LAA1920 | Introduction to Landscape Architecture | Fall 2020
Baton Rouge Lakes: Restoring a Louisiana Landmark from Ecological Collapse to Cultural Sanctuary | SWA Group + CARBO
Landscape Architecture | Baton Rouge, LA, USA | 2016 ASLA Honor Award
“Infrastructure, the great constructed pattern of grids, channels, pipes and networks that course across the land, sets the
underlying circumstances of our daily lives. Landscape, too, is a constructed pattern, a way of seeing the context in which we live.” - Donlyn Lyndon
Editor’s Note, Places Journal. “Infrastructure as Landscape; Landscape as Infrastructure.” Volume 10, Issue 3. Summer 1996.
Assignment 02: Exploring Blue + Green Infrastructure For this assignment, we will investigate in more detail how landscapes can function as “green” and “blue” infrastructure. These popular, color-coded terms are a bit “fuzzy” in definition as they blend into one another in practice. There are many topics that one could explore, such as urban flooding/storm water management, coastal flooding/sea level rise, groundwater recharge, conservation/preservation, green roofs, food systems, and more. To begin, determine which type of landscape infrastructure you would like to explore further. Consider the above suggestions and how natural and/or built landscapes can function to provide a range of water management, ecological, social, human health, and/or other benefits. Essay Next, you will compose a short essay discussing your selected topic and how green or blue infrastructure can help to solve particular challenges associated with the topic, as well as provide multiple community benefits. To provide a starting point, you should structure your essay through the following elements:
1. Provide an introduction and/or broader context about the type of “green” or “blue” infrastructure you will explore
2. Describe the issue, challenge, or problem(s) that needs to be addressed 3. Articulate how landscape architecture plays a role in the solution(s) and the multiple benefits that
such approaches may provide 4. Include 3 landscape architecture project precedents (or case studies) that demonstrate your
LAA1920 | Introduction to Landscape Architecture | Fall 2020
5. Provide a conclusion In addition, you should provide 6+ visual representations to more fully illustrate your landscape infrastructure topic. These could range from explanatory diagrams, to photo-montages, to project precedent examples. Images may be included in the body of the text or appended at the end of the narrative. Creativity and originality are encouraged. Images taken from other sources must be cited (see below). Deliverables:
1. Write two (2) single-spaced pages (1,000 words will earn full credit) that address the above (5) elements using proper grammar and complete sentences.
a. Explore how landscape architecture plays a key role in the infrastructural system of your choice
b. Include header (course name, assignment name, date, word count) and your essay title
2. Submit at least (6+) visual representations of the landscape infrastructure system a. Images include a short caption or key annotations for each b. Ensure that you include citations for any image that you have not created
3. Provide (4) references for any project precedents and/or other resources used in the development
of your essay. Be sure to include these references throughout text and/or caption (as noted above).
a. Be careful not to plagiarize or cut and paste from the internet - the CANVAS site has tools that can search your text for similar texts on the internet. Please CITE direct quotes and where you have paraphrased in your text and include your resources for both your narrative and images in a "Works Cited" or "Bibliography" page located after your essay text.
b. For examples on how to source material or create proper bibliographies, please refer to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).
4. Upload the narrative as a PDF to the Assignment page on CANVAS using the naming convention:
a. LAA1920_Assign02_ Narrative.pdf b. Do not include your name on the essay, images, or in the file nomenclature as the peer
reviews conducted later should be anonymous. Please keep copies of all submissions, as the work will remain the property of the instructor. Evaluation:
- Submission with all the requirements listed under "Deliverables" will earn you 50 points - The clarity and quality of writing will earn you up to 30 points; this also includes proper
organization, grammar, and spelling - The clarity and legibility of your visual representations will earn you up to 20 points
Assignment 01 Rubric
Rubric Elements Skilled Developing Inadequate
Essay Quantity Answers all of the assignment
Essay is 1,000 words
Answers most of the
assignment questions
Essay is 750 words
Answers 1-2 assignment
Essay is less 749 words
10 5 1
Essay Organization Includes header (course name,
assignment name, date, and word count) and essay title
Incomplete header or title
No header or title
LAA1920 | Introduction to Landscape Architecture | Fall 2020
Essay is very clearly structured
with separate paragraphs and/or sub-headers for each
Essay is somewhat well- structured with a few
separate paragraphs but unclear topics for each
No clear organization or topics
10 5 1
Essay Quality Includes a clear and thorough
description of the landscape
infrastructure topic; provides clear explanation of the
problem, role of landscape architecture in the solution, as
well as 3 precedent project examples
Essay includes proper
grammar and spelling
Includes proper citations of
quoted and paraphrased text
Includes 4 properly formatted with in-text citations, and list of
references (ex: APA style)
Includes a moderately clear
description of the landscape
infrastructure topic; provides some explanation but does
not fully describe the problem, role of landscape
architecture in the solution, and/or 1-2 precedent project
Essay includes minor grammar
and spelling
Includes minor mis-attributions of text
Includes 1-3 references; in- text citations not included; or
references are not properly formatted (ex: APA style)
Includes an undefined
description of the landscape
infrastructure topic; provides very superficial or does not
provide any clear explanation of
problem/solution in response to assignment questions;
omits project precedents
Essay includes major
grammar and spelling errors
Omits list of references Significantly plagiarized text
will be given a grade of 0 and reported to UF
10 5 1
Graphic Representation
Graphic representations are very easily understandable
and support essay’s argument; includes 6+ examples and
shows creativity in approach
All images include captions and image source references
(if not created by author)
Graphic representations are somewhat understandable
and support some of the essay’s argument; includes 4-
5 examples and improvement is needed
Images omit captions and/or
image source references
Graphic representations are confusing and do not align
with essay’s argument; includes 1-3 examples and
minimal effort is expressed
Images omit captions and/or image source references
20 15 10
Total Points = 50
Note: The above rubric will also help students to conduct anonymous peer reviews of the assignment after they have been submitted.
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