Read Chapter 2 from the following:
Cortada, James W.. ( © 2011). Information and the modern corporation. [Books24x7 version] Available
Read Chapter 8 from the following:
Bates (ed), Marcia J.. ( © 2012). Understanding information retrieval systems: management, types, and
standards. [Books24x7 version] Available
Familiarize yourself with other books listed in the Learning Resources folder.
Complete the following by the assigned date:
Knowledge Management Overview Paper
The first paper requires you to familiarize yourself with the field of Knowledge Management and the concept of
Intellectual Capital. Include a discussion of the various definitions of knowledge management. Briefly describe at
least two models of knowledge management. This paper should include only scholarly sources with appropriate
references and citations. It will be graded on the quality of your research and sources. The paper also should include
a brief discussion of knowledge management at your workplace. Discuss and analyze how what you see at your
workplace compares with your understanding of knowledge management based on your initial research of the topic.
Include appropriate references and citations for workplace information.
Each section should be set apart in the paper by a header. An APA format title page as found at is required and you must adhere to APA style throughout. Do as much research and
reading as possible using numerous peer-reviewed references. Your paper should include numerous citations
throughout. Use headings and subheadings in appropriate formatting and style to show the organization of your
paper. Use the following major headings, and upload your paper in the Lesson 1 Dropbox provided by the due date
listed below.
1. Introduction – Introduce your paper in this section by talking about the importance of knowledge
management. Then in a sentence or two each, summarize your findings from each of following sections you
outline what you cover in the paper and the section organization.
2. Knowledge Management background and definitions – Discuss the definitions and history of knowledge
3. Workplace Experience – Discuss knowledge management at your company. Talk about the company where
you work: Whether it is large or small; the industry that it serves (retail, hospitality, financial, health care,
technology, government, education, etc.); the location of the company; and the company’s major products
and services. Discuss intellectual capital and knowledge management efforts at your company.
4. Analysis – Discuss and analyze how knowledge management efforts at your workplace compare to your
initial research in the literature. Then discuss things your company might do differently. Does your company
manage knowledge in a new or better way that could contribute to the literature?
5. Conclusion – Wrap things up with a short conclusion or summary of your findings.
6. References – In this section, you will have references for any sources you use.
I. Due Dates (All times are Eastern Time)
PAPER DUE – Sunday of Week 3 at 11:59 pm
II. Blackboard Instructions
Assignments are available in the class under the content link on the left pane of the dropbox window. Dropboxes are
available to upload individual assignments in folders for weeks 1, 5 and 8. Papers will use SafeAssign.