Running head: CONSUMER PRODUCT 1
Consumer Product
Institutional Affiliation
. Product Overview (Yuqi)
. What is it? What is the product category?
The litter-robot is a highest-rated, Wi-Fi-enabled, automatic, self-cleaning litter box for cats. The litter robot offers a freedom of scooping. A connect app can be used in controlling and monitoring the Litter Robot. It is a life changing product that provide cats with the best litter box solution while keeping the home clean and odor free. It is fully automatic, hence filtering waste within a short while to reduce unfriendly stench thus leaving a clean bed of litter every time (Bonnema, 2012). It has an expansive litter chamber that is comfortable both small and large cats
b. Rationale for choosing this product and category
Technology plays an imperative role in the current generation. Advancement in technology has led to various inventions and innovations that help in improving the quality of life thus making work easier. Products that come as a result of technological advancement are thus of great value. The choice of litter-robots was therefore prompted by the role of technology in its innovation. Moreover, its use highlights the importance of technology in keeping the environment cleaner through waste management as well as making work easier (Bonnema, 2012).
Secondly, waste and order management is a shared responsibility by every member of the society. All individuals in the society play a role in keeping the surroundings clean. Litter-robots is a product that aids in waste and odor control and management. It was therefore chosen due to the critical role it plays to the society coupled with its benefits. The number of people affected both directly and indirectly by waste is overwhelming (Bonnema, 2012). The product was therefore chosen due to its relevance to the society. Lastly, the product and category was chosen due to its efficiency and quality of service it offers.
B. Product Benefits and Attributes
The little-robot is more than just a litter box. The attributes are more beneficial and convenient than the common litter boxes. Litter management is an important aspect of keeping the home clean. The stench that oozes from litter is often unpleasing thereby prompting the need to establish and effective and efficient waste management and keeping method. The litter-robot however comes handy hence offering a holistic and imperative opportunity to take care of litter and consequently manage it and a friendly manner that preserves the home atmosphere hence of promoting the level of cleanliness. The products therefore offer a wide range of benefits to users. This section therefore highlights the numerous benefits of litter-robots. It further discusses how users can tap the benefits and use them to promote the use of the device.
The first benefit is self-cleaning. The litter-robot is fully automatic shifting process that it can remove wastes after cat exits the box. It is easy to manage - throwing away trash after a week. Innovations and inventions have over the years been celebrated for making work easier. Technology has therefore ensured that little efforts are used in doing huge junks of work. The self-cleaning ability of the litter robot makes it time saving and quick cleaning. Little effort and manpower is therefore applied during the use of the device. Customers using the product will therefore enjoy the advantage of using the remote in controlling the device thus promoting technological use (Urquhart, Reedman-Flint & Leesakul, 2019).
The second benefit is odor control. The litter-robot can sifts waste within minutes, a process of carbon-filtered enclosing into a drawer to cover the odor. Its machine can help cat’s host clean the dirt easily and quickly (Urquhart, Reedman-Flint & Leesakul, 2019). Stench often makes life unbearable for people. Homesteads with odor are normally deserted with few people wishing to visit such places. The litter-robot however offers an effective control of stench thus making compounds friendly and habitable. Over the years, odor control and management has been a challenges to people at home and in organizations. The innovation and subsequent use of litter-robot has however saved the situation by offering unpleasant smell management control.
The third benefit is keeping clean paws. The litter-robot can remove the waste quickly and cats can keep clean paws and no dirty tracks in the house. Keeping the surrounding clean is an achievement every individual wishes to achieve. However, the materials and products used at home often makes it difficult to keep the surrounding clean. Thanks to the litter-root home steads can be kept clean due to its ability in removing wastes quickly thus keeping the paws clean.
The fourth benefit is feasible to having multiple cats in the house. The cat’s host is easy to keep multiple cats because the waste does not need discard several times per day. The litter-robot can work automatically and periodically without checking litter drawer (Safari, 2019). With the effective odor control, one does not need to get rid of the litter many times a day. Waste management plan is therefore made easier with the machine since users can plan with the days they discard their waste. Care should however be taken to ensure external areas are made available for disposing off the waste.
The fifth benefit is more efficient than other competitor’s machines. The litter-robot save more time removing the clumps and reduce the usage up to 50%. The current market structure is marred high levels of competition from producers with similar products. However, to navigate and survive through such competition, organizations often produce high quality products that offer the best services to customers. Litter robot provides more efficient services than other products offering the same services (Safari, 2019). The quality of service the product offers to the customers is equivalent to the prices charged. It is it efficiency in little and stench control that rates the product ahead of other products.
C. Customer Value Proposition
Customers often look for quality products and service that give value for their prices. Litter-robots offers benefits to customers in return for their associated payment. Our customer value proposition is; “The Smartest way to control your odor.” Without saying much about the product, the statement offers holistic information on the product and its benefits hence customer value proposition.
D. Brand Pricing Strategy
An effective understanding of pricing is required in delivering strong brand values. Brand pricing strategy used must consider an organization’s pricing capabilities. A solid pricing strategy helps in developing a positive brand equity. Analysis should however be conducted to strike the best pricing that benefits both sellers and buyers in the market. Considerations must be made on factors such as; market conditions, actions by competitors, account segments, trade margins, input costs, consumer’s ability to pay, variable costs and distribution and product costs (Chen & Pearcy, 2010).
d. Identify brand pricing strategy
The brand pricing strategy used is “Pricing at a premium.” Premium pricing involves setting higher costs for a product due to its unique brand that no one can compete (Chen & Pearcy, 2010). The competitive advantage enjoyed by the business prompts the use of this strategy.
d. How appropriate price is for brand based on benefits?
The price of latest litter robot connect 3 is $499, and adds-on warranty plus $49.99. The brand offers myriads of benefits to the consumers. However, setting brand prices based on their quality and benefits to customers is an imperative decision. Business people should thus set prices equitable to the product’s benefits. This encourages buyers since they are assured of returns from the prices charged hence the importance appropriate brand prices.
Bonnema, G. M. (2012). System design of a litter collecting robot. Procedia computer science, 8, 479-484.
Chen, Y., & Pearcy, J. (2010). Dynamic pricing: when to entice brand switching and when to reward consumer loyalty. The RAND Journal of Economics, 41(4), 674-685.
Safari, A. (2019). Conceptual Process for Designing High-Technology Products: Case Study of a Litter-Collecting Robot. In Rapid Automation: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 218-246). IGI Global.
Urquhart, L., Reedman-Flint, D., & Leesakul, N. (2019). Responsible domestic robotics: exploring ethical implications of robots in the home. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.