Introduction of the book
Background information of the author
Major theme of the book
My interest in selecting this book
Theories presented in the book
Describing the theories
My learning from the theories
Summary and recommendation
The agenda of today’s presentation is introduction of the book, background information of the author, theme, my interest in selecting the book, theories presented in the book, my learnings from the book and recommendation of the book
Introduction of the book
In this book with examples John C. Maxwell explains the phases of leadership. He tells the best way to ace each level and how to become an increasingly powerful leader.
John.C.Maxwell’s 5 levels of leadership are
People Development
Image taken from:
In this book Maxwell focused on 5 level of leadership. They are Position, permission, production, people development and pinnacle. In the coming slides we will see in detail about the five levels.
About the author
John Calvin Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership.
Maxwell was born in Garden City, Michigan in 1947.
John C. Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold more than 20 million books.
His books include 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. Some of his books are on the New York Times Best Seller List.
Bio taken from:
John.C.Maxwell was an American author born in Garden City, Michigan in 1947. He is an internationally respected leadership expert and author who sold more than 2o million books. His notable books include 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.
Major theme of the book
The major theme of the book is how to become a successful leader
John Maxwell explains each phase of the leadership with examples
Maxwell provided in-depth insights on how to become a successful leader
Maxwell focused on the in-depth game plans to be followed which gives an overview to the five levels of leadership
Each level is well explained with ups and downs
The Major theme of the book is how to become a successful leader. Each level has been explained with examples and with in-depth insights. Maxwell provided a game plan which given a clear idea throughout the 5 levels of leadership. Maxwell also explained the ups and down of each level
My interest in selecting this book
This book is well designed for all kind of leaders at all levels.
Maxwell mainly focused on the five levels of leadership with appropriate examples and situations.
Distinguishes between each level of leadership
Maxwell’s focus on leadership theories along the years
My main interest in selecting this book is because of the author John Maxwell. His writings are well known for the leadership theories along the years. In this book he focused on 5 levels which are helpful for all kind of leaders at all levels.
Theories presented
The main theory presented in this book is the five levels of leadership.
A leadership game plan is presented which gives an overview of each level presented
Maxwell provided an in-depth insight of each level
A leadership assessment is provided to evaluate the current level of your leadership
The main theories presented are the five levels of leadership. A game plan explaining each level. Assessment to evaluate your current level of leadership
Levels of leadership
Level 1: Position
This level explains the leadership based on position.
In this type of leadership the leaders always try to protect themselves.
Leaders at this doesn’t engage much with team members.
Doesn’t require more abilities to lead or complete the goal.
Positive outcome is people gets a chance to become a leader.
Level 2: Permission
This level represents the leadership based on permission.
Leaders assume they should maintain healthy relations with the team members to get the job done.
One more thing Maxwell mentions is leaders believe in giving compliments to the team members at this level.
One negative thing at this level is leaders should know that great place is not necessary to reach targets.
The first level of leadership is Position. This explains leadership based on position. In this level leaders try to protect themselves and don’t engage much with team members. This level doesn’t require more abilities to lead or complete the goal. Only positive is people gets a chance to become a leader. The next level is permission. In this level of leadership leaders will rely more on relations with the team members. They believe healthy relations can help in completing the goals but they cannot achieve goals due to those relations.
Levels of leadership
Level 3: Production
This level depends upon what you did for the organization.
This level is unlike level two, leaders realizes targets cannot be achieved if they rely on relationships with team members.
Leaders use their relations to define the target and encourage team members to achieve the goal.
The negative aspect is team performance may go down if the leader leaves the team.
Level 4: People Development
In this level leaders try to motivate, invest time on the other team members in order to see their growth as a leader.
Leaders focus on developing the organization by training the people.
It helps organization in continuing achievement and development.
The negative aspect in this level is it needs high level of maturity.
Some leaders may feel insecure by growth of the people in the organization.
The next level is Production. This level is mainly based upon the work you did for your organization growth. People follows you based on your work. Leaders realizes that targets cannot be achieved if they rely on relationships with team members. Leaders encourage the team members to grow as a leader and their development. Next level is People development. In this level leaders encourages and invests time on their team members in developing them and training them. The negative aspect of this level is it needs more maturity. Lack of maturity can make the leaders feel insecure by seeing the growth of other in the team.
Levels of leadership
Level 5: Pinnacle
This is a top-level leadership which many people cannot be achieved.
This level needs more focus, talent, skills.
One reason why people cannot reach level 5 is because, they can make the people follow them, but they cannot develop people.
Leaders at this level can create more opportunities in the organization.
Negative aspect of this level is leaders may loss focus with the power and position
The final level of leadership is pinnacle. This is the highest level of leadership which many people cannot achieve. This level needs more focus, talent, skills. One reason why people cannot reach level 5 is because, they can make the people follow them, but they cannot develop people.
What I learned from the theories
Maxwell’s explanation on each level of leadership gave me a better understating about the successful leaders.
It helped me understating how a leader can influence and motivate the people at each level.
I have learned how to respond to the situations according to the team needs.
Developing people and setting targets based upon the team strength.
How relationships can affect the leader's ability in making decisions and its impact on organization.
There are so many takeaways from the book, the main things are d how to react depending on the situation. It also gave me a better understanding of the leaders and ho to become a successful leader. I learned how to set targets and motivate people in getting the things done and also helping people in developing their skills.
Summary and recommendation
Maxwell’s well explained levels are very helpful to everyone who wants become a successful leader
The way how Maxwell presented the levels with examples will intrigue the readers to read further.
This book is a perfect choice for all kind of leaders and to the people who are trying to become a leader
The examples and situations used by Maxwell will give a clear idea about each leadership level
Maxwell encouraged people to become leaders by his tips and examples throughout the book
Maxwell gave an in-depth insights of 5 levels of leaderships with appropriate examples. The examples Maxwell provided will encourage people to read the book. I recommend this book to all people who are trying to become a leader. Maxwell encouraged people to become leaders by example and tips throughout the book.
5 Levels of Leadership By John.C.Maxwell