MAT 140 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Overview The practical applications of the precalculus topics you will work to master in this course are too numerous to name: Many professionals in fields such as engineering, aeronautics, and even medical research use these principles on a daily basis to perform critical functions in our modern world. As you will learn in your weekly readings, precalculus concepts enable everything from your GPS to your trust in the efficacy of your medications. The final project for this course is the creation of three precalculus problem walkthroughs. Your instructor will assign you a set of three problems to solve in a specific template in Module Six. Each problem set will contain one trigonometric functions problem, one trigonometric identities proof, and one trigonometric word problem. Using the provided template, you will create a final walkthrough document that illustrates your process for solving each problem. In this way, you will defend the validity of your solutions and demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate using precalculus notations, conventions, and terminology. The project includes two milestones, which are important opportunities for you to practice solving and walking the reader through problems similar to those in your final project problem set. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Four and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
MAT-140-04: Defend the validity of solutions to precalculus application problems by employing the mathematical process.
MAT-140-05: Communicate mathematical solutions by appropriately utilizing precalculus notations, conventions, and terminology.
Prompt Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).
I. Trigonometric Functions Problem A. Establish a context for the problem by explaining in your own words the course principles that apply: What are the relationships between theta
and the lengths of the sides of the triangle? Be sure to correctly use the appropriate terminology in your explanation. [MAT-140-05] B. Apply the mathematical process to solve the problem: [MAT-140-04]
1. Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the third side of the triangle. 2. Write out the six trigonometric functions related to theta in exact form.
C. Clearly state the answer using appropriate precalculus notations. [MAT-140-05]
II. Trigonometric Identities Proof: Format your response using the provided template. A. Indicate each step of your process in the “Statement” column: [MAT-140-04]
1. Identify the problem statement. 2. Correctly use appropriate identities and/or theorems. 3. Correctly use the algebraic process. 4. Identify the final statement.
B. Defend your process by identifying the appropriate explanation for each process step in the “Rule” column. [MAT-140-04]
III. Trigonometric Word Problem A. Articulate your overall approach to solving this problem before tackling the details. In other words, think about what the question is actually
asking, which pieces of information are relevant, and how you can use what you have learned to fill in the missing pieces. [MAT-140-04] B. Apply the mathematical process to solve the problem: [MAT-140-04]
1. Interpret the word problem to identify any missing information. 2. Translate the word problem into an equation. 3. Appropriately use the order of operations and appropriate trigonometric rules or functions to determine the solution. 4. Check your work by ensuring that the known properties of triangles are met.
C. Summarize the solution in the terms of the original question using appropriate conventions of precalculus. [MAT-140-05]
Milestones Milestone One: First Practice Problem Walkthrough In Module Four, you will submit your first practice problem walkthrough. You will solve a similar trigonometric functions problem for your final project. This is an important opportunity to practice walking a reader through a solution, and to gain feedback prior to submitting your final project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Second Practice Problem Walkthrough In Module Five, you will submit your second practice problem walkthrough. In this milestone, you will create a trigonometric identities proof similar to the one you will ultimately need to develop in your final project. This is an important opportunity to practice walking a reader through a proof, and to gain feedback prior to submitting your final project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Final Submission: Final Problem Walkthroughs In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project prompt. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your final submission should be 3–4 pages in length, including a cover page, and written in APA format: Use 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Trigonometric Functions Problem:
Terminology [MAT-140-05]
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated ability to communicate mathematical solutions using precalculus terminology (100%)
Establishes a context for the problem by accurately explaining the course principles that apply using appropriate terminology (85%)
Establishes a context for the problem, but fails to fully or accurately explain the course principles that apply using appropriate terminology (55%)
Does not establish a context for the problem (0%)
Trigonometric Functions Problem:
Mathematical Process [MAT-140-04]
Correctly applies the mathematical process to solve the problem (100%)
Applies the mathematical process to solve the problem, but there are gaps in logic or accuracy (55%)
Does not apply the mathematical process to solve the problem (0%)
Trigonometric Functions Problem:
Precalculus Notations [MAT-140-05]
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated ability to communicate mathematical solutions using precalculus notations (100%)
Clearly states the answer to the problem using appropriate precalculus notations (85%)
States the answer to the problem, but fails to clearly or appropriately use precalculus notations (55%)
Does not state the answer to the problem (0%)
Trigonometric Identities Proof:
Statement Column [MAT-140-04]
Indicates each step of the process in the “Statement” column, including the problem statement, appropriate intermediate steps, and the final statement (100%)
Indicates steps of the process in the “Statement” column, but fails to fully or accurately include the problem statement, appropriate intermediate steps, or the final statement (55%)
Does not indicate steps of the process in the “Statement” column (0%)
Trigonometric Identities Proof: Rule
Column [MAT-140-04]
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced ability to defend the validity of mathematical solutions (100%)
Defends the process by identifying the appropriate explanation for each process step in the “Rule” column (85%)
Defends the process, but fails to fully or accurately identify the appropriate explanation for each process step in the “Rule” column (55%)
Does not defend the process in the “Rule” column (0%)
Trigonometric Word Problem: Overall
Approach [MAT-140-04]
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into the mathematical process (100%)
Articulates an overall approach to solving the problem, including what the question is actually asking, which pieces of information are relevant, and how to fill in the missing pieces (85%)
Articulates an overall approach to solving the problem, but fails to fully or accurately address what the question is actually asking, which pieces of information are relevant, or how to fill in the missing pieces (55%)
Does not articulate an overall approach to solving the problem (0%)
Trigonometric Word Problem:
Mathematical Process [MAT-140-04]
Correctly applies the mathematical process to solve the problem (100%)
Applies the mathematical process to solve the problem, but there are gaps in logic or accuracy (55%)
Does not apply the mathematical process to solve the problem (0%)
Trigonometric Word Problem: Conventions
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated ability to communicate mathematical solutions using precalculus conventions (100%)
Summarizes the solution in the terms of the original question using appropriate conventions of precalculus (85%)
Summarizes the solution, but fails to fully or accurately use the terms of the original question or apply appropriate conventions of precalculus (55%)
Does not summarize the solution (0%)
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format (100%)
Submission has no major errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization (85%)
Submission has major errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas (55%)
Submission has critical errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas (0%)
Total 100%