Personal Reference Letter
Personal Reference Letter
The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate your performance at the internship site, as well as to evaluate what you have learned. The goal is demonstrate an ability to “speak” to potential employers about your skills. Upon writing the draft of your letter, share it with your supervisor for feedback (Please note: This is a letter that YOU are writing, not your supervisor).
Based on what you think that you have learned and achieved within the internship experience, write a 1-page letter of reference for yourself. Be sure to:
· Highlight specific areas of growth and specific value that you experienced through the process of completing this internship.
· Indicate how you would translate your experience in your internship into a new work experience.
· Write in Business Letter format to a potential employer.
You will be graded upon your ability to:
Evaluate yourself and to promote what you have learned.
Communicate clearly and effectively and to thus “present” yourself well.
Persuade a professional reader.
Internship Log
Credit Hours Sought : Comment by Matt Perkins: CREDIT HOURS SOUGHT is referring to the number of credit hours you are signed up for in the course. HOURS REQUIRED TO BE EARNED is referring to the number of actual hours you will spend at your site. Here is the breakdown:3 credit hours requires 125 internship hours4 credit hours requires 168 internship hours5 credit hours requires 210 internship hours6 credit hours requires 250 internship hours
: 3
Hours required to be earned:
I understand that all hours must be earned within the time frame bounded by the first and last days of the semester.
Please place your initials to the right to indicate agreement.
I understand that the majority of my hours should be earned in either direct observation (DO) or directed practice (DP)
Please place your initials to the right to indicate agreement.
If I have not earned at least 40% of my required hours by the midterm submission date, then I will provide a plan indicating how I plan to complete my hours.
Please place your initials to the right if a plan is included. Write N/A if you have at least 40% of your hours completed by Mod. 8
N/A Comment by Matt Perkins: N/A is marked because Jenny Sue Parker has completed at least 40% of her hours by module 8.
Hours Earned
Observations/What I learned today…
Total Hours Comment by Matt Perkins: This column should include a running total of your hours (e.g., 3, 6, 9, …).
10-4 pm
Observed people of all walks of life, all races, struggling to feed their families. I observed one lady so grateful she began to cry. I was not sure what to do so I offered a hug and to pray with her. For the most part I just made grocery bags in the food bank and handed out groceries.
10-4 pm
First time doing shower day but will be helping every Wednesday. Observed homeless clients (travelers) coming in to get a hot shower. Clients can bring 3 days’ worth of laundry to be washed as they wait to get a shower. One client who is in and out of jail for drug use was high and getting irate with everyone. We had to ask her to leave.
10-4 pm
I got to sit in on a meeting with the counselors and doctors on the board to figure out ways to integrate the different programs at my intern site. I recognized the different testing they were going to use such as validity and reliability. Each member talked about different ways to integrate and ways for the programs to get results from each sector to decide which programs have a need for improvement. The other 4 hours were spent in the food bank.
10-4 pm
Today was shower day. Shower day is usually uneventful. Travelers get to take a hot shower and wash their clothes. On this day I brought donations that I collected (clothes). It was going to be cold out and I got to help 2 people find a coat. The rest of the day I observed everyone interacting with one another. “Paula” who had come in high before was sober and I observed how different her interactions were with others than from the previous time when she was high.
10-4 pm
Today was shower day again. Very uneventful. I brought doughnuts for the travelers and they really enjoyed that. I did observe 2 men talking about, what seemed to them, a past life. Both of their eyes lit up when talking about past. It was sad but also joyous.
10-4 pm
The first 3 hours I was needed for office work. I spent 3 hours filing, entering client information, making copies of information packets and shredding old files. The second part of the day I spent sorting and folding clothes to get ready for the Great American Clothes Out. This is done once a month, and anyone can come and get clothes.
10-4 pm
Today was shower day. Nothing really to observe. I did meet a traveler who was once a psychologist. I could tell in his eyes how much he missed it and that life. Once you become homeless it is almost impossible to gain employment again. Listening to him broke my heart.
10-4 pm
Today after signing HIPPA forms and reading a case study I got to sit in on an actual counseling session. “Krista” was very early for her session. She stated that she was scared the bus would not get her there in time. Krista suffers from severe anxiety. She was very nervous about me sitting in the corner observing. I watched her body language. She was very fidgety and moved her leg a great deal as if it comforted her. Her anxiety level, she said, was a 10 today. Spent the rest of the day in the Food Bank
10-4 pm
I read through 2 complete charts for 2 different clients that would be coming in for sessions. The first one was today. Mrs. Michelle will be there counselor. The client today was “Mark”. He is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder coupled with alcohol use. The client is currently taking a low dose of Lamictal. However, Mark has stated that he feels his meds are not working as well as they did before he started drinking. Observing during the session Mark is very quick to change subjects he is uncomfortable with. He seems very impulsive in his daily life. Mark will make an appointment for next week and we have given him some pamphlets on AA.
10-4 pm
Today broke my heart. As I was checking people in so that I could disperse groceries there were 3 families in the waiting room, 4 adults and 7 children. I watched the adults interacting with one another. They did not seem distressed or anxious. It seemed like coming to the food bank was quite the norm for them. The children though were seated at a small kids table almost in front of the sign-in window. Trying not to eavesdrop I continued watching the children. One child told another one that he had not had any breakfast because his mom needed to come to the food bank and get some groceries. The listening child stated they always come for food because his dad doesn’t have a job anymore. This broke my heart. This intern site is very hard, and you definitely have to have a heart.
10-4 pm
I returned to reading patient charts and case studies. First half of the day I just familiarized myself with clients that already attend counseling at my site. Second part of the day I observed 1 client. “Ryan” has a severe fear of abandonment. His parents divorced early, and he did not hear from his dad after that. Ryan hasn’t been in a successful relationship due to his lack of trust. Mrs. Michelle has asked him to be open and honest with his current girlfriend and try to devise a plan to open to her a little at a time so that he can learn to develop trust over a time period. He is willing to do this because he really does love her. We will work on him building trust and trusting her not to leave or give up on him.
10-4 pm
Today I just filed charts on clients from the previous week. I answered the phone and set-up appointments. I had new clients fill out paperwork and medical/mental health histories. I entered all the information into the system. Nothing to observe.
10-4 pm
Had 2 new clients come in for the first time. We will be using the technique of interviewing coupled with motivational interviewing. This technique allows the counselor to gather a lot of information in short time by listening to the client and watching body movement. “Eva” suffers from substance abuse. She was very fidgety and on edge. She appeared to be under the influence so we will have to try interviewing next session. We gave her information on a drug called Methadone and the address to a local methadone treatment facility close by. She will return next week. “Brandie was the 2nd client. Upon completion of her interview we learned that she suffers from depression. She has recently lost her dad and her husband has had an affair and left her. She was a housewife and now must also find employment. She has been given a referral for the medical clinic associated with my site to see the doctor for antidepressants. She will be back weekly for sessions.
10-4 pm
Today I was needed in the food bank to make up bags of groceries and hand them out to needy families. Only 2 families came in. Nothing really to observe today.
Today I worked a full day in the food bank. The only thing to observe was a middle-aged woman. She came to the window to sign in and it was very plain to see that she was under the influence of something. Her words were slurred and she was wobbly on her feet. We did go ahead and provide her with groceries but she was informed she would not be allowed back in the office in that condition. She said alright and left.
Due to Covid-19 the food bank is now strictly drive-through using the back door to the alley. We moved a case of each thing downstairs to set up a make-shift food pantry across three long tables. From there we can easily make up the grocery bags to hand out as cars pull up one by one. We are only asking for ID and number in the family. The rest of St. Vincent House and programs are closed until further notice.
Due to Covid-19 we are still only giving our food from the pantry to cars as they drive through using the back alley. The only great thing that happened today was one of Galveston’s homeless people were able to get into a small apartment and came for groceries. Spent rest of the day making bags for the following day.
Nothing to observe. Still only operating food pantry as a drive through service.
Food pantry still operating. Nothing to observe. Made grocery bags for the following day and restocked the 3 tables holding all the canned and dry goods.
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*DO - Direct Observation
DP - Directed Practice
AD - Administrative Duties
SD - Support Duties