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Leadership profile examples

17/12/2020 Client: saad24vbs Deadline: 3 days




This is a template and checklist corresponding to your Assignment 1 paper, “My Leadership Profile”, due on Sunday of Week 3. It covers the Assignment 1 instructions and the grading rubric to help ensure that you include everything required by the assignment. See below for an explanation of the color coding in this template.

· All green text includes instructions to support your writing. You should delete all green text before submitting your final paper.

· All blue text indicates areas where you need to replace the instructions with your own information. Replace the blue text with your own words in black.

· Headings and subheadings are written in black, bold type. You may keep these or you may choose to rename them, as long as your titles still align to each section’s content.

In this paper you may write in first person, using “I”, as this is a self-analysis. Usually in academic papers, you will write in the third person, using “he” or “she”. However, in all academic writing, avoid using the second person “you.”


· The body of this paper has one-inch margins and uses a professional font (size 10-12); we recommend Arial or Times New Roman fonts

· To aid ease of reading, use double spacing throughout the paper

· Align the manuscript flush left, resulting in an uneven right margin

· Indent paragraphs five spaces (or set your tab to .5)

· Page numbers are one inch from the top right of the paper, with no number on Page 1

Note that this Assignment 1 template is already formatted with all these specifications.

Finalizing your Paper

· Your final paper should be 4 to 6 pages in length. The page count does not include the Cover page at the beginning or the Sources page at the end of the paper.

· The final paper that you submit for grading should be in black text only with all remaining green text and blue text removed .

My Leadership Profile

Write Your Name here

Jack Welch Management Institute

Write Your Professor’s Name here

JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century

Write the Date here

Use the sections and sub-sections below to organize your paper. For each section, read the directions in green, which explain what topic to cover in that section. Then delete the green notes and write your paragraph(s) for that section.

Application of course materials is required in this paper. For this assignment, you will want to integrate course material from Weeks 1 to 3. This means you may be including references to course lectures, videos, your textbooks, articles, and your DiSC profile. See the end of the paper, for information and examples of the proper way to format your in-text citations, as well as a sample Sources (or References) page.


Start your introduction with a general and brief observation about the importance of leadership in today’s organizations.

Write a thesis statement which is the “road map” for your paper - it helps your reader to navigate your work. In your thesis statement, be specific about the major areas you plan to address in your paper. The headings below are helpful, since those identify the topics to be addressed. We recommend you to write this part of your introduction after you complete the other sections of your paper.

In case you need more help with writing a thesis statement, here are two helpful links:




My Leadership Experiences

This section addresses number 1 from the assignment instructions. Use the following two subsections to organize your ideas. You may choose to write a short paragraph here under the main “My Leadership Experiences” heading that provides some brief context, or you may choose to just begin writing under the first subsection, while keeping the main heading in place.

My Current Role

In this section, describe the leadership and managerial aspects of your most recent professional role. Be specific about your role. Discuss whether you lead a team or teams or if you are an individual contributor. You may be a full-time student or between jobs. In these cases, think about the leadership and managerial aspects of whatever role you currently have. If you are not in a professional role and have difficulty finding leadership and managerial elements of your current situation, think about leadership you provide in your community, in your school, and in your family.

Key Leadership Experiences

In this section, briefly describe two key experiences that have impacted you as a leader or as an aspiring leader. Be specific by providing concrete examples and discuss each experience separately. You may have participated in a great experience that taught you a lot about who you are or want to be as a leader. Or you might have learned by being part of or observing a leadership situation that did NOT go well. Describe how each experience contributed in some way to your current beliefs and behaviors relating to leadership.

My Leadership Strengths

This section addresses number 2 from your assignment instructions. Describe two key strengths from Jack Welch’s Foundational Principles and/or 8 Essential Rules, which pertain to your own leadership development. Be specific about each rule or principle and connect your ideas to relevant course material for support. Discuss why you chose these particular strengths and why it is important to direct your energy into building these strengths as you proceed through your leadership journey.

My Emotional Intelligence

In this section, you address the first part of number 3 from your assignment instructions, which relates to Emotional Intelligence (EI). EI is discussed in your Week 3 Lecture Notes and in the Week 3 article by Daniel Goleman, “Leadership That Gets Results.” On page 4 of the article, under “Emotional Intelligence: A Primer,” Goleman defines several components of Emotional Intelligence (i.e., self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill). Think about your own EI, as you reflect on each of these capabilities and competencies, along with their examples. Choose a couple of components that you believe have contributed to the leadership strengths you identified in the section immediately above. Alternatively, you may identify a couple of areas that you need to strengthen to have maximum leadership effectiveness.

My DiSC Profile

This section addresses the second part of number 3 from your assignment instructions. Reflect on your DiSC Profile that was generated as part of your Week 2 requirements, as it relates to your leadership strengths. The DiSC is a behavior assessment tool that focuses on four different behavioral traits: dominance, influence, conscientiousness and steadiness. Think about how your DiSC style contributes to those strengths. For example, if you identified that one of your strengths was your ability to maintain harmony in your team and you have an “S” (steadiness) style, reference your DiSC report for areas where this behavior is addressed—you will find that maintaining harmony and being a peacemaker is a hallmark of an S style.

Leadership Skill Development

In this section, you address number 4 from your assignment instructions. Identify two or three leadership skills that you would like to master in the future. The skills that you identify should be drawn from any combination of the following: Jack Welch’s Foundational Principles, Jack Welch’s 8 Essential Rules, Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence competencies, and/or Daniel Goleman’s leadership styles. Clearly identify each of the three skills. Then, for each skill, specify what actionable steps you will take towards mastery, and explain how you will measure your success.

You have several options on how to deliver the information for this section: you may write a paragraph, or you may use a bulleted list, or you may use a chart (example shown below). If you use a bulleted list or a chart, firstly write a short paragraph here that offers some context and explains the rationale for why you chose these skills for development. Be sure to connect your selection of the three skills to the course materials.

Leadership Skill Development Plan

Welch’s Principle or Rule to Master

Specific Action Steps


Measure/Indicator of Success

Rule 3: Leaders get into everyone’s skin, exuding positive energy and optimism

· I will “walk the floor” to check in on employees and thank them for what they are doing

· I will share an example of positive consumer feedback with my team every week via email

· Daily at 4 p.m.

· Wednesday’s Weekly Email

· 2020 Department Survey: Q3 “My Manager Supports Me” score improves +1 points.

· Employees proactively share consumer successes with me.


The Conclusion is the section where you summarize what you covered and provide one or two key insights. Highlight the most important aspects of your paper that you would like the reader to remember. Your conclusion should be clear, direct, and concise. Do not introduce new information.

On the page immediately following your Conclusion, add your Sources (or References) page. An sample Sources page is provided at the end of this template. Before that, there is a section that explains how to properly integrate and cite your sources in the body of your JWMI paper.

In-Text Citations

In the body of the paper, when concepts from specific sources are used, a citation containing the author’s last name and the number of the citation in your Sources list is required - for example, (Welch, 1). This is called an in-text citation. The number in the parentheses corresponds with the entry on the Sources page at the end of your paper, allowing readers to look up the source of the citation.

At JWMI, we do not recommend the use of footnotes. All in-text citations should be placed at the end of the sentence where the source was used. See below for two examples of in-text citation. One example shows how to cite when you include the author’s name in the sentence and the other shows how to cite when the author is not included in the sentence.

Example 1: Jack Welch noted that, when you become a leader, the focus is on growing others (1).

Note that the author’s name was used in the sentence, so it is not necessary to include it again in the parentheses. In this case, you should only enclose in parentheses the source number. When the reader looks at the Sources page, they should see the Welch source listed as number one (1).

Example 2: As a leader develops, the focus becomes more about developing the skills and talents of others (Welch, 1).

Note that the author’s name is not used in the sentence, so in this case you should include the author’s name within the parentheses, along with the source number.

Say the next source you use in your paper is Goleman, then your citation is (Goleman, 2) or simply (2), if you have referred to Goleman earlier in the sentence. If you were then to use Jack again later in the paper, he remains (Welch, 1) when he is cited, and so on. If you use two sources in the same sentence, they can be cited at the end of your sentence, like this (Welch, 1; Goleman, 2). Note how the two sources are separated with a semicolon.

Linking Citations with your Sources Page

At the end of your paper, include a page with a list of all your sources. You may refer to this page as either your References or Sources page. It must include an entry for every source that you have cited or quoted in your paper. This page does not count towards your required page count for the assignment.

The format of the source entries varies by source type. There are examples of different source types in the sample Sources page at the end of this document. You may also refer to the JWMI Writing Standards document and/or work with a Communication Coach for further guidance.

Sources in the list are numbered sequentially, according to the first time you use them in your paper. Each source is only listed once on your Sources page, even if the same source is used again in different parts of your paper. You continue to use the same original source number for your citations of that particular source throughout the paper.

Course Lectures and Media

Application of course materials is required in this paper. For this assignment, you will want to integrate course material from Weeks 1 to 3. This means you may be including references to course lectures and videos. Use formal citations and source entries on the Sources page for course lectures and videos, as shown in the examples below:

· In-text citation format for material from the current course: (JWI510, 3).

· The three at the end indicates the number of this source on your reference list. Then, we know we can go to the third source on your Sources list for more information about that source. If I look at this template’s Sources page, I see that the third source is a lecture and I can identify the week and the title.

· In-text citation format for material from another course: (JWI505, 4).

· Based on this citation, if we look at the fourth entry on your Sources page, we will find more information on locating that source. If I look at this template’s Sources page, I see that the fourth entry is for a course video from JWI505.

· Entry for a course lecture or video on your Sources page:

1. JWI510. Week 3. Lecture 1. Lecture Title

The Sources list at the end of this template provides additional citing examples. For more citing examples, see the Sample Professional Paper in Course Documents within your course, or consult the JWMI Writing Standards Guide in the Resources section of Blackboard.


Originality is an important aspect of graduate writing. To ensure original thinking, you should keep direct quotation to a minimum. Generally, keep your quotes to 25 words or less, and include no more than 1 to 2 sentences. See below for an example of a direct quote:

“Quoting should be done only sparingly; be sure that you have a good reason to include a direct quotation when you decide to do so” (Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, 5).

· In the example above, notice the placement of the quotation marks, citation, and final punctuation after the citation. In this example, we do not know the author’s name, so we simply use the name of the article instead. The number 5 corresponds to the fifth entry on this template’s Sources page.


When you paraphrase, you restate the information from another writer in your own words. This is much preferred to quoting, as it shows your application and knowledge of the material. In this case, you must use in-text citation, but quotation marks are not required.

· In case you would like to learn more about paraphrasing, here is a helpful link:


Scroll down to the following page for the Sources page example.

Note: The examples below are provided as a guide. You may wish to save this sample Sources page for future use, as it provides the format for several different types of source. To complete your assignment, delete the sample Sources list below and replace it with your own Sources list, which will include the list of sources that you have actually used in your paper.


NOTE: This is a sample Sources list and does not fully align with the template. It includes sources not used in this paper, to provide examples of various source types. For more citation examples, see the Sample Professional Paper in Course Documents and the JWMI Writing Standards Guide.

1. Jack Welch. 2005. Winning

2. Daniel Goleman. 2000. Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review

3. JWI510. Week 3. Lecture 1. Your Leadership Style

4. JWI505. Week 3 Video. Lorenzo Simonelli. Improving Communication

5. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing, n.d. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/

6. College Board. September, 2004. Writing: A ticket to work or a ticket out. http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/writingcom/writing-ticket-to-work.pdf

7. Name of Website. n.d. Website address

8. Your Name. Everything DiSC Workplace Results. 2019. http://blackboard.strayer.edu

9. JWMI Policy & Procedures Guide. Policy document at my office.

10. Interview with Steve Parker. 2001. This is an interview I conducted with my team leader.

11. Patrick Lencioni. 2002. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

12. JWI510. Week 3 Video. Jim McNerney. Characteristics of Successful Leaders

Additional Information about some of the above Source items:

Item #3. Include the lecture title if it is available.

Item #7. If you don’t know the name of a website’s author, just use the title or name of the website.

Item #7. n.d. indicates No Date when we do not know the publication date of a source.

Item #8. Since you use your DiSC results in the paper, you must include it in your list of sources.

Items #9 / 10. If you do not have formal citation information, just explain what your resource is.

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