Mccain Foods - Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behavior
7th Edition
Wayne D. Hoyer University of Texas, Austin
Deborah J. MacInnis University of Southern California
Rik Pieters Tilburg University
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Consumer Behavior, 7e Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters
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To my wonderful family, Shirley, David, Stephanie, and Lindsey and to my parents Louis and Doris for their tremendous support
and love. To all of you, I dedicate this book.
Wayne D. Hoyer Austin, Texas
September 2016
To my loving husband, my beautiful children, and my devoted family. You are my life-spring of energy and my center of gravity.
Deborah J. MacInnis Los Angeles, California
September 2016
To Trees who loves me and �omas who knew everything.
Rik Pieters Tilburg
September 2016
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About the Authors
Wayne D. Hoyer Wayne D. Hoyer is the James L. Bayless/William S. Farish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D. in Consumer Psychology from Purdue University in 1980. He also holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Bern in Switzerland and was recently given a Humboldt Research Award in Germany. His major area of study is Consumer Psychology and his research interests include consumer information processing and decision-making, customer relationship management, consumer brand sabotage, and advertising information processing (including miscomprehension, humor, and brand personality). Wayne has published over 100 articles in various publications including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Advertising Research, and Journal of Retailing. A 1998 article in the Journal of Marketing Research (with Susan Broniarczyk and Leigh McAlister) won the O’Dell Award in 2003 for having the most impact in the marketing field over that five-year period. In addition to Consumer Behavior, he has co-authored two books on the topic of advertising miscomprehension. He is a current area editor for the Journal of Marketing, a Marketing, a Marketing Senior Editor for the International Journal of Research in Marketing, a former associate editor for the Journal of Consumer Research and serves on eight editorial review boards including the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. His major areas of teaching include consumer behavior, customer strategy, and marketing communications. He has also taught internationally at the University of Mannheim, the University of Muenster, and the Otto Beisheim School of Management (all in Germany), the University of Bern in Switzerland, the University of Cambridge (UK), and Thammasat University in Thailand. He has also been the Montezemolo Visiting Research Fellow in the Judge School of Business and is a Visiting Fellow of Sidney Sussex College at the University of Cambridge (UK).
Deborah J. MacInnis Debbie MacInnis (Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh 1986) is the Charles L. and Ramona I. Hilliard Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA. She has previously held positions as Chairperson of the Marketing Department, Vice Dean for Research and Strategy and Dean of the Undergraduate Programs at Marshall. Debbie has published papers in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychology and Marketing, and others in the areas of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychology and Marketing, and others in the areas of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychology and Marketing marketing communications, information processing, imagery, emotions, and branding. She has also published two co-edited volumes and a book on branding and consumer-brand relationships. She is former co-editor of the Journal of Consumer Research, and served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and the Journal of Marketing and has won outstanding reviewer awards from the Journal of Marketing and has won outstanding reviewer awards from the Journal of Marketing these journals. Debbie has served as Conference Co-Chair, Treasurer, and President of the Association for Consumer Research. She has also served as Vice President of Conferences and Research for the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association. She has received major awards for her research, including the Alpha Kappa Psi and Maynard awards, given to the best practice- and theory-based articles, respectively, published in the Journal of Marketing. Debbie’s research has also been named as a finalist for the Practice Prize Competition for contributions to marketing, and the Converse Award for significant
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long-term contributions to marketing. She has been named recipient of the Marshall Teaching Innovation Award, the Dean’s Award for Community, and the Dean’s Award for Research from the Marshall School of Business. She has also received the USC mentoring work for her mentoring of faculty. Her classes have won national awards through the SAA National Advertising Competition. Debbie enjoys travel, reading, and being in nature.
Rik Pieters Rik Pieters is Professor of Marketing at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TISEM) of Tilburg University, the Netherlands. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Leiden in 1989. Rik believes in interdisciplinary work, and that imagination, persistence, and openness to surprise are a person’s biggest assets. He has published over 100 articles in marketing, psychology, economics, and statistics. His work has appeared in Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, and International Journal of Research in Marketing. He has published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, European Journal of Social Psychology, Emotion, Psychological Science, and Journal of Economic Literature. Currently, Rik is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Marketing Research. His research concerns attention and memory processes in marketing communication, and the role of emotions in consumer decision-making. He has served as Co-Chair of the Association for Consumer Research annual conference, and has co-organized special conferences on visual marketing, social communication, and service marketing and management. He has taught internationally at Pennsylvania State University; University of Innsbruck, Austria; Koc University, Turkey; and the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has won best teaching awards at the school and university levels. He has been Strategy Director for National and International clients at the Publicis/FCB advertising agency, Amsterdam office. He bakes bread, rides bikes, plays the bass, and drinks hoppy, fermented barley beverages, all except the first in moderation. In his spare time, he works.
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Part 1 An Introduction to Consumer Behavior 3 1 Understanding Consumer Behavior 4
Appendix Developing Information About Consumer Behavior 28
Part 2 �e Psychological Core 43 2 Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity 44
3 From Exposure to Comprehension 72
4 Memory and Knowledge 100
5 Attitudes Based on High Effort 127
6 Attitudes Based on Low Effort 154
Part 3 �e Process of Making Decisions 179 7 Problem Recognition and Information Search 180
8 Judgment and Decision-Making Based on High Effort 206
9 Judgment and Decision-Making Based on Low Effort 234
10 Post-Decision Processes 258
Part 4 �e Consumer’s Culture 291 11 Social In�uences on Consumer Behavior 292
12 Consumer Diversity 321
13 Household and Social Class In�uences 346
14 Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles 373
Part 5 Consumer Behavior Outcomes and Issues 403
15 Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, and Diffusion 404
16 Symbolic Consumer Behavior 429
17 Marketing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility in Today’s Consumer Society 457
Brief Contents
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1-1 Defining Consumer Behavior 5 1-1a Consumer Behavior Involves Goods, Services,
Activities, Experiences, People, and Ideas 5 1-1b Consumer Behavior Involves More than Buying 5 1-1c Consumer Behavior Is a Dynamic Process 7 1-1d Consumer Behavior Can Involve Many People 7 1-1e Consumer Behavior Involves Many Decisions 7 1-1f Consumer Behavior Involves Emotions and Coping 11
1-2 What Affects Consumer Behavior? 11 1-2a The Psychological Core: Internal Consumer Processes 11 1-2b The Process of Making Decisions 12 1-2c The Consumer’s Culture: External Processes 13 1-2d Consumer Behavior Outcomes and Issues 14
1-3 Who Benefits from the Study of Consumer Behavior? 15 1-3a Marketing Managers 15 1-3b Ethicists and Advocacy Groups 15 1-3c Public Policy Makers and Regulators 16
1-3d Academics 16 1-3e Consumers and Society 16
1-4 Making Business Decisions Based on the Marketing Implications of Consumer Behavior 16
1-4a Developing and Implementing Customer-Oriented Strategy 16
1-4b Selecting the Target Market 17 1-4c Developing Products 17 1-4d Positioning 18 1-4e Making Promotion and Marketing Communications
Decisions 18 1-4f Making Pricing Decisions 19 1-4g Making Distribution Decisions 20
Summary 22
Endnotes 22
Consumer Behavior Research Methods 28 Surveys 28 Focus Groups 29 Interviews 30 Storytelling 30 Photography and Pictures 31 Diaries 31 Experiments 31 Field Experiments 32 Conjoint Analysis 32 Observations and Ethnographic Research 32 Purchase Panels 33 Database Marketing and Big Data 33 Netnography 33 Psychophysiological Reactions and Neuroscience 34
Types of Consumer Researchers 34 In-House Marketing Research Departments 34
External Marketing Research Firms 35 Advertising Agencies and Media Planning Firms 36 Syndicated Data Services 36 Retailers 36 Research Foundations and Trade Groups 37 Government 37 Consumer Organizations 37 Academics and Academic Research Centers 37
Ethical Issues in Consumer Research 38 The Positive Aspects of Consumer Research 38 The Negative Aspects of Consumer Research 38
Summary 39
Endnotes 39
Part 1 An Introduction to Consumer BehaviorPart 1 An Introduction to Consumer Behavior 3
Chapter 1 Understanding Consumer Behavior 4
Appendix Developing Information About Consumer Behavior 28
Contents About the Authors iv
Preface xiv
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2-1 Consumer Motivation and Its Effects 45 2-1a High-Effort Behavior 45 2-1b High-Effort Information Processing and
Decision-Making 45 2-1c Felt Involvement 45
2-2 What Determines Motivation? 47 2-2a Personal Relevance 48 2-2b Consistency with Self-Concept 48 2-2c Values 48 2-2d Needs 48 2-2e Goals 52 2-2f Goals and Emotions 55 2-2g Self-Control and Goal Conflict 55 2-2h Perceived Risk 58 2-2i Inconsistency with Attitudes 60
2-3 Consumer Ability: Resources to Act 60 2-3a Financial Resources 61 2-3b Cognitive Resources 61 2-3c Emotional Resources 61 2-3d Physical Resources 61 2-3e Social and Cultural Resources 62 2-3f Education and Age 62
2-4 Consumer Opportunity 63 2-4a Time 63 2-4b Distraction 63 2-4c Complexity, Amount, Repetition, and Control
of Information 63
Summary 65
Endnotes 65
Part 2 �e Psychological CorePart 2 �e Psychological Core 43
Chapter 2 Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity 44
3-1 Exposure and Consumer Behavior 73 3-1a Factors Influencing Exposure 73 3-1b Selective Exposure 73
3-2 Attention and Consumer Behavior 76 3-2a Characteristics of Attention 76 3-2b Focal and Nonfocal Attention 76 3-2c Customer Segments Defined by Attention 80 3-2d Habituation 80
3-3 Perception and Consumer Behavior 80 3-3a Perceiving Through Vision 80 3-3b Perceiving Through Hearing 81
3-3c Perceiving Through Taste 81 3-3d Perceiving Through Smell 81 3-3e Perceiving Through Touch 82 3-3f When Do We Perceive Stimuli? 84 3-3g How Do Consumers Perceive a Stimulus? 86
3-4 Comprehension and Consumer Behavior 87 3-4a Source Identification 87 3-4b Message Comprehension 87 3-4c Consumer Inferences 89
Summary 92
Endnotes 92
Chapter 3 From Exposure to Comprehension 72
4-1 What Is Memory? 102 4-1a Sensory Memory 102 4-1b Working Memory 102 4-1c Long-Term Memory 103 4-1d Explicit Memory, Implicit Memory, and Processing
Fluency 104 4-1e How Memory Is Enhanced 104
4-2 Knowledge Content, Structure, and Flexibility 105
4-2a Knowledge Content: Schemas and Scripts 105 4-2b Knowledge Structure: Categories 111
4-2c Knowledge Flexibility 114 4-2d Why Consumers Differ in Knowledge Content and
Structure 115
4-3 Memory and Retrieval 116 4-3a Retrieval Failures 116 4-3b Retrieval Errors 117 4-3c Enhancing Retrieval 118 4-3d Characteristics of the Stimulus 118
Summary 120
Endnotes 120
Chapter 4 Memory and Knowledge 100
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5-1 What Are Attitudes? 128 5-1a The Importance of Attitudes 128 5-1b The Characteristics of Attitudes 128 5-1c Forming and Changing Attitudes 128
5-2 The Cognitive Foundations of Attitudes 129
5-2a Direct or Imagined Experience 131 5-2b Reasoning by Analogy or Category 131 5-2c Values-Driven Attitudes 131 5-2d Social Identity-Based Attitude
Generation 131 5-2e Analytical Processes of Attitude
Formation 131
5-3 How Cognitively Based Attitudes are Influenced 135 5-3a Communication Source 135 5-3b The Message 137
5-4 The Affective (Emotional) Foundations of Attitudes 139
5-5 How Affectively Based Attitudes Are Influenced 141 5-5a The Source 141 5-5b The Message 142
5-6 Attitude Toward the AD 144
5-7 When Do Attitudes Predict Behavior? 144
Summary 147
Endnotes 147
Chapter 5 Attitudes Based on High Effort 127
6-1 High-Effort Versus Low-Effort Routes to Persuasion 155
6-2 Unconscious Influences on Attitudes When Consumer Effort Is Low 155
6-2a Thin-Slice Judgments 155 6-2b Body Feedback 155
6-3 Cognitive Bases of Attitudes When Consumer Effort Is Low 157
6-4 How Cognitive Attitudes Are Influenced 158 6-4a Communication Source 158 6-4b The Message 158 6-4c Message Context and Repetition 160
6-5 Affective Bases of Attitudes When Consumer Effort Is Low 160
6-5a The Mere Exposure Effect 160 6-5b Classical and Evaluative Conditioning 161 6-5c Attitude Toward the Ad 163 6-5d Mood 164
6-6 How Affective Attitudes Are Influenced 165 6-6a Communication Source 165 6-6b The Message 166
Summary 171
Endnotes 171
Chapter 6 Attitudes Based on Low Effort 154
7-1 Problem Recognition 182 7-1a The Ideal State: Where We Want to Be 182 7-1b The Actual State: Where We Are Now 182
7-2 Internal Search: Searching for Information from Memory 183
7-2a How Much Do We Engage in Internal Search? 183 7-2b What Kind of Information Is Retrieved from Internal
Search? 184 7-2c Is Internal Search Always Accurate? 188
7-3 External Search: Searching for Information from the Environment 189
7-3a Where Can We Search for Information? 189
7-3b How Much Do We Engage in External Search? 192 7-3c What Kind of Information Is Acquired in External
Search? 197 7-3d Is External Search Always Accurate? 198 7-3e How Do We Engage in External Search? 198
Summary 200
Endnotes 200
Part 3 �e Process of Making DecisionsPart 3 �e Process of Making Decisions 179
Chapter 7 Problem Recognition and Information Search 180
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8-1 High-Effort Judgment Processes 208 8-1a Judgments of Likelihood and Goodness/
Badness 208 8-1b Mental and Emotional Accounting 209 8-1c Biases in Judgment Processes 209
8-2 High-Effort Decisions and High-Effort Decision-Making Processes 210
8-2a Deciding Which Brands to Consider 211 8-2b Deciding Which Criteria Are Important to the
Choice 212
8-3 Deciding What Brand to Choose: Thought-Based Decisions 214
8-3a Decisions Based on Brands 216 8-3b Decisions Based on Product Attributes 217 8-3c Decisions Based on Gains and
Losses 218
8-4 Deciding What Brand to Choose: High-Effort Feeling-Based Decisions 219
8-4a Appraisals and Feelings 220 8-4b Affective Forecasts and Choices 220 8-4c Imagery 221
8-5 Additional High-Effort Decisions 222 8-5a Decision Delay 222 8-5b Decision-Making When Alternatives Cannot
Be Compared 222
8-6 What Affects High-Effort Decisions? 223 8-6a Consumer Characteristics 223 8-6b Characteristics of the Decision 224 8-6c Group Context 225
Summary 227
Endnotes 228
Chapter 8 Judgment and Decision-Making Based on High Effort 206
9-1 Low-Effort Judgment Processes 236 9-1a The Representativeness Heuristic 236 9-1b The Availability Heuristic 236
9-2 Low-Effort Decision-Making Processes 237 9-2a Unconscious Low-Effort Decision-Making 237 9-2b Conscious Low-Effort Decision-Making 238 9-2c Using Simplifying Strategies When Consumer
Effort Is Low 238
9-3 Learning Choice Tactics 239 9-3a Reinforcement 239 9-3b Punishment 239 9-3c Repeat Purchase 240 9-3d Choice Tactics Depend on the Product 240
9-4 Low-Effort Thought-Based Decision-Making 240 9-4a Performance as a Simplifying Strategy 241
9-4b Habit as a Simplifying Strategy 241 9-4c Brand Loyalty as a Simplifying Strategy 243 9-4d Price as a Simplifying Strategy 245 9-4e Normative Influences as a Simplifying Strategy 247
9-5 Low-Effort Feeling-Based Decision-Making 247 9-5a Feelings as a Simplifying Strategy 247 9-5b Brand Familiarity 248 9-5c Decision-Making Based on Variety-Seeking Needs 249 9-5d Buying on Impulse 250
Summary 252
Endnotes 252
Chapter 9 Judgment and Decision-Making Based on Low Effort 234
10-1 Post-Decision Dissonance and Regret 260 10-1a Dissonance 260 10-1b Regret 260
10-2 Learning from Consumer Experience* 261 10-2a A Model of Learning from Consumer Experience 261 10-2b What Affects Learning? 262
10-3 How Do Consumers Make Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction Judgments? 264
10-3a Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Based on Thoughts 266 10-3b Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Based on Feelings 270
10-4 Responses to Dissatisfaction 272 10-4a Complaints 272
10-4b Responding to Service Recovery 274 10-4c Responding by Negative Word of Mouth 274
10-5 Is Customer Satisfaction Enough? 275 10-5a Customer Retention 275 10-5b Product-Harm Crises 275
10-6 Disposition 276 10-6a Disposing of Meaningful Objects 278 10-6b Recycling 279
Summary 282
Endnotes 282
Chapter 10 Post-Decision Processes 258
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11-1 Sources of Influence 294 11-1a Marketing and Nonmarketing Sources 294 11-1b How Do These General Sources Differ? 295 11-1c Opinion Leaders 297
11-2 Reference Groups as Sources of Influence 298 11-2a Types of Reference Groups 298 11-2b Characteristics of Reference Groups 300 11-2c Reference Groups Affect Consumer Socialization 303
11-3 Normative Influence 303 11-3a How Normative Influence Can Affect Consumer
Behavior 304
11-3b What Affects Normative Influence Strength 305
11-4 Informational Influence 309 11-4a Factors Affecting Informational Influence Strength 309 11-4b Descriptive Dimensions of Information 310 11-4c The Pervasive and Persuasive Influence
of Word of Mouth 311
Summary 314
Endnotes 315
Part 4 �e Consumer’s CulturePart 4 �e Consumer’s Culture 291
Chapter 11 Social In�uences on Consumer Behavior 292
12-1 How Age Affects Consumer Behavior 323 12-1a Age Trends in the United States 323 12-1b Teens and Millennials 323 12-1c Generation X 326 12-1d Boomers 326 12-1e Seniors 327
12-2 How Gender and Sexual Orientation Affect Consumer Behavior 329
12-2a Sex Roles 329 12-2b Differences in Acquisition and Consumption
Behaviors 329 12-2c Gender and Sexual Orientation 331
12-3 How Regional Influences Affect Consumer Behavior 331
12-3a Regions Within the United States 332 12-3b Regions Across the World 333
12-4 How Ethnic and Religious Influences Affect Consumer Behavior 334
12-4a Ethnic Groups Within the United States 334 12-4b Ethnic Groups Around the World 338 12-4c The Influence of Religion 339
Summary 340
Endnotes 340
Chapter 12 Consumer Diversity 321
13-1 How the Household Influences Consumer Behavior 348
13-1a Types of Households 348 13-1b Households and Family Life Cycle 348 13-1c Changing Trends in Household
Structure 349
13-2 Roles that Household Members Play 351 13-2a The Roles of Spouses 352 13-2b The Role of Children 353
13-3 Social Class 355 13-3a Types of Social Class Systems 356 13-3b Social Class Influences 356 13-3c How Social Class Is Determined 356 13-3d How Social Class Changes Over Time 359
13-4 How Does Social Class Affect Consumption? 361 13-4a Conspicuous Consumption and Voluntary
Simplicity 361 13-4b Status Symbols and Judging Others 361 13-4c Compensatory Consumption 361 13-4d The Meaning of Money 362
13-5 The Consumption Patterns of Specific Social Classes 363
13-5a The Upper Class 364 13-5b The Middle Class 364 13-5c The Working Class 364 13-5d The Homeless 365
Summary 367
Endnotes 368
Chapter 13 Household and Social Class In�uences 346
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14-1 Values 375 14-1a How Values Can Be Described 375 14-1b The Values That Characterize Western Cultures 376 14-1c Why Values Change 381 14-1d Influences on Values 381 14-1e How Values Can Be Measured 384
14-2 Personality 386 14-2a Research Approaches to Personality 386 14-2b Determining Whether Personality Characteristics
Affect Consumer Behavior 388
14-3 Lifestyles 391 14-3a Lifestyle and Behavior Patterns 391 14-3b Voluntary Simplicity 392
14-4 Psychographics: Combining Values, Personality, And Lifestyles 394
14-4a VALSTM 394 14-4b Other Applied Psychographic Research 394
Summary 396
Endnotes 396
Chapter 14 Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles 373
15-1 Innovations 404 15-1a Defining an Innovation 406 15-1b Innovations Characterized by Degree
of Novelty 406 15-1c Innovations Characterized by Benefits
Offered 406 15-1d Innovations Characterized by Breadth 407 15-1e Innovations and Cocreation 407 15-1f The Consequences of Innovations 408
15-2 Resistance Versus Adoption 409 15-2a Whether Consumers Adopt
an Innovation 409 15-2b How Consumers Adopt an Innovation 410 15-2c When Consumers Adopt Innovations 411
15-3 Diffusion 414 15-3a How Offerings Diffuse Through a Market 414 15-3b Factors Affecting the Shape of the Diffusion Curve 414 15-3c How Diffusion Relates to the Product Life Cycle 415
15-4 Influences on Adoption, Resistance, and Diffusion 416 15-4a Characteristics of the Innovation 416 15-4b Uncertainty 418 15-4c Consumer Learning Requirements 418 15-4d Social Relevance 421 15-4e Legitimacy and Adaptability 422 15-4f Characteristics of the Social System 423
Summary 424
Endnotes 425
Part 5 Consumer Behavior Outcomes and IssuesPart 5 Consumer Behavior Outcomes and Issues 403
Chapter 15 Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, and Diffusion 404
16-1 Sources and Functions of Symbolic Meaning 431 16-1a Meaning Derived from Culture 431 16-1b Meaning Derived from the Consumer 432 16-1c The Emblematic Function 432 16-1d The Role Acquisition Function 435 16-1e The Connectedness Function 438 16-1f The Expressiveness Function 438 16-1g Multiple Functions 438 16-1h Symbols and Self-Concept 439
16-2 Special Possessions and Brands 440 16-2a Special Brands 441 16-2b Types of Special Possessions 441 16-2c The Characteristics That Describe Special Possessions 442
16-2d Why Some Products Are Special 443 16-2e Consumer Characteristics Affect What Is Special 443 16-2f Rituals Used with Special Possessions 443 16-2g Disposing of Special Possessions 445
16-3 Sacred Meaning 445
16-4 The Transfer of Symbolic Meaning Through Gift Giving 446
16-4a The Timing of Gifts 447 16-4b Three Stages of Gift Giving 447
Summary 451
Endnotes 451
Chapter 16 Symbolic Consumer Behavior 429
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17-1 In Search of Balance 459 17-1a Self-interest Versus the Interests of Others 459 17-1b Immediate Versus Long-Term Interests 459 17-1c “Dark Side” Versus “Bright Side” Outcomes 460
17-2 Marketing Ethics, Consumer Ethics, and Deviant Consumer Behavior 460
17-2a Acquisition Controversies 461 17-2b Consumption Controversies 466 17-2c Disposition Controversies 471
17-3 Social Responsibility Issues in Marketing 472 17-3a Environmentally Conscious Behavior and Ethical
Sourcing 472
17-3b Charitable Behavior 474 17-3c Community Involvement 474
17-4 How Can Consumers Resist Marketing Practices? 475
Summary 476
Endnotes 476
Glossary 482
Name/Author Index 491
Product Index 511
Subject Index 515
Chapter 17 Marketing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility in Today’s Consumer Society 457
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At just about every moment of our lives, we engage in some form of consumer behavior. When we look for posts on social media, watch an ad on TV, send a text message to friends about a movie we just saw, brush our teeth, go to a ball game or to a beach party, visit a website, download a new song, or even throw away an old pair of shoes, we are behaving as a consumer. Being a consumer reaches into every part of our lives. Of course, we are much more than just consumers. We are students, teammates, family members, employees, citi- zens, voters, patrons, patients, clients, neighbors, basketball fans, ice-cream lovers, bloggers, inventors, and more. This book is dedicated to our role as consumers.
Given its omnipresence, the study of consumer behav- ior has critical implications for areas such as marketing, public policy, and ethics. It also helps us learn about ourselves—why we buy certain things, why we use them in a certain way, and how we remove them from our lives through practices like throwing them away, selling, re-gifting, and donating them.
In this book we explore the fascinating world of con- sumer behavior, looking at a number of interesting and exciting topics. Some of these are quickly identified with our typical image of consumer behavior. Others may be surprising. We hope you will see why we became stimulated and drawn to this topic from the very moment we had our first consumer behavior course as students. We hope you will also appreciate why we choose to make this field our life’s work, and why we are dedicated to this textbook.
Why the New Edition of This Book? There are a number of consumer behavior books on the market. An important question concerns what this book has to offer and what distinguishes it from other texts. As active researchers in the field of consumer behavior, our overriding goal was to continue providing a treatment of the field that is up to date and cutting edge. There has been an explosion of research on a variety of consumer behavior topics over the last 30 years. Our primary aim was to pro- vide a useful summary of this material for students of mar- keting. However, in drawing on cutting-edge research, we wanted to be careful not to become too “academic.” Instead, our objective is to present cutting-edge topics in a man- ner that is accessible and easy for students to understand, and provides context for how and why consumer behavior insights are applied in real-world marketing.
Specific changes and improvements to the seventh edi- tion of this book include:
▪ Accessible explanations of the latest academic research and classic research from consumer behavior studies, and their practical implications for marketing strategy worldwide.
▪ Global perspective of research and behavioral concepts related to such important contemporary topics as financial management and money decisions, marketing ethics, privacy and transparency, obesity, materialism, self-control and self-regulation, conta- gion, emotions, mobile marketing, social media, and unconscious consumer behavior.
▪ Carefully edited narrative and examples make the content easier for students to process and connect with basic marketing principles as well as personal consumer experiences.
▪ Balanced coverage of marketing controversies and the challenges and opportunities of marketing as a force for social responsibility.
▪ New and updated examples highlight how all kinds of organizations in many nations use insights into consumer behavior to improve their marketing effectiveness and creativity.
▪ New database analysis exercises offer students an opportunity to make marketing decisions based on consumer demographics and behavior styles.
▪ Improved synergistic and digitally accessible supplemental materials allow students the opportunity to participate in self-assessments, polls, and short videos for self-reflection and more; Additional short readings are also available. These materials are both student friendly and extremely helpful for effec- tive learning using the Cengage MindTap platform. A description of the MindTap platform appears later in this preface.
Textbook Features As award-winning teachers, we have tried to translate our instructional abilities and experience into the writing of this text. The following features have been a natural out- growth of these experiences.
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Conceptual Model First, we believe that students can learn best when they see the big picture—when they understand what concepts mean, how these concepts are used in business practice, and how these relate to one another. In our opinion, con- sumer behavior is too often presented as a set of discrete topics with little or no relationship to one another. We have therefore developed an overall conceptual model that helps students grasp the big picture and see how the chap- ters and topics are themselves interrelated. Each chapter is linked to other chapters by a specific model that fits within the larger model. Further, the overall model guides the organization of the book. This organizing scheme makes the chapters far more integrative than most other books. Instructors have told us that this conceptual model is a valuable and beneficial aide to student learning.
Practical Orientation, with an Emphasis on Globalization and Social Media Second, we believe that insights into consumer behav- ior are interesting in and of themselves, but also that they should be relevant to managerial practice. The ulti- mate goal of consumer behavior theory and research is to improve the decision-making ability of managers in profit and nonprofit organizations who aim to cater to consumers’ needs, and to help policy makers better pro- tect consumers. Rather than merely translating general psychological or sociological principles and theories to a consumer context, this book is dedicated to understand- ing consumer behavior in order to improve managerial practice. Given our notion that students enjoy seeing how the concepts in consumer behavior can apply to business practice, a second objective of the book was to provide a very practical orientation. We include a wealth of con- temporary real-world examples to illustrate key topics. We also try to broaden students’ horizons by providing a number of international examples. Given the impor- tance of online consumer behavior, the new edition also fully treats the advent and implications of the latest digital developments, social media marketing, and mobile mar- keting applications.
Current and Cutting-Edge Coverage Third, we provide coverage of the field of consumer behav- ior that is as current and up to date as possible (including many of the recent research advances). This includes sev- eral novel chapters that often do not appear in other text- books: “Attitudes Based on Low Effort,” “Judgement and Decision Making Based on Low Effort,” and “Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility in Today’s Consumer
Society.” These important topics are likely to be of consid- erable interest to students. Instructors have told us how much they appreciate the cutting-edge nature of our book and its ability to keep abreast of the latest research in con- sumer behavior. Students appreciate that this material is delivered in an engaging way that’s also easy to read.
Balanced Treatment of Micro and Macro Topics Fourth, our book tries to provide a balanced perspective on the field of consumer behavior. Specifically, we give treatment to both psychological (micro) consumer behav- ior topics (e.g., attitudes, decision-making) and sociolog- ical (macro) consumer behavior topics (e.g., subculture, gender, social class influences). Also, although we typically teach consumer behavior by starting with the more micro topics and then moving up to more macro topics, we real- ize that some instructors prefer the reverse sequence.
Broad Conceptualization of the Subject Fifth, we present a broad conceptualization of the topic of consumer behavior. While many books focus on what products or services consumers buy, consumer behav- ior scholars have recognized that the topic of consumer behavior is much broader. Specifically, rather than study- ing buying per se, we recognize that consumer behavior includes a set of decisions (what, whether, when, where, set of decisions (what, whether, when, where, set why, how, how often, how much, how long) about acqui- sition (including, but not limited to buying), usage, shar- ing, and disposition decisions. Focusing on more than what products or services consumers buy provides a rich set of theoretical and practical implications for both our understanding of consumer behavior and the practice of marketing.
Finally, we consider the relevance of consumer behav- ior to many constituents, not just marketers. Chapter 1 indicates that consumer behavior is important to mar- keters, public policy makers, ethicists and consumer advocacy groups, and consumers themselves (including students). Some chapters focus exclusively on the impli- cations of consumer behavior for public policy makers, ethicists, and consumer advocacy groups. Other chapters consider these issues as well, though in less detail.
Content and Organization of the Book One can currently identify two main approaches to the study of consumer behavior: One approach focuses on the individual psychological processes that consumers
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use to make acquisition, consumption, and disposition decisions. A second approach focuses on group behaviors and the symbolic nature of consumer behavior. This lat- ter orientation draws heavily from such fields as sociol- ogy, culture theory, and anthropology. Both orientations are represented in this book. The current book and overall model have been structured around a “micro to macro” organization based on the way we teach this course and the feedback that we have received from reviewers.
Chapter 1 in Part I, “An Introduction to Consumer Behavior,” presents an introduction to consumer behav- ior. It helps students understand the breadth of the field, and its importance to marketers, advocacy groups, public policy makers, and consumers themselves. This chapter introduces some of the newest research and presents the overall model that guides the organization of the text. An Appendix, which follows Chapter 1, introduces methods by which consumer research is conducted.
Part II, “The Psychological Core,” focuses on the inner psychological processes that affect consumer behavior. We see that the amount of effort consumers put into their acquisition, usage, and disposition behaviors and deci- sions has significant effects on the decisions they make. Chapter 2 describes three critical factors that affect effort: the (1) motivation or desire, (2) ability (knowledge and information), and (3) opportunity to engage in behaviors and make decisions. The key role of emotions is also dis- cussed. In Chapter 3, we then examine how consumers process information in their environments (ads, prices, product features, word-of-mouth communications, etc.). We consider how they come in contact with these stim- uli (exposure), notice them (attention), and perceive them (perception). Chapter 4 continues by discussing how consumers compare new things they encounter in their environment to their existing knowledge, a process called categorization, and how they make sense of or comprehend them on a deeper level. Also, because consumers often must remember the information they have previously stored in order to make decisions, this chapter examines the important topic of consumer memory. In Chapters 5 and 6, we see how attitudes are formed and changed depending on whether the amount of effort consumers devote to forming an attitude is high or low and whether attitudes are cognitively or affectively based.
Whereas Part II examines some of the internal factors that influence consumers’ decisions, a critical domain of consumer behavior involves understanding how consum- ers make acquisition, consumption, and disposition deci- sions. Thus, in Part III, “The Process of Making Decisions,” we examine the sequential steps of the consumer deci- sion-making process. In Chapter 7, we examine the initial steps of this process—problem recognitionsteps of this process—problem recognitionsteps of this process— and information search. Similar to the attitude change processes described earlier, we next examine the consumer decision-making process, both when effort is high (Chapter 8) and when
it is low (Chapter 9). Further, in both chapters we exam- ine these important processes from both a cognitive and an affective perspective. Finally, the process does not end after a decision has been made. In Chapter 10, we see how consumers determine whether they are satisfied or satisfied or satisfied dissat- isfied with their decisions and how they isfied with their decisions and how they isfied learn from choos- ing and consuming products and services.
Part IV, “The Consumer’s Culture,” examines how various aspects of culture affect consumer behavior. First, Chapter 11 considers how, when, and why the specific reference groups (friends, work group, clubs) to which we belong can influence acquisition, usage, and disposition decisions and behaviors. Then, we see how consumer diversity (in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, region, ethnicity, and religion) can affect consumer behavior in Chapter 12. Chapter 13 then examines how social class and household characteristics influence acquisi- tion, usage, and disposition behaviors. Finally, Chapter 14 examines how external influences affect our personality, lifestyle, and values, as well as consumer behavior.
Finally, Part V, “Consumer Behavior Outcomes,” examines the effects of the numerous influences and decision processes discussed in the previous three sections. Chapter 15 builds on the topics of internal decision-making and group behav- ior by examining how consumers adopt new offerings, and how their adoption decisions affect the spread or diffusion of an offering through a market. Because products and ser- vices often reflect deep-felt and significant meanings (e.g., our favorite song or restaurant), Chapter 16 focuses on the excit- ing topic of symbolic consumer behavior. Finally, Chapter 17 examines marketing, ethics, and social responsibility, including a look at marketing controversies and the use of marketing for constructive purposes.
Pedagogical Advantages Based on our extensive teaching experience, we have incorporated a number of features that should help stu- dents learn about consumer behavior.
Chapter Opening Model Each chapter begins with a conceptual model that shows the organization of the chapter, the topics discussed, and how they relate both to one another and to other chapters. Each model reflects an expanded picture of one or more of the elements presented in the overall conceptual model for the book (described in Chapter 1).
Marketing Implication Sections Numerous Marketing Implications sections are interspersed throughout each chapter. These sections illustrate how various consumer behavior concepts can be applied to the practice
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of marketing, including such basic marketing functions as market segmentation, target market selection, positioning, market research, promotion, price, product, and place decisions. An abundance of marketing examples (from many countries and many industries) provide concrete applications and implementations of the concepts to marketing practice.
Marginal Glossary Every chapter contains a set of key terms that are both high- lighted in the text and defined in margin notes. These terms and their definitions should help students identify and remember the central concepts described in the chapter.
Rich Use of Full-Color Exhibits Each chapter contains a number of illustrated examples, including photos, advertisements, charts, and graphs. These illustrations help to make important topics person- ally relevant and engaging, help students remember the material, and make the book more accessible and aesthet- ically pleasing, thereby increasing students’ motivation to learn. All diagrams and charts employ full color, which serves to both highlight key points and add to the aes- thetic appeal of the text. Each model, graph, ad, and photo also has an accompanying caption that provides a simple description and explanation of how the exhibit relates to the topic it is designed to illustrate.
End-of-Chapter Summaries The end of each chapter provides students with a simple and concise summary of topics. These summaries are a good review tool to use with the conceptual model to help students to get the big picture.
End-of-Chapter Questions Each chapter includes a set of review and discussion questions designed to help students recall and more deeply understand the concepts in the chapter.
Complete Teaching Package with Online Content In addition to online content for students including self-assessments, polls, and short videos for self-reflection, a variety of ancillary materials have been designed to help the instructor in the classroom. All of these supplements have been carefully coordinated to support the text and provide an integrated and synergistic set of materials for the instructor. Dr. Angeline Close Scheinbaum of
The University of Texas at Austin authors the digital content and has revised and updated the instructor’s teaching manual. She brings a modern approach, and includes experiential aspects of consumer behavior in the supplements. Her objective in this project is twofold:
▪ Give students digital content so they can have more real-world examples of the theoretical content and opportunities for self-assessment and more critical thinking, while enhancing the student learning expe- rience via more interactive and visually engaging supplements.
▪ Help instructors, especially newer instructors, by giving modern supplements that are synergistic with each other. That is, the text, the Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoint presentations, and quizzes reinforce the same learning objectives and content.
▪ MindTap for Marketing: Consumer Behavior
As authors, one frustration we’ve had in the past is providing current examples. Every day, new and inter- esting video, audio, and print content that relates to consumer behavior is covered in the media. Now technology helps us make such content immediately accessible to students. We have partnered with Cen- gage Learning to provide students with access to cur- rent issues in Consumer Behavior through the content of Business Insights. We have selected exciting content from Business Insights which contains readings and videos from sources like The New York Times, The Economist magazine, and Economist magazine, and Economist Marketing News and related it to the concepts in each chapter. We have also created assessments to provide assurances to both students and instructors that learning objectives are being met.
MindTap The seventh edition of Consumer Behavior offers two exciting Consumer Behavior offers two exciting Consumer Behavior alternative teaching formats. Instructors can choose between either a hybrid print and digital offering or a version that provides completely integrated online delivery through a platform called MindTap. MindTap is a fully online, highly personalized learning experience built upon authoritative content. By combining readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments into a singular Learning Path, MindTap guides students through their course with ease while promoting engagement. Instructors personalize the Learning Path by customizing Cengage Learning resources and adding their own content via apps that integrate into the MindTap frame- work seamlessly. Instructors are also able to incorporate the online component of Consumer Behavior into a traditional Consumer Behavior into a traditional Consumer Behavior Learning Management System (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, etc.) providing a way to manage assignments, quizzes, and tests throughout the semester.
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How to Access the Supplements Consumer Behavior 7e’s Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, Consumer Behavior 7e’s Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, Consumer Behavior and PowerPoint supplements, are available on the Instruc- tor’s Resource companion site.