Lab Assignment 1:
Each lab will be submitted based on the following:
Log into the Toolwire LiveLabs environment.
Complete the weekly labs described below using Toolwire LiveLabs.
Provide deliverables in the form of documents, files, and / or screenshots for the steps specified in each lab assignment. Some labs require the use of Microsoft Word or OpenOffice for preparing and submitting deliverables.
Answer the Lab Assessment questions for each of the individual labs completed in each week’s Lab Assignment. Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.
Toolwire LiveLabs Lab Submission Breakdown
Toolwire Lab #: Title
Deliverables for Submission
Lab 1 : Analyzing IP Protocols with Wireshark
1. Lab Assessments file;
2. Optional: Challenge Questions file, if assigned by your instructor.