Martha Roger’s theory
Presented by: Ankita.M. Patel First year M.sc Nursing C.M.P College of Nursing
Introduction of theorist
• Born :May 12, 1914, Dallas, Texas, USA • Diploma : Knoxville General Hospital School of Nursing(1936) • Graduation in Public Health Nursing : George Peabody
College, 1937 • MA :Teachers college, Columbia university, New York, 1945 • MPH :Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1952 • Doctorate in nursing :Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, 1954 • Position: Professor at Division of Nursing,
New York University and Consultant, Speaker • Died : March 13 , 1994
Publications of Martha Rogers
• Theoretical basis of nursing (Rogers 1970)
• Nursing science and art :a prospective (Rogers 1988)
• Nursing :science of unitary, irreducible, human beings (Rogers 1990)
• Vision of space based nursing (Rogers 1990)
Introduction of theory
• The belief of the coexistence of the human
and the environment has greatly influenced
the process of change toward better health.
• In short, a patient can’t be separated from his
or her environment when addressing health
and treatment.
• This view lead and opened Martha E. Rogers‘
theory, known as the “Science of Unitary
Human Beings,” which allowed nursing to be
considered one of the scientific disciplines
• Rogers repeatedly stated that she did not
create a "theory" but rather an abstract
system, a science, from which many theories
may be derived.
cont… • The science of unitary human beings
comprises of five assumption, four major concepts and three major principles
• Major concepts are : Energy field, openness, pattern, and pan dimensionality
• Major principles include resonancy , helicy and integrity. It is also known as homeodynamic principles.
Assumptions • Human being is considered as united
• A person and his environment are continuously exchanging energy with each other
• The life process of human being evolves irreversibly and unidirectional i.e from birth to death
• Pattern identifies individuals and reflects their innovative wholeness.
Pattern and organization
• Humans are the only organisms able to think, imagine, have language and emotions
Sentence and thought
Major Concepts
Energy field
Pan- dimensionality
Energy field
• It is inevitable part of life. Human and environment both have energy field which is open i.e. energy can freely flow between human and environment
• There is no boundary or barrier that can inhibit the flow of energy between human and environment which leads to the continuous movement or matter of energy.
• Pattern is defined as the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field perceived as a single waves
• "pattern is an abstraction and it gives identity to the field"
Pan dimensionality
• Pan dimensionality is defined as "non linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes"
• Human being are pan dimensional being and have more than three dimension.
Homeodynamic principles
• Homeodynamics refers to the balance between the dynamic life process and environment.
• These principles help to view human as unitary human being.
• Three principle of homeodynamics – Resonancy
– Helicy
– integrality
1. Resonancy
• Wave patterns are continuously changing in environmental and human energy fields.
2. Helicy
• The nature of change is unpredictable, continuous, and an innovative.
3. Integrality
• Energy fields of humans and environment are in a continuous mutual process.
Roger’s theory and nursing metaparadigm
1. Unitary Human Being (person)
• A unitary human being is open systems which continuously interact with environment. A person cannot be viewed as parts, it should be considered as a whole.
2. Environment
• It includes the entire energy field other than a person.
• These energy fields are irreducible, not limited by space and time, identified by its pattern and organization.
3. Health • Not clearly defined by Rogers. It is determined by
the interaction between energy fields i.e. human and environments.
• Bad interaction or misplacing of energy leads to illness.
4. Nursing • Nursing exists to serve people. • Nursing is both science and art. • It is the direct and overriding responsibility to the
Application of Roger’s theory in nursing
Clinical Practice
Nursing education
Clinical practice • Nursing action is always focused on unitary
human being and change the energy field between human and environment.
• Nursing action include all non-invasive actions such as guided imaginary, humor, therapeutic touch, music etc. which are used to increase the potential of human field.
• The more importance should be on the management of pain, supportive therapy and rehabilitation.
• Example in nursing care plan: • Ritu 22 years old female was admitted in
psychiatric hospital with severe depression secondary to diagnosis of ovarian malignancy. She became tearfull while history taking. Ritu was accompanied by her husband and 1 year old child. Her husband appear anxious but supportive. Ritu was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 2 month ago and underwent surgery for same. From past three week ritu started sitting alone, decreased activity of daily living, repeated crying spells, decreased talk, decreased sleep, neglecting her child care, and also attempted suicide.
Nursing education
• Emphasis should be given on the understanding of the patient and self, energy field and environment.
• Example :
Training should lay more focus on teaching non-invasive modalities such as therapeutic touch, meditation, humor, regular in service education programme etc.
• Rogerian theory has been used in many research
works and has always found testable and
applicable in research.
• Example:-
A study to assess the effectiveness of music
therapy on stress reduction among
postmenopausal women residing in Hudco
Colony, Coimbatore
• A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Yoga
Therapy in Reducing Stress among Primary
Care Givers of Psychiatric Patients.
• Rogers’ concepts provide a worldview from which nurses may derive theories and hypotheses and propose relationships specific to different situations.
• Rogers’ theory is not directly testable due to lack of concrete hypotheses, but it is testable in principle.
• Overall this theory is considered as very complex concept and quite difficult to understand.
• Rogers’ model does not define particular hypotheses or theories for it is an abstract, unified, and highly derived framework.
• Testing the concepts’ validity is questionable because its concepts are not directly measurable.
• The theory was believed to be profound, and was too ambitious because the concepts are extremely abstract.
• Rogers claimed that nursing exists to serve people; however, nurses’ roles were not clearly defined.
Summary and Conclusion
• The Science of Unitary Human Beings is highly generalizable as the concepts and ideas are not confined with a specific nursing approach unlike the usual way of other nurse theorists in defining the major concepts of a theory.
• Rogers gave much emphasis on how a nurse should view the patient. She developed principles which emphasizes that a nurse should view the client as a whole.
• Her statements, in general, made us believe that a person and his or her environment are integral to each other. That is, a patient can’t be separated from his or her environment when addressing health and treatment.
• Bibliography: 1. Basavanthappa BT : “ NURSING THEORIES” ; 1ST Edition 2007 ; Jaypee
brother publication ; New delhi. Page no : 273-285
2. Navdeep kaur brar, “ ADVANCE NURSING PRACTICE”; 1st edition, 2015; jaypee brother publications, new delhi; p.p-615 - 623.
3. Potter and perry : “ FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING”; 7TH edition; Elsevier publication, Nodia. Page no: 66-68.
edition, 2013; Jaypee publications, new delhi.p.p – 277-285
5. Taylor carol : “ FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING” ; 5TH edition RP 2006 ; published by wolters kluwer health pvt Ltd , New delhi. Page no: 77- 81.
• Websites :
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_E._Rogers
– nurseslabs.com/martha-e-rogers-theory-unitary- human-beings
– www.nursing-theory.org/theories-and.../roger- theory-of-unitary-human-beings.php
– nursingtheories.weebly.com/martha-rogers.html
– nsq.sagepub.com/content/1/2/50.refs
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAUyDMIhjyg
– martharogerstheory.blogspot.com/2012/03/mart ha-e-rogers-science-of-unitary.html