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Write my name as SC. Full name Chuyao Shi
Open the Lab 1 Garden Naturally database and open the Customer table in Design view. 2. *See the instructions on pg 136 for using the Lookup Wizard. Save the table, then use the Special Method to print the Design view of the Table. Add a multivalued lookup field, Product Types Needed, to the Customer table. The field should appear after the Postal Code field. Table 3-2 lists the Product Type abbreviations that management would like in the multivalued field as well as a description. Save the change to the table. 3. *Add a calculated field named Total Amount (Amount Paid + Balance Due) to the Customer table. The field should follow the Balance Due field. Save the change to the table. Print the Customer table normally (i.e.; use the print command) so we can see the changes. 4. ****Create the following rules for the Customer table and save the changes: a. Ensure that any letters entered in the Customer Number field appear as uppercase. Print the current Design view b. Make Customer Name a required field. Print the current Design view. c. Ensure that only the values DE, NJ, and PA can be entered in the State field. Include validation text. Print the current Design view d. Assign a default value of NJ to the State field. Print the current Design view 5. **Use the basic filter button on the home tab ribbon to find all records where the city is Gaston and the balance due is $0.00. Do not save the filter. You should only see one record. a. If only 1 record shows, use special print to show the record to be deleted then delete it. If this worked, go to step 5c. b. If more than 1 record shows, go back and fix your filters, re-apply the filter operation again and retry step 5a. c. When you have only deleted the 1 record, SAVE the changes to the table. Now to undo the filter and see all the records from the table again, click the highlighted “toggle filter” button. Print the table, showing that the record has been deleted. Access Module 3 Maintaining a Database 6. Open the Customer table in Datasheet view and add the data shown in Figure 3-83 to the Product Types Needed field. Resize the field to best fit and save the changes to the layout of the table. For the Customer Number with XX and your initials, set the Product Types Needed to Frtl, Grdn, Watr. T 7. Open the Sales Rep table in Design view and change the field size for the Address field to 25. Save the changes and close the table. 8. Open the Sales Rep table in Datasheet view, find the record for sales rep 32 and change the address to 982 Victoria Station Rd. Resize the column to “best fit”. 9. Skip this step, as you already changed “Pat Jones” to yourself. If requested to do so by your instructor, change the last name for sales rep 35 to your last name. If your last name is longer than 15 characters, simply enter as much as you can. (This step saved as a place-holder to match with the steps in the book) 10. Save the changes to the layout of the table and close the Sales Rep table. 11. *Establish referential integrity between the Sales Rep table (the will be the table with the “1” at the end of the connector-line) and the Customer table (this will be the many table, with the infinity symbol “∞”at the other end). See the book for how to do this. Cascade the update but not the delete. If you do not have the 1 and ∞ on the line, you have a problem with your DB. When it is correct, create and print the relationship report, so we can see this result. 12. **Open and print your 2 tables in Datasheet (List) view. 13. The State field currently has three possible values. How would you add MD to the State field list?