This essay should be in MLA format.
The Book of Lost Things (red cover book):
· "Red Riding Hood" (pages 363-370)
Instructions: Write an essay (800 to 1000 words) comparing and/or contrasting one (or more) of the four themes listed below from at least three of the readings listed below:
The version the Woodsman tells David in The Book of Lost Things,
The original Grimm's version of "Little Red Riding Hood" at the back of The Book of Lost Things,
Angela Carter’s short story "The Company of Wolves,"
Delaure's version of "The Story of Grandmother" (and/or the Christina Ricci video),
Isabelle Chang's "The Chinese Red Riding Hoods,"
Sexton’s poem "Little Red Riding Hood."
Don't just complete plot summaries. Look for points of comparison and/or contrasts in one (or more) of the following themes to analyze:
Independence vs. Obedience
Innocence vs. Sexuality
Violence vs. Power vs. Objectification
Additional sources are not required; however, a minimum of three out of the six version of the "Red Riding Hood" stories that you have read for this Module must be used.
The purpose of these required learning activities is to provide background information and an alternative view on the text for analysis
Thesis: 5 points
Argument is clearly articulated and persuasive, contains an original opinion
Exceeds Expectations
Thesis presents a reasonable opinion, argument is clear and focused
Meets Expectations
Thesis is a plausible argument; contains a legitimate opinion, but somewhat broad and basic
Approaching Expectations
Thesis demonstrates misunderstanding of the prompt or text
Thesis not evident; thesis is a fact or plot summary.
Evidence/ Commentary: 30 points
You have chosen, for the most part, the best evidence to support your point Evidence is highly persuasive and effective in supporting your argument Creative/original ideas and insights; extensive commentary; goes beyond obvious and basic commentary
Your evidence is believable and convincing and supports your argument Analysis is believable and convincing, a few assertions may lack specific examples, but assertions are still clearly connected to the argument
Evidence is present, but superficial Analysis supports your argument, but ideas are obvious and basic
Evidence chosen does not support thesis/topic sentences Textual evidence is irrelevant Ideas lack development; misunderstanding of prompt or text; illogical argument.
Little or no evidence; Analysis not present simply plot summary Analysis does not address the prompt
Organization /Structure: 20 points
The paper breaks the information into pointby-point or block-byblock structure. It follows a consistent order when discussing the comparison.
The paper breaks the information into point-by-point or block-by-block structure, but may not follow a consistent order when discussing the comparison.
Organizational pattern not identifiable. Some details are not in a logical or expected order, and this distracts from the reading.
Grammar/ Style: 20 points
Essay contains 1-2 errors. Word usage is appropriate but does not qualify as excellent.
Minor problems with coherence, grammar, spelling, punctuation, but does not interfere with the understanding of paper
Several distracting problems with spelling, grammar, punctuation, coherence; citations incorrect Word usage is appropriate but lacks sophistication expected in word choice for this essay.
Major spelling, grammar, punctuation errors; distracts and interferes with understanding of paper Word usage is informal and/or inappropriate
MLA Format: 25 points
Quotations are smoothly blended All in-text citations are done in the correct format with no errors. Works Cited page is correctly formatted. Essay is in MLA format (spacing, header, page numbers)
Effectively blends direct quotation with explanatory words and phrases to introduce the quotation and facilitate narrative flow. Most in-text citations are done in the correct format. Minor errors on the Works Cited Page Minor errors in MLA formatting
Blend quoted materials smoothly Some in-text citations are done in the correct format. 5-10 errors on Work Cited page Multiple errors in MLA formatting
Most quotes stand alone and lack introduction/ connection to the essay Few in-text citations are done in the correct format. Majority of Works Cited entries contain errors. Multiple errors in MLA formatting.
No quotes present No in-text citations Major errors in Works Cited page Essay not in proper MLA format.