10. C2 TB culture MATCHING 13-3: NONBLOOD TESTS AND TEST EQUIPMENT, PROCEDURES OR SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS Match each of the following nonblood tests to the equipment, procedure, or specimen requirement listed 1. Nonblood Test Arsenic analysis CSF analysis C-urea breath test DNA analysis Fecal fat Gastric analysis NP culture Occult blood Pregnancy test Sweat chloride Test Equipment, Procedure, or Specimen Requirements A. 72-hour stool specimen B. Buccal swab C. Cervical smear D. Concentrated urine specimen E. Cotton or Dacron-tipped flexible wire swab F. Designated test card G. Formalin solution H. Hair sample 1. Histamine or pentagastrin as a stimulant J. Machine with electrodes to stimulate the skin K. Reagent strip L. Special mylar balloons M. Slowly expel syringe contents to create a bleb N. Sterile collection container 0. Three or four sterile tubes PAP test PPD test Tissue biopsy Urine C&S Urine chemical analysis