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Lead and manage organisational change answers

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BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organizational Change – Assessment 3 Last Updated: July 2016, Version No. 1

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Task 03: Implement a change management strategy (project Plan and Presentation)

Submission details

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.

Submit this project work with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

You must submit both printed copy and soft copy of your answers in a word document.

Submit the printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the "Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your documents.

Upload the softcopy on the link provide in the eLearning site.

The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.

Word limit: Word limit for answering this task is minimum 1000 words

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Assessment description

Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will conduct an implementation review. The candidate will then consult with a union representative and General Manager to receive input and develop a revised communication plan. The candidate will action the revised plan by delivering a 15–20 minute information session to employees. Finally, the candidate will consider making final revisions to the communications plan and overall project plan and seek approval from the General Manager.


1. Review the simulated workplace information for Fast Track Couriers.

2. Following the communications plan provided in Appendix 4, develop a survey to gather feedback from


3. Meet with a union representative (your assessor) to receive and discuss the results of the survey.

Anticipate possible resistance by this stakeholder and promote your plans to gain acceptance. Ask for

additional input to help you revise your change management communications strategy.

4. Draft revised communications plan and overall project plan (from Assessment Task 2) in consideration

of barriers identified through consultation process (with your assessor acting as a union representative)

and those identified in risk analysis provided in Appendix 3. Highlight strategic elements in your plan

which you will deploy to gain trust and acceptance of change. Ensure you consider the needs of all

stakeholders to gain support for planned changes.

5. Meet with General Manager (assessor) to discuss ideas for revised communications plan and overall

project plan based on feedback.

 Discuss the needs of all stakeholders.

 Discuss creative technique, activity or tactic you will use to gain trust and acceptance in the 15–

20 minute information session you will deliver.

 Ensure you anticipate possible resistance by this stakeholder and promote your plans to gain


6. Develop a plan for a 15–20 minute information session for truckers. Include an outline of what activities

you will be doing, how long and how the activity will achieve the goal of employee acceptance of

change process. Ensure you anticipate possible resistance from these stakeholders and plan to

overcome resistance.

7. Deliver session to employees (your assessor/other people enlisted by the assessor to perform in the

role of employees). Ensure you take a consultative approach to the session and invite participation,

questions, input, etc. and ensure you incorporate a creative technique, activity or tactic in the session.

8. Make final revisions to your communications and overall project plans based on feedback and

consultation (save these as separate documents to previous drafts). You may need to consider changes

to communication activities, training activities, and rollout of changes. Consult with GM (assessor) to

ensure changes are approved.

9. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all

work submitted for your records.

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Task Specifications

You must submit copies of:

 one survey

 drafts of communications and overall project plans to indicate review of plans (including highlighted strategic element/s)

 planning and support documents for your 15–20 minute information session (such as a plan for the session, PowerPoint presentation, handouts, and a creative activity for gaining trust and acceptance of change process).

Your assessor will be looking for:

 knowledge of change management process

 knowledge of components of change management project plan

 knowledge of specific organisational requirements from the scenario

 knowledge of potential barriers to change from the scenario

 knowledge of a range of techniques for embedding change and gaining trust

 leadership skills to gain acceptance of plan and gain trust

 innovation skills to develop creative ways of getting people to accept change

 planning and organising skills

 problem-solving skills to respond to barriers to change

 project management skills to implement change management strategy

 teamwork skills to consult with relevant groups for input

 verbal communication skills to describe and promote change management plan.

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Appendix 1 – Task: Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd

It is the end of the 2011 financial year and one month into the implementation of a change management strategy. You are hearing that the implementation has not achieved the employee’s trust, understanding and support that you expected and is essential for success, particularly among truck drivers.

You are an external change management consultant employed by Fast Track Couriers to revise the communications strategy. You have been asked by the General Manager to develop and deliver an innovative and more effective communications plan.

Following the communications plan (provided in Appendix 4), you will need to evaluate the management of truck drivers through the change management process. Develop a survey to gauge trucker opinion on the following ten dimensions of employee satisfaction:

Dimension Description

Training Adequate for role?

Role Clarity Are roles and responsibilities clear?

Trust Do employees trust the change management (CM) process and management?

Evaluation Is performance fairly measured?

Leadership Is leadership adequate and does it inspire confidence?

Communication Is communication clear and two-way?

Procedures Are there clear and effective procedures to follow?

Recognition Is performance recognised?

Diversity Are individual differences valued and appreciated by Fast Track Couriers?

Team work Is team work encouraged and promoted?

Once you have completed the survey, meet with the union representative (assessor) to discuss results and get additional input.

Draft a revised communications plan to conform to the identified risks in the risk management analysis.

After you have gathered input, meet with the General Manager (assessor) to discuss your suggested revision of the communications plan.

You will then need to implement the revised plan. Part of the revised communications plan will include a 15– 20 minute information session that you will deliver to the employees.


FTC has the following goals for the Change Management strategy:

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 Goal A: Implement PDA/GPS usage (productivity function) on truck fleet in the first quarter of the 2012 financial year.

 Goal B: Implement one person/truck policy using automatic lift gates in the first quarter of the 2012 financial year.

Achievement of these goals should increase net profit in the next financial year by $200,000 due to increased efficiencies and increased business.

Goal A is essential to the business to ensure (in the following order of importance):

1. Most efficient use of resources to cover market needs. Management will look at more than the raw

hours spent on job and consider all factors such as job difficulty, traffic conditions in order to optimise

fleet usage.

2. Job performance measurement for training needs.

3. Recognition of outstanding performance (bonuses for exceeding targets; advancement/ leadership


Goal B is essential to the business to ensure:

 Most efficient use of resources to cover market needs.

 Reduced need to hire external truckers and use present employees as much as possible.

 Reduced possibility of lifting injury.

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Appendix 2 – Progress of implementation

The project manager has prepared the following progress report:

Green: Completed

Amber: In progress

Red: Not completed

Reporting element Measures Status

Change goal Goal A: Implement PDA/ GPS

usage (productivity function) on

truck fleet in the first quarter of

the 2012 financial year.


Project management Delivery of project activities as per

project plan for each stream

Overall status:

People GREEN

Process GREEN

Technology GREEN

Structure. GREEN

Stakeholder Management Stakeholders engaged and

comfortable with current position.


Communication Communication plan activities on



Education Education plan activities on



Cost benefits Project budget on track. RED

Cost benefits on track to be



Risk Management Risk management plan effectively

managing risk.


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Appendix 3 – Risk management analysis

Risk/Barriers Impact Likelihood Strategies for mitigating risk

Lack of trust regarding use of productivity data.

Refusal to implement.

High impact Medium Communications and training to outline business need. ‘Tracking productivity helps improve the efficiency of operations, where and when resources are deployed; it is not a tool to performance manage or penalise individuals.’

Address employee concerns.

Perceived threat to job security

Resistance to implementation.

High impact High Explain connection between business expansion plans and:

 increased job security: because of

the need for drivers to support

expansion; because overall

profitability and health of the

business reduces risk to everyone

 benefit of training and consequent

increase in employability due to new


Industrial action. High impact Medium Address employee concerns.

Gain trust and acceptance.

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Appendix 4 – Communications plan

Audience Message (with strategic elements)

When Communication method

Person responsible

HR manager Change management strategy – duties of HR manager.

9 am–10 am, 1 July 2012.

Email (invite with agenda).

Face-to-face (office training room).

CM consultant

Trucking/ operational manager

Change management strategy – duties of trucking manager.

11.30 am– 12.30 pm, 1 July 2012.

Email (invite with agenda).

Face-to-face (office training room).

HR manager

Management team

Change management strategy – duties of HR manager.

2 pm–3 pm, 1 July 2012.

Email (invite with agenda).

Face-to-face (office training room).

HR manager

Trucking team Change management strategy impacts to trucking team.

Duties of truckers – provide an explanation of what will be required.

Business need – Gain support by emphasising possible negative effects on jobs if change does not happen.

Training schedule – emphasise mandatory nature and threaten performance review consequences for non- compliance.

9 am–10 am, 4 July 2012.


HR manager (assistant may draft)

Sales team Change management strategy summary.

Benefits to organisation.

11 am–11.30 am, 4 July 2012.

Face-to-face (office training room).

Sales manager to run team meeting

Office team: Accountant; Administrative support person

Change management strategy summary.

Benefits to organisation.

11.30 am–12 pm, 4 July 2012.

Face-to-face (office training room).

Office manager to run team meeting

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Audience Message (with strategic elements)

When Communication method

Person responsible


(All other employees to receive brief summary only)

Request for feedback. three weeks post-training.

Feedback survey on ten dimensions of employee satisfaction.

New CM consultant to design and implement.

HR Manager to research benchmarking.

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Appendix 5 – Background information: Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd

About Fast Track Couriers

Fast Track Couriers is a courier company that has been operating in New South Wales for the last 15 years. Its primary business function is delivering medium to large size packages across metropolitan Sydney.

Strategic plan goals

The organisation’s strategic goals are:

 To expand business in the metropolitan area so that small to medium package deliveries market share increases by 7.5%.

 To expand the business to include small and medium package deliveries to regional NSW.

 To develop an integrated approach to distribution management utilising technology such as PDA devices and GPS.

 To develop and maintain a cohesive and well-motivated workforce.

Strategic goals are supported by the following operational and human resources goals.

Operational plan goals

 Testing of the distribution management system is to cease and allow implementation within the first quarter of the 2012 financial year.

 The truck fleet will need to be expanded by 8 trucks within the 2012 financial year.

 Small distribution hubs will be positioned at Maitland, Goulburn, Nowra and Bathurst each manned by two employees within the next eighteen months.

 Fast Track Couriers will complete 20% of deliveries to regional locations in the next three years.

Human resources goals:

 To incorporate a Human Resources function to facilitate the changes in workforce management in the first quarter of the 2012 financial year.

 Introduce professional development and training to achieve organisational goals and promote understanding of organisation’s strategic goals in the first quarter of the 2012 financial year.

 Eliminate industrial relations problems in the 2012 financial year. Conclude negotiations with employees and union.

 Eliminate lifting injuries.


Fast Track Couriers has implemented and recruited the people required to fill the roles in the following organisational structure:

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Managerial duties/role description

General manager/CFO Oversees company; approves major business decisions such as strategic goals, change management initiatives; reports to board of directors; prepares financial reports.

HR manager Oversees and implements change management programs; collect feedback, assessment results, and all other data regarding change management; provides report to GM on implementation of major changes; oversees recruitment.

Sales manager Coordinates sales team; provides sales team training; manages performance of sales team.

Trucking /operations manager Coordinates activities of trucking team; manages performance of trucking team; compiles productivity reports; manages operations, authorises purchasing of operational equipment etc.

Office manager Coordinates activities of accountant and administrative support. Authorises payroll.

General Manager/CFO

Sales manager

Sales team (3)

Trucking manager

Trucking team (20)

Office manager


Administrative support/reception

Human Resources manager

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Background to workforce management and relations

The company communicates with employees via email for head office employees and a printed monthly newsletter for drivers. The company provides information regarding policies procedures through documented manuals that are held in each truck as an employee manual. Office-based staff can access copies of these manuals at the office.

All trucks are fitted with a GPS system to assist drivers with navigating to each pick up and drop off location. Trucks are also assigned a PDA that provides drivers with the details of each pick up and drop off and records when a job starts and finishes. The data from this device is sent back to head office to monitor job progress but is not used to complete productivity reporting. When this device was introduced, drivers were not happy as they felt the organisation was saying that it did not trust the drivers to manually record the time spent on each job. Many of the drivers also resented having to learn how to use the device and thought it was a waste of time.

Head office employees work very closely together and are a very cohesive and motivated team. They are positive about the organisation’s direction and respond well to change.

Drivers have historically reacted negatively to change. Change implemented in the past has met with resistance and was therefore difficult to implement. Drivers have in the past done their best to block any changes from being implemented, even going to the lengths of threatening strike action and having the union involved to assist with resolving the issue.

Fast Track Couriers currently allocates two drivers per truck to ensure that drivers are able to load and unload heavy packages. The strategy going forward is to remove the need for having two drivers per truck by installing an automatic lift gate on the back of each gate at a cost of $10,000 per truck. This will mean that only one driver is needed per truck as no heavy lifting will be required.

It is Fast Track Couriers’ intention to use these surplus drivers to drive the new trucks that will be purchased to enable the company to extend its services to regional NSW.

Drivers are currently happy with the work environment as they enjoy working as part of a two-man team. The organisation typically leaves the drivers alone and lets them do their job as this is what seems to make them happy. Management has tried in the past to have drivers participate in organisational activities. These activities were not received positively and the drivers complained and asked not to be involved. The drivers’ view is that their preferred team is their two-man driver team and they only see the benefits of that specific working arrangement. There is a high value placed on communication with trucking team members.

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