Project—Read and follow these guidelines: • • • The project solution will count 50 pts. and should be prepared using spreadsheets/worksheets as needed. FIRST - Clearly State Your Assumptions on which you based your Project solution. These must be included and labeled clearly in each section of your Project solution, and in total, will produce the majority of the Narrative for your Project. The Project must be uploaded separately from the Presentation to the assignment page in Canvas by 10:00 pm CT on the due date. Each file name must contain the student’s name. Failure to submit all files by the Due Date/Time will result in a 10 pt. penalty per day late beginning with 10:01 pm CT on the Due Date. Early uploads are encouraged, but be certain your work is complete before uploading. (Students should anticipate a lengthy period for the uploading process.) Presentation—Read and follow these guidelines: • • • • • • • Must be presented using PowerPoint slides, or similar presentation media, and last for 15 min. +/- 2 min. The presentation will consist of research and text material on the managerial accounting problem assigned by the teacher and is to be considered an Executive Summary of the Project. Do NOT simply repeat the spreadsheets included in your Project, and do not include too much material on any one slide as this will result in a deduction from your grade. Each slide should be free from errors and easily read by the viewer. DO NOT include hard-to-read spreadsheets from your Project…remember…This Is An Executive Summary. The presentation grade will consist of 50 points assessed by the teacher based on the grading Rubric (sample posted on Canvas). Students should be well-prepared and use the voice-over feature for their PowerPoint slides. Be very sure to embed the sound in the file (Do NOT link to it and do NOT include a separate wav file. Mac files are not acceptable for this project.). Video clips are not expected nor required and should comprise no more than 20% of the time allocated for the presentation. Clips should add value to the overall content in order to avoid a deduction from your grade. All components of the Presentation must be uploaded separately from the Project to the assignment page provided in Canvas by 10:00 pm CT on the due date.