Thank you for joining our live webinar today.We will begin shortly. Please standby.Thank you.Need Help? Call ReadyTalk Support: 800.843.9166There’s always a solution in steel.AISC Live WebinarsToday’s audio will be broadcast through the internet.Alternatively, to hear the audio through the phone, dial 800.952.4629800.952.4629..International callers, dial 00+1+212.231.2934. For additional support, please press *0and you will be connected to a live operator.There’s always a solution in steel.AISC Live WebinarsToday’s live webinar will begin shortly. Please standby.As a reminder, all lines have been muted. Please type any questions or comments through the Chat feature on the left portion of your screen.Today’s audio will be broadcast through the internet.Alternatively, to hear the audio through the phone, dial800.952.4629800.952.4629..International callers, dial 00+1+212.231.2934. For additional support, please press *0and you will be connected to a live operator.AISC Live WebinarsThere’s always a solution in steel.Presented byGeoff Kulak, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus at the University of AlbertaThere’s always a solution in steel.HighHigh--Strength Bolts: The BasicsStrength Bolts: The BasicsAmerican Institute of Steel ConstructionHigh Strength Bolts - Geoff Kulak April 14, 2011There's always a solution in steel.1
HighHigh--Strength Bolts: The BasicsStrength Bolts: The Basics••Fundamentals and BehaviorFundamentals and Behavior••Specification Requirements (AISC 2010)Specification Requirements (AISC 2010)5Role of the Structural Role of the Structural EngineerEngineer......••Selection of suitable bolt Selection of suitable bolt types and gradestypes and grades••Design of the fastenersDesign of the fasteners••Responsibility for installationResponsibility for installation••Responsibility for inspectionResponsibility for inspection6ASTM A307 BoltsASTM A307 Bolts••often a good choice when loads are often a good choice when loads are staticstatic••strength level inferior to highstrength level inferior to high--strength bolts (strength bolts (60 60 ksiksitensile ult.)tensile ult.)••pretension indeterminatepretension indeterminate7ASTM A325 BoltsASTM A325 Bolts••Type 1 or Type 3 (weathering steel)Type 1 or Type 3 (weathering steel)••ASTM Spec. RCSC Spec.ASTM Spec. RCSC Spec.••Minimum tensile strength: Minimum tensile strength: 120120ksiksi••Pretension can be induced if desired Pretension can be induced if desired 8American Institute of Steel ConstructionHigh Strength Bolts - Geoff Kulak April 14, 2011There's always a solution in steel.2
ASTM A490 BoltsASTM A490 Bolts••Types 1 or Type 3 (weathering steel)Types 1 or Type 3 (weathering steel)••Minimum tensile strength: Minimum tensile strength: 150 150 ksiksi, , (maximum (maximum 170170ksiksi))••ASTM Spec. RCSC Spec.ASTM Spec. RCSC Spec.••Pretension can be induced if desiredPretension can be induced if desired9Comparison of Bolts: Direct TensionComparison of Bolts: Direct Tension7/8 in. dia. A307 bolt7/8 in. dia. A307 bolt0. in. dia. A490 bolt7/8 in. dia. A490 bolt7/8 in. dia. A325 bolt7/8 in. dia. A325 boltelongation (inches)bolt tension kips10CommentsComments......••Note: we quote the Note: we quote the ultimateultimatetensiletensilestrengthstrengthof the boltof the bolt––benchmark for strength statements (e.g. benchmark for strength statements (e.g. shear strength is some fraction of shear strength is some fraction of ultimate tensile strength)ultimate tensile strength)••What about yield strength?What about yield strength?••What is What is ““proof loadproof load””11......comments contcomments cont’’dd••Nuts: ASTM A563Nuts: ASTM A563••Washers: if needed, ASTM F436Washers: if needed, ASTM F436••Bolt Bolt ––nut nut ––washer sets implied so far, washer sets implied so far, but other configurations availablebut other configurations available••Bolt notation: Bolt notation: Group AGroup A(A325, F1852) (A325, F1852) and and Group B Group B (A490, F2280)(A490, F2280)12American Institute of Steel ConstructionHigh Strength Bolts - Geoff Kulak April 14, 2011There's always a solution in steel.3