Motivation and Influence
Hackman and Johnson, Chapters 4, 5, & 6
1. Compare and contrast Charismatic and Transformational Leadership.
1. After reading the material on credibility, identify two people: one who is credible and one who is not. Then apply the text material to each one explaining why they have or lack credibility.
1. Analyze your own language to determine how you are being powerful and un-powerful in your communication.
1. Devise a personal plan to increase your influence and power utilizing the material included in the text.
Write the questions out completely and then answer them. This paper should be at least 7 to 10 pages. It may be longer. Be sure that you document the text. Include the page number of the text even when you are paraphrasing. Use the APA method of documentation. Please consult the writing guidelines for the course.
Comprehension and Application Rubric
Applied to Motivation and Influence
Excellent (3)
Acceptable (2)
Unacceptable (1)
Connections to Discipline
Sees (makes) connections across disciplines, perspectives
The paper thoroughly compares and contrasts charismatic versus transformation leadership.
The paper discusses charismatic and transformation leadership, but does not compare and contrast them.
The paper reflects little knowledge of charismatic and transformational leadership.
Connections to Experience
Connects relevant experience and academic knowledge.
The paper describes someone who is credible and someone who is not credible. Then using the material in the text, the student indicates why the person is credible and why the other one is not credible.
The paper describes someone who is credible and someone who is not, but there is little application of the text.
The paper reflects little knowledge of credibility or does not give an example.
Reflection and Self-Assessment
Demonstrates a developing sense of self as a learner, building on prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts (may be evident in self-assessment, reflective, or creative work)
The paper thoroughly analyzes the student’s language to determine if he is being powerful or unpowerful. The paper gives both positive and negative examples of language.
Paper gives personal examples of powerful language, but does not give negative examples.
Paper reflects little analysis of the student’s communication.
Adapts and applies skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations.
The student devises a personal plan which will allow him to motivate and influence his employees. The plan is thorough and comprehensive utilizing much of the material in the text.
The student has a basic plan for increasing his or her influence and motivation. The plan lacks details and development.
The plan for increasing motivation and influence is sketchy.
Integrated Communication
APA format is used accurately and consistently. Paper reflects good grammar, spelling, syntax, and writing technique.
APA format is used accurately most of the time. Paper reflects good grammar, spelling, and writing technique.
APA format is not used to an acceptable level. Paper may include grammar, spelling, documentation, or writing technique problems.