Student’s name:
Date: 9/21/18
Table of contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................…... 3
Problem statement.........................................................................................................…...3
Literature review………………………………………………………………..…………3
3.1 The current system ……………………………………………………..…………3
3.2 The proposed system …………………………………………………..…….……4
3.3. Functional requirements ..................................................................................…...4
3.4 Non-functional requirements ………………………………………….………….5
3.5 Expected output ………………………………………………………..............…6
3.6 Tuition Centre Management System (TCMS) Significance……………………....6
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………...….….….6
References ………………………………………………………………………….…..…7
Paying bills and school fees in Marymount University are transacted through bank drafts, Electronic Transfer (EFT) and cash deposits to the campus’s accounts via specific bank branches. According to Elmasri & Navathe (2016), “nearly every business, the simple act of collecting payments from consumers is actually quite complex. Organizations want to make it easy and convenient for customers to pay, so they offer multiple choices of payment types and channels”. Therefore, the project presents a substitute system that allows students to secure pay school fees and their sponsors to easily transfer money to college accounts.
Problem statement
The current model of paying bills and schools in Marymount University through bank drafts, Electronic Transfer (EFT) and cash deposits have caused long queues, scholars missing to sit for their examinations and continuous assessment tests, and loss of money projected for paying fees while waiting to reach bank counters to make payment among others. Addressing this problem, a developed system by the university is proposed to enable learners and their sponsors to securely pay university fees online from whenever they are using credit and debit cards.
Literature review
The current system
Recording, monitoring, and reporting on student’s fees payment and other financial transactions in the University of Marymount have been made effective and efficient by the use of financial information system (FINIS). Cash deposits, electronic funds transfer, and bank drafts are the methods used by the students in fees payment which is later reflected in FINIS that integrates with Academic Records Information System (ARIS) and later provided information on students. These methods used in fees payment though has their challenges especially during examinations and tests period when many students are paying fees as a requirement for entering the examination rooms. There have been long queues witnessed in such like times and students have to make long queues in banks. Due to this problem, some students are caught up with time and they fail to sit for their exams as they wait to pay for their fees. It has been noted that this system has resulted to too much cost as well as a lot of time being consumed when transferring and withdrawing money each time the student’s fees are paid by their sponsors since money transfer has to be done to specific bank branches.
Proposed system
Some additional channel for fees payment could be an alternative, Where Tuition Center Management System (TCMS) shall integrate with the already existing systems, FINIS and ARIS. TCMS enables students and their sponsors to pay their university fees online by simply using their debit and credit cards online comfortably and securely from wherever they are. The main aim of this system is to reduce the number of students that miss their exams as a result of long queues in the banking hall. This system will also reduce the time used and the cost of sponsors and students abroad since initially they had to transfer money to the students and later it is transferred to the university.
Functional requirements
i. TCMS accepts valid input of registered learners “payment details from users the specified amount in each transaction.”
ii. The TCMS shall accept valid input of registered students‟ payment details from users intending to pay fees online.”
iii. Fees payment transaction shall be processed by the system to allow scholar’s fees account to be credited with the quantified amount in each transaction.
iv. Through the university financial information system (FINIS), the TCMS shall link student’s fees payments details for each transaction
v. Every transaction by the system, a receipt will be processed as a proof that transaction was made.
vi. The system will show students and their sponsors how to transact through online.
vii. The finance officers will be able to access transaction information from the system.
viii. Students shall be in a position to get feedbacks of their transaction status.
ix. The system shall be able to produce payment reports to finance officers.
Non-Functional Requirements
i. The system should have a standard graphical user interface that allows for the online data entry, editing, and deleting of data with much ease.
ii. The system should produce reports in different forms such as tables and graphs for easy visualization by management.
iii. The system should provide easy, navigable and user-friendly interfaces.
iv. The system should be easy to learn by both sophisticated and novice users.
v. The system should be accessible to online users.
vi. The system should be secure.
vii. The system should always be available online at all times.
viii. The system should be fast as customers always need speed.
ix. The system should be compatible with different platforms.
x. The system should be easy to maintain.
Expected Output
The tuition center management system will secure the management system and ease the management of the tuition center. The system will have the ability to handle simple system tasks like add, erase, modernize and search, will be user approachable by the use of menu bar and simple to comprehend. Time and cost will be minimized as the staff will retrieve information quicker and the system will have the ability to calculate the fee and allow some discount to regular students. The tuition center management system will have some security to identify terminated records, staff log in procedure and incorrect format information inputs.
Input-process-output approach
3.3 Payment details in each transaction
Registered learner
Users specified amount in a specific transaction
Display accepted fee message
3.5 Expected Output
Submit requirement
Calculate fee and allow dicount
Display acceptance fee message
Tuition Centre Management System (TCMS) Significance
Tuition Centre Management system may be used to substitute the manual system thereby assisting the staff in order to manage the students, subject, and the payment details without the use of paperwork. This type of management system to be used adds records, shows the records, discards, revise the records and helps to search the record purposes. The management system can be integrated meaning only a single staff can control it. Tuition management system will develop the data tracing procedures by only typing the information he/she requires and within a short time, it is revealed. Safety and security of the data kept inside the system will be guaranteed because it is only the staff that can use this system as it requires login password and username. The tuition Centre management system can also be used to avoid terminated information because it has a detector to reveal if related data existed in the folder.
The project’s problem statement designates the problem connected to why should this system be established. By replacing and improving the management system, less manual work will be needed in the process of collecting, handling and maintaining information. The project has typically shown the importance of developing an online fees payment system that offers a relief of the long suffered problems of the existing modes of payment fees in Marymount University. A solution was designed (TCMS) for students and their sponsors to transfer money with easiness. TCMS is a developed web-based system that allows both students and their sponsors to pay school fees wherever they are using credit and debit cards. No one could hesitate from adopting TCMS system in the university because it is designed to solve problems and improve conditions related to school fees payment in Marymount University. This primer has significantly achieved the proposed primary objective of replacing manual university fees with a developed online system (TCMS), which is tested and validated with real users. Thus, it was proved that this online system was fit to be implemented.
Casalo, L. V., Flavián, C., & Guinalíu, M. (2007). The role of security, privacy, usability, and reputation in the development of online banking. Online Information Review, 31(5), 583-603.
Elmasri, R., & Navathe, S. (2016). Fundamentals of database systems. London: Pearson.
Isaac, J. T., & Sherali, Z. (2014). Secure mobile payment systems. IT Professional, 16(3), 36-43.