Part 2:
IT Budget Plan
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Shimamoto’s (2012), A strategic approach to IT budgeting article, and review the relevant information from this week’s lecture.
The designated lead for the group this week will assign various tasks to members in their assigned group tab in order to develop an IT Budget Plan based on the Acme Full Strategic PlanPreview the document. Go to your assigned group to develop the IT Budget Plan. The budget should build on and reflect the Organizational Plan that was developed by the group last week, as well as reflect the company demands for IT services as projected in its strategic plan. This is one of the strategic planning elements and concepts that will support the short-, medium-, and long-term goals of an organization. The IT Budget Plan should include both capital and expense spending and cover the period of 1, 2, and 3 fiscal years (FY). The deliverable can be presented in a Word document or an Excel Spreadsheet. Once you have completed your IT Budget Plan, attach it to this initial post to share with the rest of the class.