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Chapter 10 Discussion Questions Criminology

this would be nice to have, since it has an in memoriam for Steve Tibbetts

Introduction to Criminology Third Edition

I dedicate this book to my brothers Douglas Monroe and Jeffrey Alan Schram.

—Pam Schram

I dedicate this book to my loving wife and best friend, Kim Tibbetts. My true soulmate, for the last 20 years and forever.

—Steve Tibbetts

In Memoriam

After many years in academia, we are grateful for having the colleague whom we also consider a dear friend, someone special in our lives. Steve was one of those exceptional colleagues, a dear friend, to me. I will miss our conversations. Those who knew Steve appreciate that those conversations could range from how much snow he was shoveling, to his thoughts on why SEC is so wonderful (I’m Big 10), to his favorite episodes of Law and Order. Steve always expressed such joy and pride when talking about the special loves in his life—his wife, Kim; his daughter, Rian; and his mom and dad, Jane and Steve.

Steve was one of those colleagues I could go to when I needed to discuss a possible project, advice on how to handle a situation, or just to “vent.” He always had a way of making things seem better. He was known by many of us in the department to share odd or strange crime stories. For me, he would enjoy sharing some crazy cat news story. By the way, Steve did not really like cats, so you can imagine the type of stories he would share.

Steve has made a significant, and lasting, impact in the field of criminology in so many ways. But he has impacted so many people, not just as a criminologist, but as Stephen Tibbetts. He

was a wonderful husband, father, son, and dear friend. I will miss him.

—Pam Schram

Introduction to Criminology Why Do They Do It?

Third Edition

Pamela J. Schram California State University, San Bernardino

Stephen G. Tibbetts Radford University

Los Angeles London

New Delhi Singapore

Washington DC Melbourne


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Schram, Pamela J., author. | Tibbetts, Stephen G., author.

Title: Introduction to criminology : why do they do it? / Pamela J. Schram, California State University, San Bernardino, Stephen G. Tibbetts, Radford University.

Description: Third edition. | Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, Inc., [2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019034242 | ISBN 9781544375731 (paperback) | ISBN 9781544375755 (epub) | ISBN 9781544375762 (epub) | ISBN 9781544375779 (pdf)

Subjects: LCSH: Criminology.

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Brief Contents 1. Preface 2. Acknowledgments 3. About the Authors 4. Chapter 1: Introduction to Criminology 5. Chapter 2: Measuring Crime 6. Chapter 3: The Classical School of Criminological Thought 7. Chapter 4: Contemporary Classical and Deterrence Research 8. Chapter 5: Early Positivism:Biological Theories of Crime 9. Chapter 6: Modern Biosocial Perspectives of Criminal Behavior

10. Chapter 7: Psychological/Trait Theories of Crime 11. Chapter 8: Social Structure Theories of Crime I:Early Development

and Strain Models of Crime 12. Chapter 9: Social Structure Theories of Crime II:Social

Disorganization and Subcultures 13. Chapter 10: Social Process and Control Theories of Crime 14. Chapter 11: Labeling Theory and Conflict/Marxist/Radical Theories of

Crime 15. Chapter 12: Feminist Theories of Crime 16. Chapter 13: Developmental/Life-Course Perspectives on Criminality 17. Chapter 14: White-Collar Crime, Organized Crime, and Cybercrime 18. Chapter 15: Hate Crimes, Mass Murder, Terrorism, and Homeland

Security 19. Chapter 16: Drugs and Crime 20. Glossary 21. Notes 22. Index

Detailed Contents Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Chapter 1: Introduction to Criminology

• Case Study: The “Confidence Man” Introduction What Is a Crime? What Are Criminology and Criminal Justice? The Consensus and Conflict Perspectives of Crime • Learning Check 1.1 The Criminal Justice System

Law Enforcement Courts Corrections The Juvenile Justice System

• Learning Check 1.2 Criminological Theory • Applying Theory to Crime: Motor-Vehicle Theft

Five Characteristics of Good Theories • Learning Check 1.3

Three Requirements for Determining Causality • Why Do They Do It? David and Louise Turpin

Theory Informs Policies and Programs • Victimology

Victim Precipitation The Incidence/Prevalence of Victimization Child Abuse and Neglect Compensation and Restitution Victim Impact Statements

• Learning Check 1.4 Victim Rights Awareness

Conclusion Key Terms Discussion Questions

Resources Chapter 2: Measuring Crime

• Case Study: September 11, 2001, Victims Introduction Data From Law Enforcement Agencies

Uniform Crime Reports Historical Overview The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program Limitations

• Why Do They Do It? An Unusual DUI Offense; Dead Man’s Parrot a Key Witness?; Lottery Winner Arrested; Burglar Can’t Escape the Escape Room • Learning Check 2.1

Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

Data Collection Limitations

Hate Crime Data Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Statistics

Data From Victims of Crime: The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) • Learning Check 2.2

Limitations Comparing the NCVS With Uniform Crime Reports

Data From Self-Report Surveys Monitoring the Future (MTF) The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) National Youth Survey—Family Study

Additional Approaches to Collecting Data The National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) Program

• Applying Theory to Crime: Hate Crime Spatial Analyses of Crime

• Learning Check 2.3 Conclusion Key Terms Discussion Questions

Resources Chapter 3: The Classical School of Criminological Thought

• Case Study: Robert Seman, Jr. Introduction Pre-Classical Perspectives on Crime and Punishment The Age of Enlightenment • Learning Check 3.1 The Classical School of Criminology

Influences on Beccaria and His Writings Beccaria’s Proposed Reforms and Ideas of Justice Beccaria’s Ideas of the Death Penalty Beccaria’s Concept of Deterrence and the Three Key Elements of Punishment

Swiftness of Punishment • Learning Check 3.2

Certainty of Punishment Severity of Punishment Beccaria’s Conceptualization of Specific and General Deterrence Summary of Beccaria’s Ideas and Influence on Policy

• Learning Check 3.3 The Impact of Beccaria’s Work on Other Theorists The Neoclassical School of Criminology • Why Do They Do It? The Harpe Brothers • Applying Theory to Crime: Other Assaults (Simple) The Decline of Classical/Neoclassical Theory Policy Implications Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 4: Contemporary Classical and Deterrence Research • Case Study: The Murder of Kristen Crowley Introduction The Rebirth of Deterrence Theory and Contemporary Research

The Four Waves of Modern Deterrence Research

Aggregate Studies Cross-Sectional Studies Longitudinal Studies Scenario/Vignette Studies

Formal Versus Informal Deterrence Rational Choice Theory • Learning Check 4.1 • Applying Theory to Crime: Driving Under the Influence Routine Activities Theory

The Three Elements of Routine Activities Theory Motivated Offender Suitable Targets Lack of Guardianship

Applications of Routine Activities Theory The Minneapolis Hot Spots Study Crime Mapping and Geographic Profiling The Lifestyles Perspective

• Learning Check 4.2 Policy Implications • Why Do They Do It? The Green River Killer Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 5: Early Positivism: Biological Theories of Crime • Case Study: John Lotter, the “Boys Don’t Cry” Killer Introduction Early Biological Theories of Behavior

Craniometry Phrenology Physiognomy

Lombroso’s Theory of Atavism and Born Criminals Lombroso’s Theory of Crime Lombroso’s List of Stigmata Lombroso as the Father of Criminology and the Father of the Positive School

• Learning Check 5.1 Policy Implications

• Why Do They Do It? Dr. Harold Shipman • Learning Check 5.2 After Lombroso: The IQ-Testing Era

Goddard’s IQ Test Policy Implications Reexamining Intelligence Body-Type Theory: Sheldon’s Model of Somatotyping

• Applying Theory to Crime: Burglary • Learning Check 5.3 • Learning Check 5.4 Policy Implications Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 6: Modern Biosocial Perspectives of Criminal Behavior • Case Study: The Spahalski Brothers Introduction Nature Versus Nurture: Studies Examining the Influence of Genetics and Environment

Family Studies Twin Studies

• Learning Check 6.1 Adoption Studies Twins Separated at Birth

• Learning Check 6.2 Cytogenetic Studies: The XYY Factor Hormones and Neurotransmitters: Chemicals That Determine Criminal Behavior • Applying Theory to Crime: Aggravated Assault Brain Injuries • Learning Check 6.3 Central Versus Autonomic Nervous System Activity • Why Do They Do It? Charles Whitman

• Learning Check 6.4 Biosocial Approaches to Explaining Criminal Behavior

Behavioral Genetics Studies Diet/Nutrition Toxins

• Case Study Revisited: The Spahalski Brothers Policy Implications Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 7: Psychological/Trait Theories of Crime • Case Study: Joel Michael Guy, Jr. Introduction Early Psychological Theorizing Regarding Criminal Behavior

Freud’s Model of the Psyche and Implications for Criminal Behavior Hans Eysenck: Theory of Crime and Personality Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development

Heinz’s Dilemma John Bowlby: Attachment Theory

Modern Psychological Perspectives of Criminality IQ and Criminal Behavior

• Example Case History: Derek B. • Learning Check 7.1

James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein: Crime and Human Nature

• Applying Theory to Crime: Rape Psychopathy and Crime

Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System • Learning Check 7.2

Treatment • Why Do They Do It? Ariel Castro

Mental-Health Courts The Insanity Defense

The M’Naghten Rule

The Irresistible-Impulse Test The Durham Rule The American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code

Policy Implications • Learning Check 7.3 Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 8: Social Structure Theories of Crime I: Early Development and Strain Models of Crime

• Case Study: The Black-Binder Bandit Introduction Early European Theorists of Social Structure: Comte, Guerry, and Quetelet Durkheim and the Concept of Anomie • Learning Check 8.1 • Learning Check 8.2 Merton’s Strain Theory

Cultural Context and Assumptions of Strain Theory Merton’s Concept of Anomie and Strain Adaptations to Strain

• Learning Check 8.3 Evidence and Criticisms of Merton’s Strain Theory

Variations of Merton’s Strain Theory Cohen’s Theory of Lower-Class Status Frustration and Gang Formation Cloward and Ohlin’s Theory of Differential Opportunity

General Strain Theory • Why Do They Do It? Christopher Dorner • Learning Check 8.4 Summary of Strain Theories • Why Do They Do It? Gang Lu • Applying Theory to Crime: Bank Robbery Policy Implications Conclusion

Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 9: Social Structure Theories of Crime II: Social Disorganization and Subcultures

• Case Study: Fraternity Members Charged With Engaging in Alcohol Enemas Introduction The Ecological School and the Chicago School of Criminology

Cultural Context: Chicago in the 1800s and Early 1900s Ecological Principles in City Growth and Concentric Circles Shaw and McKay’s Theory of Social Disorganization • Learning Check 9.1 Reactions and Research

• Applying Theory to Crime: Stalking Cultural and Subcultural Theories of Crime

Early Theoretical Developments and Research in Cultural/Subcultural Theory

• Learning Check 9.2 Disparities of Race in Regard to Subcultural Theories of Crime Criticism

Policy Implications • Why Do They Do It? Whitey Bulger Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 10: Social Process and Control Theories of Crime • Case Study: The Bogles Introduction Learning Theories

Differential Association Theory Elements of Differential Association Theory Classical Conditioning

Reactions to Differential Association Theory Glaser’s Concept of Differential Identification

• Learning Check 10.1 Differential Reinforcement Theory

Elements Propositions

Psychological Learning Models Operant Conditioning

• Applying Theory to Crime: Murder Bandura’s Theory of Imitation/Modeling Reactions to Differential Reinforcement Theory Neutralization Theory

Techniques of Neutralization • Learning Check 10.2

Reactions to Neutralization Theory Control Theories

Thomas Hobbes’s Social Contract Émile Durkheim’s Idea of Collective Conscience Freud’s Concept of the Id and Superego Early Social Control Theories of Crime

Reiss’s Control Theory Toby’s Concept of Stake in Conformity Nye’s Control Theory Reckless’s Containment Theory

Modern Social Control Theories of Crime Matza’s Drift Theory Hirschi’s Social Bonding Theory

Integrated Social Control Theories Tittle’s Control-Balance Theory Hagan’s Power-Control Theory

A General Theory of Crime: Low Self-Control Psychological Aspects Physiological Aspects

• Learning Check 10.3 Policy Implications • Why Do They Do It? Jesse Pomeroy Conclusion

Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 11: Labeling Theory and Conflict/Marxist/Radical Theories of Crime

• Case Study: The Flint Water Crisis Introduction Labeling Theory

Foundation Frank Tannenbaum: The Dramatization of Evil Edwin M. Lemert: Primary and Secondary Deviance Howard S. Becker: The Dimensions of Deviance Edwin M. Schur: Defining Deviance

Basic Assumptions • Learning Check 11.1

Research • Why Do They Do It? The Murder of Dawn Hamilton

Critiques Conflict Perspectives • Applying Theory to Crime: Larceny-Theft

Conservative (Pluralist) Conflict Perspectives George Vold: Group Conflict Theory Austin Turk: The Power to Define Criminal Behavior Richard Quinney: The Social Reality of Crime

• Learning Check 11.2 Radical Conflict Perspectives

Marxist Criminology William Chambliss and Robert Seidman on the U.S. Criminal Justice System

Additional Explanations of Crime Using a Marxist Framework

Colvin and Pauly’s Integrated Structural-Marxist Theory Herman and Julia Siegel Schwendinger on Adolescent Subcultures Steven Spitzer on Problem Populations

• Learning Check 11.3 Research Critiques

Additional Critical Theories Peacemaking Criminology The Restorative Justice Perspective Left Realism

Policy Implications Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 12: Feminist Theories of Crime • Case Study: Gertrude Baniszewski Introduction A Brief History of Feminism in the United States

Key Terms Feminist Perspectives on Gender • Learning Check 12.1

The Traditional or Conservative Perspective Liberal Feminism Radical Feminism Marxist and Socialist Feminism Postmodern Feminism

• Learning Check 12.2 Additional Feminist Perspectives

Traditional Theories of Female Crime Cesare Lombroso: Physical Attributes of Female Offenders William I. Thomas: The Biology of Female Offending Sigmund Freud: Female Inferiority Otto Pollak: Hidden Female Criminality

• Learning Check 12.3 Feminist Critiques of Previous Studies of Women and Crime

The Liberation Thesis • Applying Theory to Crime: Female Sex Offenders Power-Control Theory

Feminist Perspectives on Crime and Criminal Behavior • Why Do They Do It? Lavinia Fisher

Objectivity and Subjectivity Qualitative “Versus” Quantitative Analyses Feminist Criminology

Critiques of Feminist Theories • Learning Check 12.4 Policies Based on Feminist Theories of Crime Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 13: Developmental/Life-Course Perspectives on Criminality • Case Study: The Teen Burglar Introduction Basic Concepts and Early Developmental Theory Antidevelopmental Theory: Low-Self-Control Theory • Learning Check 13.1 Sampson and Laub’s Developmental Model Moffitt’s Developmental Taxonomy • Why Do They Do It? Henry Earl Thornberry’s Interactional Model of Offending Applying Theory to Crime: Arson

Case Study Empirical Evidence

• Learning Check 13.2 Policy Implications Conclusion Summary of Theories Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 14: White-Collar Crime, Organized Crime, and Cybercrime • Case Study: William T. Walters Introduction White-Collar Crime

Definitions and History • Learning Check 14.1

Incidence and Impact on Society Economic Costs

• Why Do They Do It? Enron Physical Costs Breakdown in Social Fabric Types of White-Collar Crime

Crimes Against the Environment • Learning Check 14.2

Labor Violations Theoretical Explanations

• Applying Theory to Crime: White-Collar Crime Organized Crime

Definition The Historical Context of Organized Crime in the United States Types of Criminal Organization

The Mafia Outlaw Motorcyle Gangs Prison Gangs Urban Street Gangs Transnational Organized Crime

Criminal Justice Responses The Chicago Crime Commission The Wickersham Commission The Kefauver Committee The McClellan Committee The President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice The Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 The President’s Commission on Organized Crime

• Learning Check 14.3 Theoretical Explanations

Cybercrime Definition Types

Hacking Identity Theft Child Pornography Internet Fraud Cyberstalking

Criminal Justice Responses The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 The Child Online Protection Act of 1998 The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 Executive Order 13694: Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities The Strengthening State and Local Cyber Crime Fighting Act of 2017

Theoretical Explanations • Learning Check 14.4 Conclusion Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 15: Hate Crimes, Mass Murder, Terrorism, and Homeland Security

• Case Study: The Poway Synagogue Shooting Introduction Hate Crimes

Definition Hate Groups Anti-Hate-Crime Legislation

The Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990 The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 The Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 The Campus Hate Crimes Right to Know Act of 1997 The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009

Model State Legislation: Hate Crimes/Violence Against People Experiencing Homelessness

Theoretical Explanations of Hate Crimes • Why Do They Do It? The Murder of Matthew Shepard • Learning Check 15.1 Multicide

Categories of Mass Killers School Attacks Disparity in Rates of Committing Multicide Across Race and Religious Ideology

Terrorism Definition Typologies Extent Historical Context

The French Revolution Late-19th-Century and Early-20th-Century Terrorism Contemporary Terrorism

• Applying Theory to Crime: Terrorism Current Context

Organizational Networks Financial Support The Influence of the Media

Domestic Terrorism Theoretical Explanations

• Learning Check 15.2 Homeland Security

Origins Definition The Homeland Security Organizational Network Agencies Responsible for Homeland Security

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) The Secret Service The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) The Coast Guard

Bureaucratic Problems and Solutions Issues Related to Civil Liberties

The Torture Debate Human Rights The Constitution The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

• Learning Check 15.3 Policy Implications Conclusion Key Terms Discussion Questions Resources

Chapter 16: Drugs and Crime • Case Study: Kenneth Saltzman Introduction Depressants

Alcohol • Diagnosing Alcohol Problems

Barbiturates Tranquilizers (Including Benzodiazepines)

Narcotics Morphine Heroin Other Synthetic Narcotics

Stimulants Cocaine Amphetamine Methamphetamine

Other Commonly Abused Drugs Cannabis and Marijuana Steroids Inhalants Hallucinogens

• Learning Check 16.1 Trends of Drug Use

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