Best Practices J Lockout/Tagout in Mining Seven Tips for Worker Safety By Matt Dudgeon
Check the job description ofa typical mine safety man- ager and you will find a long list of responsibilifies. Among them are developing and directing facilit}'- wide safety programs such as an effecfive lockout/tagout (LOTO) program. These critical funcfions require procedure development and employee training, as well a pro- gram to manage dozens, hundreds or even thousands of padlocks and lockout devices within a facility.
Since 1990, MSHA has classified at least 75 fatal and 1,850 nonfatal inci- dents in the mining industry as electri- cal. Many could have been prevented had the circuits been locked, grounded and tagged before maintenance was performed.
A company may purchase lock- out padlocks and devices for myriad applicafions, so it must ensure that employees are appropriately trained to perform required lockout procedures. Authorized workers must know how to properly isolate equipment to ensure that hazardous energy is reduced to a zero state and remains that way unfil servicing is complete. Otherwise, the risk of injury or death is imminent.
Efficient, Thorougli Training MSHA regulations for both metal/
nonmetal and coal mining require lock- ing and tagging electrical circuits before performing maintenance on a circuit or on the mechanical equipment supplied by the circuit.
Several MSHA standards relate to LOTO, depending on commodity:
Surface/Underground Metal/Nonmetal
•30 CFR 56/57.12016; •30 CFR 56/57.12017; •30 CFR 56/57.14105.
Underground Coal •30 CFR 75.509; •30 CFR 75.511; •30 CFR 75.705; •30 CFR 75.820; •30 CFR 75.1725.
Surface Coal •30 CFR 77.404; •30 CFR 77.500;
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•30 CFR 77.501; •30 CFR 77.704. Training provided in accordance with
30 CFR Part 46 or Part 48 must cover basic LOTO principles as well as task- specific tasks that can include LOTO procedures for each piece of equipment that may be serviced or maintained. MSHA has also incorporated the LOTO standards into its Rules to Live By campaign, under which violations may incur specially assessed penalties.
Where does one start when imple- menting an LOTO program to reduce the potential for future incidents? A simple recommendation is to begin
A focused, multifaceted approach to
LOTO can make any mining
operation safer.
with general training for all workers who will use or be affected by LOTO within the work environment. Train- ing should explain LOTO, why it is needed, and LOTO do's and don'ts. An employer should also provide machine- and lockout-device-specific training. MSHA allows flexibility in training format, but the responsibility always resides with the company.
Thorough training requires a significant and focused time commit- ment that can tax many mining safety managers due to their other responsi- bilities. Thus, safety consultants can be a viable alternative. When considering this route, a company should seek an experienced provider who understands facility-specific requirements, especially because MSHA and OSHA standards differ. If a full-service consultant devel- ops the site's safety lockout procedures, s/he will make an excellent training provider as well.
One Padloci(, One Key Per Employee To select the best safety padlock for
a facility, first consider the number of employees who require safety pad- locks to lockout energy sources. This determines the number of key codes the facility requires since each em- ployee should have a unique key under
the premise of one lock, one key per employee. This prevents workers from inadvertently opening each other's padlocks and introducing a potential safety hazard.
Select a padlock style that has enough key codes to meet current requirements as well as to expand to meet future needs. Key codes for all locks should be recorded and saved under an assigned user ID. This key re- cord can be referenced to confirm that new key codes are always assigned to safety locks purchased by a facility.
One excepfion to consider: Although keyed-different padlocks are primarily used for safety lockout, in some cases, an employee may need several personal padlocks. In this circumstance, the ap- propriate number of locks can be keyed alike so the worker can use a single key rather than fumbling with a ring full of different keys. As long as the keys are safely controlled, this should ensure that the keyed-alike padlocks can only be opened by the assigned employee.
Regardless of location used, LOTO padlocks must be unique and visibly different from padlocks used for gen- eral security purposes. Using differ- ent color models and styles also alerts workers to LOTO procedures, which helps to ensure compliance.
iVIajor issues & Seven Key Steps Workplace realities, including those
at mining operations, indicate that procedures in many facilities would benefit greatly from more efficient LOTO direcfion with machine-specific instructions. The sheer volume and diversity of equipment at a site add a certain level of complexity to LOTO ac- tions. Despite all efforts, oversights and errors can result in injuries, equipment damage or worse. But costly mishaps can be prevented using a methodical approach.
A seven-step LOTO process is out- lined here, but three major issues must always be considered:
•Alert affected workers. Employees and contractors using equipment that needs to be locked out must be aware of and comply with LOTO procedures. Miners operating ancillary and se- quenfial production process equipment should also be notified when machin- ery is locked out or when LOTO pro-
cedures are scheduled. This prevents them fiom inadvertently interfering or unnecessarily continuing to operate their machines with adverse effects.
•Consider multiple energy sources. When reviewing lockout procedures for the equipment to be ser- viced, workers should identify whether energy sources other than electricity are present; if so, they must be controlled. Lockout procedure placards should be attached to all machinery; these list the steps required to isolate all energy sources and include images to iden- tify the location of all isolation points. Workers who rely solely on familiarity with equipment are at risk since they could inadvertently miss a step in the equipment isolation process.
•Remember that electrical energy acts and reacts differently than other types of energy. When a button is pushed or an electrical switch is thrown, the power goes on or off instantly. Oth- er types of energy do not react in this manner. For example, kinetic energy slowly and gradually keeps gears turn- ing, belts moving and rotors rotating. Engines and components need time to cool down, so even though a machine is turned off, it may not be safe to proceed with an LOTO procedure.
With a worker fiiendly approach and understanding, injuries, damaged equipment and MSHA fines can be
avoided. The following seven steps can help avoid dangerous omissions.
1) Prepare for shutdown. Note the types, magnitude and hazards of fhe energy that must be controlled and how they need to be isolated. Iden- tify all energy sources that need to be locked out, the location of each lockouf point and the lockout devices required. Be familiar with electrical circuits before performing elecfrical work and ask for help or consult a wiring diagram/sche- matic.
2) Notify all affected employees that shutdown and LOTO are beginning. Provide an audible or visible warning system and ensure that there is safe access to all working areas.
3) Shut down the machine or equip- ment. Turn off energy points in the proper sequence to prevent equipment damage and to avoid creating addi- tional hazards. Also, wear appropriate PPE, including electrically rated gloves, hard hat and eye protection. As noted, lockout procedure placards should be attached to all equipment.
4) Isolate all energy sources, includ- ing electric, hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic, before commencing work. This is achieved by deactivating valves and by disconnecting switches and cir- cuit breakers as outlined in the lockout procedure.
5) Lock out by applying locks and
lockout devices to hold switches and valves in the safe or off position. Secure all power sources and confirm that each person working on an electrical circuit or system applies his/her personal lock and tag.
6) Release stored energy. Bleed off pressure, drain all lines, block elevated parts and discharge capacitors as well as residual air, gas, steam and water pressure. Use properly rated non- contact voltage testers to ensure that circuits are deenergized.
7) Verify lockout by first confirm- ing that no employees are exposed to danger, then test machine controls to confirm a zero-energy state.
Releasing LOTO: An Important & Specific Process
When maintenance or repair is com- plete, powering up equipment calls for several steps to ensure worker safety and prevent equipment damage. Two tasks should be performed before any LOTO devices are removed.
1) Check machines and equipment. Authorized employees must replace machine guards, and remove tools and nonessential items fiom the work area. Block devices that were inserted also need to be removed, although in some cases the machine may need to be restarted first.
2) Make sure the work area is clear and that workers are in a safe place away fiom the machines or equipment.
Once those steps are complete, LOTO release can continue:
3) Remove LOTO devices. This task should only be performed by the em- ployee who applied the devices.
4) Before resfarting any machine or equipment, notify all affected employ- ees that the LOTO devices have been removed.
5) Restore energy to the machine. As noted, this step may require cautiously reenergizing some machines to remove blocking devices. Additional authorized employee assistance may be needed to reenergize certain sections or parts of the equipment.
A focused, multifaceted approach to LOTO can make any mining operation safer.
Matt Dudgeon is the global product manager, life safety, at Master Lock Co. LLC ( w w w in Milwaukee, W l . He can be contacted
SEPTEMBER 2013 ProfessionalSafety 7 1
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