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MATH 240 – SPRING 2016
What to turn in: For this project you will need to turn in a printout of your published m-file.
Use a YourName_MATH240_Proj2.m file to save your code in an .m file. Use the command
PUBLISH(FILE,FORMAT) (or similar) to publish your work in word or pdf format (while you
are at it, play to see what other formats you can get). Make sure that you have enough comments
and results shown so that another person (me or the TA) can understand what you are doing).
Use %% notation to differentiate in cells the problems in this homework. This way you can even
run/debug one problem at a time.
Please apply the instructions from Project 1 about working in teams and labeling your project.
Remember to use the command lookfor *&% when trying to find the MATLAB command whose
description contains *&%.
The goals of this project are: (1) to learn more about how to quickly generate matrices using
MATLAB functions; (2) practice different ways of computing the inverse and use the properties
of determinants; (3) practice your understanding of the standard matrix of a linear
transformation; (4) interpret and explain the results generated by MATLAB.
PROBLEM 1: Use MATLAB commands to efficiently (i.e. without keying each entry) enter the
matrix:𝑆 =