain prevalent. The expansion of 99 Ranch Market depends not only on its loyal and growing Asian demography, but also on advertising and situating itself along with the biggest North American competitors in the business, marketing itself more on a global platform in order to be recognized as a company with a crucial cultural signature.