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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Henslin, James M., author. Title: Sociology : a down-to-earth approach / James M. Henslin, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. Description: Thirteenth edition. | Boston : Pearson Education, [2017] Identifiers: LCCN 2015043067 | ISBN 9780134205571 Subjects: LCSH: Sociology. Classification: LCC HM586. H45 2017 | DDC 301–dc23 LC record available at
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Student Edition: ISBN-10: 0-13-420557-X ISBN-13: 978-0-13-420557-1
Books A La Carte ISBN 10: 0-13-420559-6 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-420559-5
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To my fellow sociologists, who do such creative research on social life and who communicate the sociological imagination to generations of students. With my sincere admiration and appreciation,
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1 The Sociological Perspective 1
2 Culture 34
3 Socialization 63
4 Social Structure and Social Interaction 96
5 How Sociologists Do Research 127
6 Societies to Social Networks 148
7 Bureaucracy and Formal Organizations 174
8 Deviance and Social Control 196
9 Global Stratification 228
10 Social Class in the United States 261
11 Sex and Gender 294
12 Race and Ethnicity 326
13 The Elderly 365
14 The Economy 394
15 Politics 427
16 Marriage and Family 459
17 Education 493
18 Religion 520
19 Medicine and Health 555
20 Population and Urbanization 587
21 Collective Behavior and Social Movements 622
22 Social Change and the Environment 648
Brief Contents
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To the Student . . . from the Author xix To the Instructor . . . from the Author xx About the Author xxxi
1 The Sociological Perspective 1 The Sociological Perspective 3
Seeing the Broader Social Context 3 The Global Context—and the Local 4
Sociology and the Other Sciences 5 The Natural Sciences 5 The Social Sciences 5
Anthropology 6 • Economics 6 • politicAl sciEncE 6 • psychology 6 • sociology 6
The Goals of Science 7 The Risks of Being a Sociologist 8
Origins of Sociology 8 Tradition versus Science 8 Auguste Comte and Positivism 9 Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism 9 Karl Marx and Class Conflict 10 Emile Durkheim and Social Integration 11
Applying DurkhEim 12
Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic 13 rEligion AnD thE origin of cApitAlism 13
Values in Sociological Research 13
Verstehen and Social Facts 14 Weber and Verstehen 14 Durkheim and Social Facts 15 How Social Facts and Verstehen Fit Together 15
Sociology in North America 16 Sexism at the Time: Women in Early Sociology 16 Racism at the Time: W. E. B. Du Bois 18 Jane Addams: Sociologist and Social Reformer 20
Talcott Parsons and C. Wright Mills: Theory versus Reform 20
The Continuing Tension: Basic, Applied, and Public Sociology 21 BAsic sociology 21 • AppliED sociology 21 • puBlic sociology 21 • sociAl rEform is risky 22
Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 23 Symbolic Interactionism 24
symBols in EvEryDAy lifE 24 • Applying symBolic intErActionism 24 •
Functional Analysis 26 roBErt mErton AnD functionAlism 26 • Applying functionAl AnAlysis 26
Conflict Theory 28 kArl mArx AnD conflict thEory 28 • conflict thEory toDAy 28 • fEminists AnD conflict thEory 28 • Applying conflict thEory 29
Putting the Theoretical Perspectives Together 29 Levels of Analysis: Macro and Micro 29
Trends Shaping the Future of Sociology 30 Sociology’s Tension: Research versus Reform 30
thrEE stAgEs in sociology 30 • DivErsity of oriEntAtions 30
Globalization 31 ApplicAtion of gloBAlizAtion to this tExt 31
summary and review 31 thinking critically about chapter 1 33
2 Culture 34 What Is Culture? 36
Culture and Taken-for-Granted Orientations to Life 36 Practicing Cultural Relativism 38
AttAck on culturAl rElAtivism 42
Components of Symbolic Culture 42 Gestures 42
misunDErstAnDing AnD offEnsE 42 • univErsAl gEsturEs? 43
Language 43 lAnguAgE Allows humAn ExpEriEncE to BE cumulAtivE 44 • lAnguAgE proviDEs A sociAl or shArED pAst 44 • lAnguAgE proviDEs A sociAl or shArED futurE 44 • lAnguAgE Allows shArED pErspEctivEs 44 • lAnguAgE Allows shArED, goAl-DirEctED BEhAvior 45
Language and Perception: The Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis 46 Values, Norms, and Sanctions 46 Folkways, Mores, and Taboos 48
Many Cultural Worlds 49 Subcultures 49 Countercultures 52
Values in U.S. Society 52 An Overview of U.S. Values 52 Value Clusters 53 Value Contradictions 53 An Emerging Value Cluster 54 When Values Clash 55 Values as Distorting Lenses 55 “Ideal” versus “Real” Culture 55
Cultural Universals 56
Sociobiology and Human Behavior 57