Can you help me understand this Java question?
before submitting this assignment. Hand in only one program, please.
This will be your first foray into an actual ADT implementation. It is not a toy program, but the real deal. You'll take the binary search tree implemented in the modules (and supplied in your downloaded header file libraries) and modify it to use lazy deletion rather than the explicit "hard deletion."
If you have carefully studied and experimented with the binary search tree generic class, this assignment should be "just right". It is not as difficult as doing an ADT from scratch, which might require more than a week. Nonetheless, in the few methods that you must retool, you'll find just enough of a challenge to feel like you are really cracking the problem. The changes and debugging you will be doing are typical of ADT design.
Copy the contents of both and into a new class and file of your creation named FHlazySearchTree and In the new file, change the name of the main public class from FHsearch_tree to FHlazySearchTree. Also, in your new file, change the name of the node class to FHlazySTNode and remove the public access for this node class so that it can reside in the same file as the tree class without a compiler error. Do a global search/replace of the old names with the new ones in this file. At the top of the file you'll need the statements: