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Management Case Study

12/12/2022 Client: oumaya87 Deadline: 2 Day

I have a case study to do in my management course for my college business program. I need to read an article and answer several management-based questions about it. It is worth 30% of my course mark. It should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Here are the questions:
Students are to select to one of the following business scenarios to analyze:
• Scenario 1: An Artisanal Bread Baker Diversifies her Product Line-The Case of Devrim
• Scenario 2: A Cheese Producer Pursues a New Market through E-commerce-The Case of
Mohamed Bakkar
• Scenario 3: Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business-The Case of Zeina
• Scenario 4: A Social Entrepreneur Explores Alternative Business Models During the COVID-19
Pandemic-The Case of Rawan Hudaifa

Read the case study in its entirety and answer the questions below. You will need to use the textbook to
support your answers. Cite as necessary.

Case Study Questions:
1. Managers are responsible for 4 primary functions: Planning, Organization, Leading and Controlling.
Briefly describe how the manager in your chosen scenario would accomplish each of these functions.
Refer to Chapter 1. (4 marks)
2. Describe 3 environmental factors that are impacting the business. Refer to Chapter 2. (3 marks)
3. Where there any ethical considerations the manager needed to consider in their decision-making
process? If there are no ethical considerations implicitly stated, brainstorm at least one ethical
consideration. Refer to Chapter 3. (2 marks)
4. What is the primary goal or objective of the business you have selected? Are there any secondary
goals? What strategy do you believe is being used? Refer to Chapter 4. (4 marks)
5. What type of organizational structure is being used? Identify two strengths and weaknesses of that
type of structure. Refer to Chapter 5. (5 marks)
6. Hypothetically, if the business were to expand, where should the manager try to recruit applicants?
Why? Hint: Think about the best type of recruiting source for your chosen scenario. Refer to Chapter
6. (2 marks)
7. There are three types of organizational change. Which type of change is impacting the business?
What is your evidence for this? Refer to Chapter 7. (2 marks)
Assignment: Case Study Assignment
Due Date: December 13th, 2022, by 11:59 PM
Value: 30%
CLR: 1, 2, 4, 5
M G T 7 3 2 6 3 0 0 | 2
Fall 2022
8. Business has been going well, so the manager has decided to hire a few more staff to help grow the
business and meet demand. The manager thought that this would speed up production but there has
been a lot of fighting amongst the new members—mostly about who should, be doing what—which
has negatively impacted productivity. What Stage of Group Development are they in? What is the
outcome of this stage and is there any action the manager can take to help ensure successful stage
completion. Refer to Chapter 8. (3 marks)
9. Discuss two considerations on motivating workers in a diverse workforce. Refer to Chapter 9. (2
10. Based on the information provided in your chosen scenario, what four traits of leadership do you
believe the manager possesses? Which is the most important and why? Refer to Chapter 10. (5
11. What activities should the business be monitoring on their Balance Scorecard? Refer to Chapter 12.
(4 marks)

I chose scenario 3.
Here is the article:

Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water
Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
Published by WDI Publishing, a division of the William Davidson Institute (WDI) at the University of Michigan.
© 2021 Amy Gillett. This case was written by Amy Gillett, with contributions from Kristin Babbie Kelterborn, both of the Entrepreneurship
Development Center at the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan. The case was prepared as the basis for class
discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a situation. The case should not be considered criticism
or endorsement and should not be used as a source of primary data.
Zeina Wazzan took a break in her busy schedule to stop and smell the roses. Wazzan was in her workshop
in Mersin, Turkey, admiring the machine she had just purchased that would allow her to expand her business
by increasing production of rose water and other essences. She had also just received an official business
permit—a notable accomplishment given that she was a Syrian refugee in a challenging environment.i Most
Syrian refugees in Turkey operated in the informal economy due to factors including a language barrier,
bureaucratic hurdles, structural issues in the Turkish labor market, and negative perceptions about refugees.
Before purchasing the high-capacity machine, Wazzan had been producing essences in small batches
using a traditional, hand-cranked machine. She had been selling through three channels: directly to friends
and acquaintances, through a local café, and in bulk to a wholesaler for export.
The business permit would allow Wazzan to start marketing her products under her own brand name:
Gul Suyu Zeina Wazzan (Rose Water by Zeina Wazzan). In Turkey, brand names were allowed only on products
produced by a licensed business.
With her increased production capacity and ability to sell under her own brand, Wazzan weighed three
distribution options:
• Opening a small shop that would carry her rose water and other essences, along with some
natural products produced by other Syrian women.
• Expanding her wholesale business by finding additional bulk buyers who would purchase her rose
water and resell it to cosmetics manufacturers.
• Growing her retail business by securing deals with additional shops in Mersin.
i Only 65,000 Syrian refugees were granted work authorizations through 2018, out of a pool of one million who were eligible, according
to the Interior Minister of Turkey. For more information visit: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2019/07/18/
mini-case 2-945-000
May 6, 2021
2Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
Among the options and opportunities, Wazzan knew she would have to be strategic about how to
expand and realistic about the time it would take. She was mainly on her own. While her husband helped
in production and her two teenagers pitched in when needed, she still had no employees. Where, she
wondered, did her biggest and best opportunities lie?
Growing up in Latakia, Syria, Wazzan enjoyed working alongside her father, who was an attar.ii She
was fascinated with how he used traditional methods to produce essences from the rose bushes on their
property, and she learned the craft from him. When Wazzan’s father died, she continued to make rose
essence and shared it with her friends and family. Wazzan saw how much they appreciated the essence—
both for its skincare benefits and as a food flavoring—so she decided to sell it at her uncle’s shop in Latakia.
Meanwhile, Wazzan studied fine arts at a university in Syria and went on to become an art teacher.
A civil war broke out in Syria in 2011. Five years later, with the war still raging, Wazzan, along with her
husband and two children, fled to southern Turkey, first to Antakya and then settling in Mersin. Wazzan was
delighted to discover the familiar rose bushes of her youth there. She recalled how the wonderful scent of
roses attracted the butterflies during the process of creating essence. It brought back happy memories of
working alongside her father.
Unable to continue her career as an art teacher and inspired by the rose bushes, Wazzan decided
to revive her essence business in Mersin. Known in Turkey as the “Pearl of the Mediterranean,” with a
population of nearly 1.8 million and a growing tourism industry, Mersin presented a strong consumer
market. Wazzan learned that in Turkey most flower essence was mass-produced using chemical solvents. She
saw an opportunity to differentiate her product, which used natural production methods.
Wazzan procured a small extraction machine from Syria, similar to the one her father had used. She
initially imported her flowers from Syria, but eventually found local suppliers. In 2018, she launched her
business on a small scale. This allowed her to confirm there was sufficient demand for her rose water. Wazzan
then scaled up and purchased the larger equipment, allowing her to increase production tenfold.
Wazzan’s main product was rose water, which can be used for beauty, culinary, and medicinal purposes
(see Exhibit 1). She chose to market her rose water as a beauty product to promote healthy skin. Rose water
addresses skin problems related to acne, eczema, scars, and aging. It contains antioxidants that protect
skin cells from damage and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Wazzan produced her rose water using a
steam distillation method. An alternative method used chemical solvents, such as hexane, which extracted
about ten times as much oil as the steam distillation method. However, this could pose a health hazard, and
Wazzan preferred the natural, chemical-free method of steam distillation. (See Exhibit 2 for a production
description and photos of her new machine.)
Distribution and Pricing
Wazzan marketed her rose water as a skincare product, but it could also be used for culinary purposes.
Wazzan’s retail customer was Tea ‘n’ Cake, a cozy café in one of Mersin’s largest shopping centers. She
ii In Arabic, attar refers to someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of medicinal and healthy herbs and other plants and who
uses them to make products, including essences and oils.2-945-000
3Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
supplied the rose water in 50 milliliter (mL) bottles and then the shop branded them with the Tea ‘n’ Cake
name (see Exhibit 3). Tea ‘n’ Cake paid 15 TRY (Turkish lira) for each bottle and sold them to its customers
for 30 TRY.iii
Wazzan’s bulk sales were to a wholesaler that resold her rose water to a cosmetics company based in
the Netherlands. Recently, a Lebanese cosmetics company contacted Wazzan about ordering her product,
signaling additional demand. The wholesale business was attractive because it was simple and efficient; one
customer bought a large volume of product in a single order. For wholesale customers, Wazzan sold the rose
water for 50 TRY per liter, packaged in large glass containers called demijohns.
Wazzan’s largest cost was for the roses. To produce one liter of rose water required one kilogram of
roses, at an average cost of 25 TRY per kilogram. She paid approximately 3 TRY per liter for water and gas
(see Table 1).
Packaging was another key cost. For retail sales, a small glass bottle (50 mL) cost 2 TRY and a one-liter
bottle cost 6 TRY. For wholesale orders, a ten-liter bottle cost 10 TRY and an average order was 30 liters
(see Table 1).
With the purchase of the new machine, she moved production outside her home, renting a facility for
700 TRY per month. This was the only fixed cost she accounted for, as she did not factor in the cost of her
labor (see Table 2).
Table 1
Wazzan’s Variable Costs
Costs to produce one liter of rose water
Item Cost per unit (in TRY)
Roses (1 kilogram) 25
Gas and water (per 1 liter of product) 3
Packaging costs
Item Cost per unit (in TRY)
50-mL bottle 2
1-liter bottle 6
10-liter demijohn 10
Table 2
Wazzan’s Fixed Costs*
Item Cost per month (in TRY)
Rent 700
*Labor is also a cost, but it is not currently being accounted for.
iii As of the writing of this case, 7.5 TRY equaled approximately US$1. So a café customer paid US$4 per bottle.2-945-000
4Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
Revenue from the rose water did not cover costs when factoring in the cost of labor—which included
Wazzan working full-time on the business and her husband and two teenagers working as needed. She had
no employees on payroll.
Expansion Plans
To grow the business, Wazzan was considering three distribution options:
• Wholesale bulk distribution: So far, Wazzan had one steady wholesale customer and one
promising prospect. Between the two, demand could grow steadily. Wazzan thought that, within
a year, these customers might need as much as she could produce, even with the larger machine
she had acquired.
• Distribution to other retailers: Wazzan could expand her business by selling through Tea ‘n’
Cake, as well as by finding additional shops to carry her product. She could sell under her own
brand name instead of by private label, as she did with Tea ‘n’ Cake. The best retail targets would
be cafés, gift shops, upscale food shops, and body care shops.
• Distribution through her own shop: Wazzan thought about opening a small shop in Mersin
where she could sell her products and perhaps those of other Syrian women. Mersin had a large
community of Syrian refugees, a source of both suppliers and customers for the new shop.
Wazzan thought it would be a valuable service to provide other Syrian refugees with a sales
channel for their products. She envisioned selling chocolates, ma’amoul (a filled semolina
cookie), and klijah (a spiced cookie). She also saw this as an opportunity to market her business
to the Turkish community and introduce them to unique offerings from her culture.
Wazzan wondered how to put together a channel strategy, given these options. Now with a business
permit in hand, Wazzan was also wondering if she should invest time in building her own brand. If so, what
would a strategic plan look like?2-945-000
5Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
Exhibit 1
Wazzan with her Rose Water Product
Source: Zeina Wazzan.2-945-000
6Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
Exhibits (cont.)
Exhibit 2
Wazzan’s Production Method
Shown below is Wazzan’s high-capacity extraction machine. It utilizes gas and water supply lines to
generate pressurized steam. The steam then circulates through rose petals contained in the machine and
releases the essential oil from tiny sacs on the petals. The essential oil rises with the steam and passes
through a tube that goes through a cold condensing chamber. The cold temperature changes the steam
back into liquid. The final rose water product drips out of a tube and then collects in a reservoir (the glass
demijohn, shown on the left). The process takes 80 minutes to produce one liter of rose water.
Source: Zeina Wazzan.2-945-000
7Following the Scent to Success to Grow her Rose Water Business: The Case of Zeina Wazzan
Exhibits (cont.)
Exhibit 3
The Rose Water as Packaged by Tea ‘n’ Cake
Source: Zeina Wazzan.2-945-000
Established at the University of Michigan in 1992, the William Davidson Institute
(WDI) is an independent, non-profit research and educational organization focused on
providing private-sector solutions in emerging markets. Through a unique structure
that integrates research, field-based collaborations, education/training, publishing,
and University of Michigan student opportunities, WDI creates long-term value for
academic institutions, partner organizations, and donor agencies active in emerging
markets. WDI also provides a forum for academics, policy makers, business leaders, and
development experts to enhance their understanding of these economies. WDI is one
of the few institutions of higher learning in the United States that is fully dedicated to
understanding, testing, and implementing actionable, private-sector business models
addressing the challenges and opportunities in emerging markets

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