I need these questions answered in about 150 words each
1. As you pointed out, it is important to understand the root causes of issues. Let's talk for a moment about locating and using data to help with this. Chapter 9 in your textbook addresses vital statistics (Judson, 2016). Identify at least four vital events for which statistics are collected by the government. How can this information help you as a leader in the field?
2. Regardless of position in the field, individuals who work in healthcare oftentimes have a soft heart for other humans. As you have learned in chapter 12 of your textbook, we all have a role to play in caring for the dying (Judson, 2016). As a leader in healthcare, what is your unique role?
3. Do you think there is ever a time when it is necessary for the provider to not be transparent with the patient? Likewise, if a provider makes a mistake, is it wise for the provider to admit fault and apologize, or should the provider try to remain guilt free as possible to avoid litigation? Does anthropology help the situation? Excellent discussion here!
4. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (Judson, 2016). What are the six areas for which standards are mandated by OSHA for work done in a clinical setting. Do you think these same standards would apply if we legalized organ harvesting, considering we would need a clinical setting to perform such procedures?