All quarter long you have been working with a partner engaging in the "Did You Read?" Assignment. While you were doing this, I asked that you engage in a series of reflection prompts (copied below).
- How am I feeling when I say "yes" or "no" to the question asking if I read the assigned chapter?
- Is my inclination to avoid the question, make an excuse if I didn't read, be too hard on myself if I didn't read, feel embarrassed to say that I read with confidence, something else?
- How am I feeling when the other person responds "yes" or "no" to the question asking if they read the assigned chapter?
- How did I response to their answer? Is my inclination to avoid a direct response?
- What happens next when someone in the pair said they did not read? How does that interaction shape possible patterns of interaction that might come next?
- What happens when someone in the pair said they did read? How does that interaction impact their motivation going forward?
Final Assignment for 20%
Now that you have completed your last meeting with your partner, please submit to this assignment dropbox a final essay for 10% of your final grade that describes what you have learned about mutual accountability throughout the quarter. Answer the questions:
- What did you learn about yourself during the interactions with your partner?
- What factors, including the specific statements or actions of your partner, increased your motivation to read the chapter each week? Provide specific examples and their effects on you.
- What factors, including the specific statements or actions of your partner, decreased or left unchanged your motivation to read the chapter each week? Provide specific examples and their effects on you.
- And finally, what norms, or accepted and expected patterns of behavior, emerged between you and your partner and what impact did they have on the accountability you felt to yourself and to you partner to read each week?
Alternative Assignment (only if needed)
If you were not able to meet with your partner this quarter due to technical or scheduling difficulties, you may complete the following alternative assignment:
- What were the circumstances that resulted in you not meeting with you partner on this assignment this quarter?
- What is meant by the term mutual accountability?
- What specific factors increase mutual accountability in organizational work teams?
- Do you anticipate that regular meetings with a classmate, as was asked in the assignment, would have increased your motivation to read the chapter each week? Why or why not?
- What specific factors, including the statements or actions of your classmate, do you imagine would have had the greatest positive impact on your motivation to read the chapter each week?
- What specific factors, including the statements or actions of your classmate, do you imagine would have had the greatest negative impact on your motivation to read the chapter each week?
Essays should answer all questions asked and be written in formal language (meaning, please have clear paragraphs and write in an organized fashion with transitions between paragraphs rather than writing how you would speak to another person, which is informal and often has stream of conscious flow). There is no need to have an introduction or conclusion paragraph. Essays should be no more than three pages in length, double spaced.
Assessment Criteria
Essays are graded based on thoroughness in answering all questions, insightfulness and thoughtfulness in written reflections, writing that is clear and includes your underlying logic and rational and specific examples, and your demonstrated ability to meet the essay requirements.