"Lab 1: Creating Objects for the Dartt Offsite services Database". You will need to create a new database for this assignment - see the textbook starting on page AC 12 for instructions.
Please include the following: Complete all instructions found at the top of page AC 68-69.
Regarding step 11: Use your address.
Step 12: Include your name as the Author in the database properties. Then save your database calling it "Project 8 - YourLastName"
Here is the link you click on, and then the picture are the steps you use to correct and change the document. For step 11 (my address) please just put Lake County, IL. For step 12, my last name “Project 8 - Weiler”…..
In the MS-Office 2013 textbook, turn to page AC 72, Consider This: Your Turn "2: Creating the Mums Landscaping Database". You will need to create a new database for this assignment - see the textbook starting on page AC 13. You will create the data tables using the data found in this Excel document.
Please include the following: Complete all instructions found on page 72.
You will need to analyze the data and create two tables.
Hint: You should create (2) tables - Customer and Supervisors. These two tables should be created similar to project 8. You will need to link the two Tables using the field "Supervisor Number". You only need to design and create the two tables with all records for this assignment.
Please make sure the data types are correct with formatting. Refer page 69 steps 2 and 6.
Include your name as the Author in the database properties. Then save your database calling it "Project 9 - Weiler" .
Project #10:
In the MS-Office 2013 textbook, turn to page AC 129-130, "Lab 1: Querying the Dartt Offsite Services Database". You will need to use the ECO Clothesline Database for this assignment - This is the same database you created in Access Project 8.
Please include the following: Complete all instructions found on pages AC 129-130, but you only need to complete steps 1 through 10.
Step 5: You should create a parameter query.
Please label the individual queries "Step 1" through "Step 10". There should be (10) different queries. Save the database calling it "Project 10”.
Project #11:
In the MS-Office 2013 textbook, turn to page AC 134. Consider This: Your Turn "2: Querying the Mum's Landscaping Database". You will need to use the Mum's Landscaping database for this assignment - This is the database you created in Project 9.
Please include the following: Complete all instructions found on page AC 134. You will need to complete all queries - steps "a" through "h".
Please label the individual queries "Step a" through "Step h". There should be (8) different queries. Save the database calling it "Project 11".